Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2313, to explain

Chapter 2313, to explain
With Yang Fei's appearance, it's not that he wanted something from Shen Wanxi, what else could this be?
Shen Wanxi knew about Yang Feixiu, but Shen Wanxi didn't know about this matter.

He hurriedly asked, "Lao Yang, what are you talking about! I admit that my focus was not on the militia!" Shen Wanxi said, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"I, Yang Fei, don't lack these guns of yours. Don't worry that I will ask you for something. I, Yang Fei, don't like your stupid things!" Yang Fei said.

"Yang Fei, what exactly do you want?" Shen Wanxi didn't understand, since Yang Fei didn't want anything, what else could he want to do?
Da Guang and Leopard didn't know what Yang Fei was going to do. If they took advantage of this matter to blackmail Shen Wanxi, he wouldn't be able to give anything, but Yang Fei didn't want it.

"Shen Gouzi, what do you mean, you can feel at ease if I ask you for something, right?" Yang Fei asked.

"You can say that!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Hehe!" Yang Fei smiled, "Your boy is born with a cheap look, I don't care about your broken guns." Yang Fei said, "I want to ask you something!" Yang Fei asked.

"Okay, you ask!" Shen Wanxi put his hands behind his back, and in his camp, he didn't have to worry about Yang Fei making jokes.

"How do you feel about fighting the devil this time?" Yang Fei asked.

"Not much, what's the difference?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Your opponent this time is not an ordinary person!" Yang Fei said, "It's my old opponent, Ito Ichiro!"

"Ichiro Ichiro?" Shen Wanxi is no stranger to this person. He attacked Yang Fei's residence at night, and made Yang Fei helpless. This Ito, no need to be an opponent, should feel lucky that he didn't meet him. .

"Yes, so, I want to ask you how it feels to fight Ito!" Yang Fei asked.

"Yang Fei, why didn't you say so earlier?" Shen Wanxi hurriedly asked, "When was this Ito transferred here?"

"I also forgot to tell you last time. You said you wanted to fight, so I agreed. This time, if Ito takes revenge, I'll see what will happen to you!" Yang Fei said.

Yang Fei glanced at Shen Wanxi, and began to think in his heart, why did Jing Teng come here? Is there a special mission, or?

"Lao Yang, it's useless for you to say these things now, you have to give me an idea!" Shen Wanxi said hastily.

This is exactly what Yang Fei wants to see. Shen Wanxi is amazing. His narrow-mindedness and cleverness may be a little elusive in the eyes of other Japanese commanders, but when he meets Ito, this person will study your character carefully. He is not only a commander, but also a psychiatrist.

Shen Wanxi's worry was not superfluous, but just in case, he wanted Yang Fei's solution!

In Shen Wanxi's heart, she was very worried about this.

"In this case, let's go, I'll go to your headquarters and talk to you properly!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, let's go!"

In this way, Yang Fei entered his command post. After entering, Yang Fei saw that there were indeed good things in the command post. Although they were all weapons and equipment that were usually seen, for Shen Gouzi, this was a big deal. A small fortune.

No matter what, Shen Wanxi won.

As soon as he sat down, Shen Wanxi couldn't wait to ask, "Old Yang, tell me quickly, how can I defend myself?"

Yang Fei asked in front of the map, "Old Shen, in the past, I, Yang Fei, would definitely ask you for something to settle the matter, but now is a special moment, if I, Yang Fei, would appear inhuman if I did that, could it be that I Yang Fei is jealous that you are fighting?"

"I know you're not, so hurry up and tell me, what should I do with my defense?" Shen Wanxi was a little anxious.

"Okay, let's look at the map!" Shen Wanxi hurried over.

"Your headquarters is here. Although this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, there is a fatal flaw. If the devil blocks this road, look, it is this road, which means you have no Looking back, although you have made a small fortune, if the devils concentrate their firepower on you, your base will become the enemy's shooting range, and if they bomb randomly, your battalion will suffer!"

"You mean, I need to hurry up and do the fortification?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"How many fortifications do you need to allow your battalion to get in? Shen Gouzi, your old man is so stubborn, why don't you think of other ways?" Yang Fei asked.

"Lao Yang, I'm asking you this! Tell me quickly!" Shen Wanxi looked at Yang Fei anxiously.

"Look here!" Yang Fei said.He pointed to a village, "Your base is not far from this village. Although your battalion seems to be very hidden here for the time being, the devils must be able to see it. This village is different. You must Send at least one company to station here. If the devils want to come here to cut, your company will play a role. In addition, you also need to prepare a company to come from this Heifengkou. Heifengkou is a place with a thin line of sky. Guard with a machine gun, and you don't even think about passing. So, you must also guard the place of Heifengkou!" Yang Fei said.

Shen Wanxi nodded, "That's right, this saves a lot of work!"

"Don't think about fortifications. In war, it's not right for you to always want to hide. In war, you have to take the initiative. Shen Gouzi, I really envy you can be here. If only I, Yang Fei, were here!" Yang Fei shook his head, "It's just a pity that the head doesn't let us come here!"

"Old Yang, tell me, what are you going to do?" Shen Wanxi could feel from Yang Fei's tone that he must do something, but the current him didn't have anything to explain.

Yang Fei looked at Shen Wanxi, "I, Yang Fei, have always wanted to take revenge. I, Yang Fei, think it's a lot of fun to be against Ito!"

"You haven't been hurt by Ito!" Shen Wanxi said.

"You are wrong about this sentence. This guy Jing Teng really has a brush. I, Yang Fei, was once his defeated opponent. I admit that I must not be her opponent in some respects, but I am not afraid to fight him. Fight!" Yang Fei said, "If there is a chance, I will definitely fight him and let him see how good I am Yang Fei!"

"Haha, Lao Yang, if you say that, you must have a solid idea in your heart. You don't need to leave the station, you can just direct me. Come, tell me what you think!"

Shen Wanxi said.

"Ito Ichiro will not suffer from boredom. For you, Ito may be no different from other Japanese commanders, but for me, Ito is a smiling obstacle in my body. I am so For a long time, I also look forward to a real confrontation with him, and if it goes as expected, the devil will retaliate against you in the next two days!"

(End of this chapter)

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