Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 232 Misunderstanding

Chapter 232 Misunderstanding


Qian Xuguang wanted to shoot, but he couldn't. A rock flew from nowhere and hit his wrist directly, knocking the gun in his hand to the ground.

But Qian Xuguang was on the spot, clutching his painful wrist, and screamed.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xiaolei and Zhao Shaojun became more vigilant. Liu Xiaolei kept scanning the gun with his hand.

Unfortunately, no target was found.

However, Mr. Wu, who was in Zhao Shaojun's arms at this time, was extremely calm. After all, he knew the details of the people behind him.

The scene in front of him was just a small misunderstanding. After all, he is not a god, and he didn't know that today, Miss Keiko Fangshima would come here wearing a military uniform of the Eighth Route Army.

Although Su Yunuan who is in the yard is also dumbfounded now, but Su Yunuan's dumbfoundedness is cute.

She was laughed at by the three Chinese youths in front of her. She deserved to be a stupid Chinese. Only a stupid Chinese would make such a move.

Su Yunuan heard from Mr. Wu that the three people in front of him are the young master of the underground forces in the county, the young master of the bank, and the young master of the grain merchant. Before that, their fathers were all people who worked for the empire.

It's just that now, their fathers were all killed by the Thunder War of the Wolf Warriors, and Su Yunuan knew their purpose, one was revenge, and the most important thing was to develop power in the county.

"Hi three, I'm Keiko, please take care of me (in Japanese)."

In order to relieve the vigilance of the three and let the three understand, Su Yunuan introduced herself in pure Japanese.

"Get out! Who knows if you are from the Eighth Route Army? It's not uncommon for their people to know your language."

Hearing Su Yunuan's words, Qian Xuguang, who was clutching his wrist and screaming, immediately cursed.

Of course, what Qian Xuguang said was not unreasonable at all. After all, there were a lot of people in the Eighth Route Army who could speak Japanese, especially in the Wolf Warriors. Because of Professor Takeda Shaofu, many soldiers had already learned Japanese.

Liu Xiaolei and Zhao Shaojun obviously agree with Qian Xuguang's opinion, their eyes are very firm.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this performance of the Chinese young man, Su Yunuan laughed immediately, she thought, the Chinese man in front of her is really too funny.


Suddenly, there was the sound of the door opening and the sound of footsteps in the front yard.

Hearing this voice, the three of Qian Xuguang became even more nervous. They thought that a large force from the Eighth Route Army Wolf Warriors had entered.

Fear rose in the hearts of the three of them, and they wished to kill Mr. Wu in front of them immediately. After all, Mr. Wu brought them to this dangerous situation.


Not long after, a middle-aged man in gray came in kicking a soldier in the uniform of the Eighth Route Army's War Wolf Regiment.

The soldier was in a state of embarrassment right now, his body was covered in mud, his mouth was gagged, his hands were tied, his face was covered in blood, blood was bleeding from the corners of his nose and mouth, and one of his eyes was completely black.

Even though he had reached this point, the soldier was still very strong. He turned around and stared at the person who kicked him. Looking at the soldier's eyes, he wished he could tear the person in front of him to the bone.

"Baga! Get in!"

Seeing the Chinese soldier staring at him viciously, the man in gray immediately became furious in his heart, cursed loudly, and kicked the soldier fiercely.


In an instant, the soldier was kicked into the backyard.

The sudden appearance of the two completely broke the stalemate in the backyard.

Especially the three of Qian Xuguang, who were already a little confused at this time, the scene before them completely confused their hearts, they didn't know who to trust, and they didn't know what these people in front of them were playing.

"Hurry up, this man is a little devil!"

The soldier of the Wolf Warriors who was kicked to the ground dropped the gag. Looking at Su Yunuan in front of him, he immediately yelled and reminded her that the man in gray behind him was a little devil.

In fact, seeing the scene in front of him, the soldier thought that Su Yunuan might have come to rescue the villagers, after all, the scene in front of him was too similar.

Hearing the reminder from the soldiers of the Eighth Route Wolf Regiment on the ground, the smile on Su Yunuan's face became even stronger.


The man in gray behind the soldier burst out laughing arrogantly when he heard these words.

"You Chinese people are really stupid, very stupid."

Su Yunuan turned around, looked at the soldier on the ground, and said with a mocking smile, she spoke Japanese.


Hearing Su Yunuan's words in front of him, the soldier on the ground immediately shrank his eyes, and his face was full of disbelief.

He didn't expect that the female soldier in front of him was actually a little devil, which made him unacceptable, especially the little devil in front of him was actually wearing the uniform of the Eighth Route Army.

This made him feel that the Eighth Route Army had been insulted. After all, the little devil wore the Eighth Route Army uniform, which made him feel an insult.

"Ah ha ha!"

The soldier looked up to the sky and smiled bitterly. He knew his end, and he also knew that it would be useless for him to resist now. His end was already doomed.

"Little devil, you won't be able to be complacent for long, you..."


Before the soldier could finish speaking, he was kicked on the head by the gray-clothed man at the side, and the soldier's head started to become confused after being kicked directly.

Although confused, the soldier still stared at Su Yunuan in front of him.

At this time, Mr. Wu was still calmly in Zhao Shaojun's arms, smiling.

The three of Zhao Shaojun were not calm at this time. They felt that the three of them had made a big mistake. It was not a good thing to offend the imperial army. Maybe they would die here today.

"I'll let the three of you know who I am."

Su Yunuan smiled and nodded to the man in gray beside him.

Immediately afterwards, the man in gray nodded and entered the next room. When he came out, there was a brand new [-] cap in his hand.

The [-]-style bayonet with a cold light shining on it seems to be expressing something, which makes people shudder.

The man in gray came to Su Yunuan with the [-] cap, immediately put his legs together, stood still on the spot, held the [-] cap with both hands, lowered his head, and handed the [-] cap to Su Yunuan respectfully. Su Yunuan.

"Thank you!"

After Su Yunuan took the [-] cover, she smiled slightly.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing Su Yunuan's thank you, the man in gray was flattered, and quickly bowed his head in salute.

Seeing this scene, the three of Zhao Shaojun already believed in their hearts that the woman in front of them was the real imperial army.

What the three of them were thinking at this time was how to get out. After all, they had already offended the imperial army due to the previous incidents and previous unhappiness.


Su Yunuan looked back at the three people at the door and smiled, holding the [-] cover, and came to the side of the soldier on the ground.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the ghost girls coming to his side, the soldier immediately began to sneer with disdain.

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(End of this chapter)

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