Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2302 I want to go up the mountain

Chapter 2302 I want to go up the mountain
"Yang Battalion Commander, shoot if you have the ability. I, Leopard, have never done anything bad in my life, and the food I robbed is also the devil's. If you kill me today, my brothers will not spare you! "The leopard said threateningly.

He has this confidence in his heart, but he still doesn't understand what is on this mountain. If he had understood, he would not have made this decision here.

Upon hearing this, Da Guang immediately took out his pistol, "What do you want to do?"

With this sound, all the surrounding soldiers raised their guns to point at the leopard and the brothers around him.

After all, Yang Fei's people are numerous, and they want to show off their power here, but they are still a little tender. Leopard's wish is simple, just wanting to know why he is not allowed to go to the top of the mountain, and Yang Fei's purpose is quite clear, just not to let him go to the top of the mountain. Leopard up!
The two groups of people stared wide-eyed, and both had a feeling of seeing death as home!

"Leopard, aren't you amazing? Come on, take out your gun, let's compare who has the fastest bullet and who will fall first!" Yang Fei said loudly.

Leopard squinted his eyes. He didn't know that he was now in the Eighth Route Army. Talking to his leaders like this would definitely offend them. His brothers were already a lot less. If the Eighth Route Army took care of them again, wouldn't it be Die very useless?

Leopard stretched out his hand, and said slowly, "Brothers, put away your guns, this is now the territory of the Eighth Route Army!"

At this time, Yu Aiguo came down from the top of the mountain, and asked quickly, "What are you going to do, put down all your guns!"

Putting the gun down, Yu Aiguo looked at Leopard and Yang Fei, both of them looked at each other without blinking their glasses.

"Why? What are they all doing? They are all soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, they are all revolutionary soldiers. Are they trying to rebel?" Yu Aiguo asked loudly.

"Instructor, I don't think I'm suitable for the Eighth Route Army anymore. Look, so many people are pointing guns at us, and they really treat us like bandits! Hehe..."

The leopard villain first filed a complaint.

Yu Aiguo walked up to Yang Fei, looked at him, and then at Leopard, "Deputy Battalion Commander, what are you doing?"

"I have something to say to the battalion commander, but I was stopped by these people. I think I am a deputy battalion commander anyway. What do you mean, I also have the right to go up the mountain and report my work to the battalion commander?" Leopard asked .

Yu Aiguo frowned, "Comrade Leopard, have you forgotten what we learned last time?"

"Instructor, what's the difference between our learning and my going up the mountain?" Leopard asked.

"Obey the party's command and leadership, obey the orders of your superiors! Comrade Leopard, if you have something to do, you can find someone to report to the battalion commander. The battalion commander will naturally let you come up. If you want to come up the mountain, if it were me, I wouldn't let you up!" Yu Aiguo said.

"I just want to know why I can't go up the mountain!" Yu Aiguo asked.

"Comrade Leopard, you are the deputy battalion commander. There are some things you should know, and some things you can't!" Yu Aiguo understood what Yang Fei meant. Wasn't he just temporarily guarding against his status as a bandit?The reason why he is not allowed to go up the mountain is to prevent him from telling about the arsenal here.

"Instructor, you are all together, you are dealing with us alone? In this case, why can Liu Ji and Shouhou both go up the mountain? I can't even go up the mountain as a deputy battalion commander?" Leopard shook his head, "To put it bluntly, Don’t you just think we’re bandits here? All right, since you don’t want to take us in! Okay, let’s go now!” Saying this, Leopard turned around and left.

His brothers were leaving after him. ,

Yu Aiguo shouted, "Bastards! You are all bastards! Leopard, do you think the Eighth Route Army can take you in at will? If you burn, kill, loot and do all kinds of crimes, the Eighth Route Army will choose you? If you don't wait for the trial, you are considered light. I, Yu Aiguo Now I understand that you, Leopard, are just such a person, you will shrink back when encountering a little trouble, think about it, you left here, did you go to join the Japanese?"

"Then why not?" Leopard turned his head to look at Yu Aiguo, "I heard your routine remarks with sincerity. You want all the thoughts and souls of me to join you? But you don't know , My leopard has brains too!"

"You have a brain?" Yang Fei asked.

"You have the brains to play tricks here? If you have the brains, you won't talk about leaving the Eighth Route Army easily! It's easy for you to leave, but if you still want to come back, there is absolutely no place to let you go!" Yu Yu Patriotic said.

The leopard stopped, and he hesitated in place. He didn't understand that all the things here were gathered here. If he left, where could he go?He thought about it, or he would be a bandit on the mountain, but how do we fight these people and these guns?The fire stick was on the side, then looked at Yu Aiguo and asked.

"Instructor, our deputy battalion commander lost his composure. I'm really sorry. We apologize to everyone for what we said just now. However, no one can understand why everyone else can go up the mountain, except our deputy battalion commander. He just wanted to understand why everyone did this!" asked the fire stick.

"Do you want to know?" Yu Aiguo walked up to Leopard, "If you want to know, just follow me!" Yang Fei looked at Yu Aiguo, and then asked, "Instructor, don't miss it!"

Yu Aiguo smiled, "If I don't let him come up, I will make a mistake if he leaves! Since the regiment headquarters believes in Leopard, I think there is no reason for us not to trust him. Doesn't he want to come up? Okay, then Just let him come up!"

After giving Leopard a step down, he will naturally continue.

Turn around and follow Yu Aiguo up the mountain.

The brothers behind him followed, but Yang Fei quickly asked someone to stop him, "It's fine to go in alone, but you all want to go in? Impossible!" Yang Fei said.

The leopard turned to look at them, "You guys wait outside for a while, I'll be right out!"

Bringing the leopard in, Yu Aiguo could only stop him outside the cave.

"Comrade Leopard, I'm really sorry. I brought you up the mountain, and I can't let you see it in the cave. As for why we do this, you know it yourself. We are now in a project with a research and development project. Therefore, anyone None of them can go in, even if the battalion commander wants to go in, he has to tell me first! You mentioned Liu Ji and Shouhou, they are also strictly limited to guarding the mountain pass!" Yu Aiguo said.

The leopard looked around. Apart from the caves, there were several rows of rooms.

Yu Aiguo pointed, "From here on, these rooms are all in charge of the battalion commander alone, and I don't ask too much. I think, if you want to come up, we won't let you into the cave!"

Leopard understands that patriotism is at least towards him!

(End of this chapter)

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