Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2305 Simulated War

Chapter 2305 Simulated War
"However, this cannot be an excuse for you to leave!" Li Jiguang said.

"Leader, don't say anything. He can fight devils, so I can still fight devils. If you don't mind, let me go to another company. I will still perform well!" Leopard said.

"The others are all fully staffed, and I can't let you form a new battalion! In other words, how can you stay, kid?"; Li Jiguang is still reluctant to part with this good fighter.

After all, there are not many good fighters who can fight devils. He likes people who dare to fight devils desperately. He wants to pull them into the army. If this is the case, he will kill more devils when he fights devils in the future .

"Hey, Captain, you still don't want to let me go!" Leopard said.

"In this way, I am the master, and the previous things will be written off, how about it?" Li Jiguang asked.

"It's written off, and I don't have to stay with Yang Fei, unless..." Leopard looked at Li Jiguang, and there was something in his words.

"Tell me, tell me if you have anything, I can help you solve it, I will definitely solve it!" Li Jiguang said.

"That's it. If I'm allowed to stay, I'll be the battalion commander. I believe that the battalion I lead will definitely become a model for the regiment! How about it?" Leopard said in a loud tone.

Li Jiguang also followed suit, "Well, I know you don't want to be the company commander, even if Yang Fei makes you the deputy battalion commander, you still feel aggrieved, but how many years has Yang Fei been the battalion commander, I don't want to It is impossible to replace him casually, unless you have some real ability to convince Yang Fei, if you two admire and admire Yang Fei more, I will let him be the battalion commander, how about it?"

"Okay!" Leopard said directly, "This matter is easy to handle. I will bring my people and let Yang Fei bring a team. Our two families will have a competition. Whoever wins will be the battalion commander. If someone loses, how about just confessing and becoming a soldier?"

"What you said is exactly what I want, let's go, let's find Yang Fei together!" Li Jiguang said.

"Let's go!" Leopard said, and followed Li Jiguang away.

Leopard actually understands that with his ability, he can make his brother live a good life, but after all, it won't work without a backer. If he can find an official position in the Eighth Route Army, it will be regarded as a great event for his family Yes, and secondly, let the brothers follow suit!

Arriving at Yang Fei's command post, Yang Fei turned around and saw Li Jiguang and Leopard coming in.

"Head, how is it? Solved?" Yang Fei asked.

"Well, Comrade Leopard has an opinion, let's come over and talk to you!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay, let's talk about it, I, Yang Fei, haven't been afraid of anything, but if I confess to him and apologize to him, we won't talk about it!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Leopard, let's talk about it!" Li Jiguang said.

The leopard took a step forward, then raised his head and spoke out his thoughts.

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, "Battalion Commander Yang, what do you think?"

"I think it's okay, but head, we can't modify this agreement at will!" Yang Fei said.

"Can't be modified at will?" Li Jiguang asked.

"That's right, whoever loses should become a soldier. We can't keep raising opinions and want to be promoted. After all, we fight devils not for promotion and wealth, not for ourselves, but for the people of the world! This is the original intention of our Eighth Route Army. Without this original intention, everything is nonsense!" Yang Fei said.

"I promise you this, if any of you loses, you will be a soldier directly. Of course I will tell the difference myself!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay, I agree, whoever loses, just don't cry!" Leopard said.

"Okay!" Yang Fei said, "Then tell me, how do we compare, let's talk about the relevant content in advance, don't be anxious at that time, if anyone fouls, he will be out of the game!"

"Okay!" Leopard said, "One of my brothers said something very interesting in the military camp of the national army, that is, the coalition confrontation, each has two camps, red and blue, and if you win the opponent's camp, you lose. , I also thought about it, our brothers will be the blue camp, you will be the red camp, and then we will be the attackers and you will be the defenders. Within a day, the result we want is to seize the opponent's command post Of course, the command post can't tell you where it is in advance, anyway, it's around Huoguang Village!"

"That's very interesting!" Yang Fei said, "Then as the defender, can I attack?" Yang Fei asked.

"Let's take two o'clock in the afternoon as the turning point. Since we have few people, we have an advantage of two hours! After two o'clock in the afternoon, you will become the attacker and we will be the defender! On time at twelve o'clock at night How about the end?"

It is really understandable for Leopard to say this, and Yang Fei naturally agreed, "Okay, fair, if this is the case, when will it start?"

"Just after twelve o'clock tonight is the beginning of the simulated war. You can't put live ammunition in the gun. You can use lime bombs as an attack. As long as you leave a lime mark on your body, it will be considered a sacrifice. In order to prevent random changes in the base camp, I suggest that the head of the regiment send someone to guard our base camp, with a red and blue flag as a symbol!"

"Okay, well said, if I, Yang Fei, don't agree with your plan, I'm too inhuman!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay! Then it's a deal!" Leopard said.

"I have something to add!" Yang Fei said, "Your people will not be able to come up the mountain within one day tomorrow, because this is a restricted area! It is impossible for our base camp to be placed here, so don't worry!" Yang Fei said.

"Also, the base camp can be placed in a village, but it can't cause people to panic! You can't trample on food and crops at will, and you can't cause non-combat attrition of personnel!" Yang Fei added a few points.

"Yes, these points are very important!" Li Jiguang said, "The wheat is already looking green, don't trample on it!"

"Well, that's OK. Our range is counted from the county seat in the east, we can't enter the county seat, we reach Wofo Mountain in the west, Lijiagou in the south, and we are Huoguang Village in the north. How about it?"

As soon as this range came out, Yang Fei also nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

In this way, the two reached an agreement, which made everyone think it was a good sign, no matter who wins or loses, it is a gentleman's agreement!

As a middleman, Li Jiguang was very happy to hear their plan, "Very good, if you can tell this matter calmly, then you will be able to cooperate better in your work in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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