Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2293 Battalion Commander, Your Clothes

Chapter 2293 Battalion Commander, Your Clothes

After a few days, Liu Ji came to tell Yang Fei with a smile, "Battle Commander, I have good news for you!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "What good news, tell me!"

"Some female soldiers were recruited just now!" Liu Ji smiled.

"Female soldiers?" Yang Fei was a little surprised, "Why do you want female soldiers? You go and let them be nurses. Those who fight in war will be injured, and nurses can also help soldiers!"

"I said it!" Liu Ji said, "But those female soldiers don't care at all!"

"Don't care about what? Don't care about your own safety? Don't care about the lives of other soldiers? Or don't you care about the regulations of the Eighth Route Army?"

"No, their intention is to go to war, not to work in logistics!" Liu Ji said.

"What else?" Yang Fei asked a little strangely.

"That's right, that's what they said!" Liu Ji wanted to laugh, "According to me, let's recruit them!"

"Let's go, I'll take a look!" Yang Fei said.

Following Liu Ji to Huoguang Village, there was a row of women standing in the village. They saw Yang Fei approaching and asked, "Are you the biggest official here?"

Yang Fei said, "Yes, I am!"

"We want to be soldiers, can you make the decision?" asked a woman in the lead.

It's amazing that this woman can't speak a word. It's unbelievable to directly say that they want to serve as soldiers.

"Of course I can be a soldier, but you have to think clearly. I think the battlefield is a man's business. If you women want to be a soldier, you can only be a medical staff and be responsible for healing the wounded soldiers!" Yang Fei said .

"Sir, I think what you said is a bit biased. Why should we women work in the logistics?"

"What's your name?" Yang Fei looked at her and asked.

"My name is Zhang Xiu'er!" Zhang Xiu'er raised the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, Zhang Xiu'er, listen to me, I don't look down on lesbians, you know, it's a man's business to be in the army, you lesbians, just be responsible for helping gay men!" Yang Fei said.

"What if we insist on going to war?" Zhang Xiu'er continued to ask.

"This..." Yang Fei was a little embarrassed.

"If you don't let us fight, it means you look down on us women, okay, then I'll go to your leader for a review!" After saying that, Zhang Xiu'er turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop!" Yang Fei roared. "What are you doing? If you want to be a soldier, then be a soldier. That's enough, Liu Ji, you are responsible for registering these lesbians!" After saying that, Yang Fei left.

"Yes, Battalion Commander!" As he said that, Liu Ji asked someone to quickly register the names of several women.

At noon, Yang Fei had eaten and was resting on the bed when he heard someone knocking on the door. Yang Fei opened his eyes, feeling a little displeased.

When I opened the door, I happened to see today's female soldier——Zhang Xiuer.

Zhang Xiuer came in with a smile, holding a few pancakes, "Hello, Battalion Commander, I'm Zhang Xiuer!"

"Hello, this is..." Zhang Xiuer smiled and put the pancakes on the table.

"Battalion Commander, I made this, I wanted to bring you some food!" Zhang Xiu'er seemed to have burned her hand, and pulled her earlobe hastily.

"No need, I've already eaten!" Yang Fei said.

"Battalion Commander, all our female soldiers made this for you, try it, it's delicious!" Zhang Xiu'er looked at Yang Fei with a smile.

In fact, Zhang Xiu'er still looks quite quiet, but sometimes she feels a little righteous, and Yang Fei can't help it, so she just tore off a corner with her hands, put it in her mouth, and nodded quickly, "Well, it's really good! This is what you guys did. ?”

"That's right, we made it all ourselves!" Zhang Xiu'er looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "It's delicious, so eat more!"

"Okay, I'll eat when I'm hungry! Zhang Xiu'er, since you have joined the Eighth Route Army, you must abide by the rules and regulations of the Eighth Route Army! Do you remember?" Yang Fei asked.

"Understood!" Zhang Xiuer glanced at Yang Fei with a smile, and at this moment, Zhang Xiuer suddenly saw that one button of Yang Fei's clothes was suddenly missing, and the other button was crumbling.

"battalion commander!"

Zhang Xiuer shouted, Yang Fei looked at her, "What's wrong?"

"Commander, the buttons of your clothes..."

"I lost it a long time ago, I don't know where it went!" Yang Fei said.

"Shall I sew it for you?" Zhang Xiu'er was about to take off Yang Fei's clothes.

"Don't, don't be so troublesome!" Yang Fei said quickly.

"It's okay, it's easy for me!" That Zhang Xiu'er tore Yang Fei's clothes.

"Battalion Commander!" Liu Ji shouted outside, and when he entered the door, he couldn't help but blush when he saw such a scene, and then smiled, "Battalion Commander, excuse me, I'll go out and wait!"

"Bring me back!"

Although Yang Fei shouted, Liu Ji still ran out!
"Battalion Commander, let me sew it for you. The buttons of the clothes are off, and you are the one who suffers from the cold!" Zhang Xiu'er tore her clothes and shouted.

"You really don't need to trouble yourself!" Yang Fei stopped Zhang Xiu'er and said.

"Battalion Commander, since we are all Eighth Route Army soldiers, don't be afraid, I can also do needlework! It's no trouble!" Zhang Xiuer pulled Yang Fei's clothes, only to hear a "tear" sound.

Yang Fei's clothes were torn in half!

"Ouch!" Zhang Xiu'er yelled, "Battalion Commander, I'm really sorry!"

"Zhang Xiu'er, hurry up and leave! Look at you, the clothes that were originally good are torn now!" Yang Fei was really angry.

"Battalion Commander, I'll sew it for you!" Zhang Xiu'er tried to grab it, but ended up throwing herself into Yang Fei's arms.

"Oops!" Yang Fei frowned, he could usually yell at other people, but he never yelled at lesbians.

Just at this time, Shen Ling came in. Seeing the situation in front of her, Shen Ling was a little astonished. She was stunned for three seconds, then turned around and ran away.

"Shen Ling!" Yang Fei shouted, but Zhang Xiu'er pulled Yang Fei's clothes, "Battle Commander, I'll sew clothes for you!"

"Okay, stop sewing, I beg you, get out of my place quickly!" Yang Fei said.

"You'll catch a cold if you go out like this, Battalion Commander, I'll get you some clothes!"

Before Zhang Xiu'er could get her clothes, Yang Fei ran out the door, saw Liu Ji not far away, and hurriedly asked, "Have you seen Reporter Shen?"

"No, what happened to reporter Shen?" Liu Ji asked.

"Find it quickly, the sooner the better!" Yang Fei shouted.

At this time, Zhang Xiu'er behind her was still chasing Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, your clothes, your clothes!"

She is like a tail, no matter how you shake it, you can't shake it off!
"Reporter Shen! Reporter Shen!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

"Battle Commander, your clothes!" Zhang Xiu'er kept chasing him and shouting.

Yang Fei turned his head and glanced at Zhang Xiu'er, she was chasing him in the wind, was it a ghost?no, what is that?
(End of this chapter)

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