Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2327 Bamboo Craftsman Zhang Da

Chapter 2327 Bamboo Craftsman Zhang Da
As for what Yang Fei was going to do, no one else knew. He ran excitedly around Huoguang Village and found Zhao Qifa directly.

After all, there is a specialization in art. For such a thing, you still have to find out about it and come with someone who can do it. Only in this way will the matter not be delayed.

Seeing Yang Fei like this, Zhao Qifa was a little puzzled, "Battalion Commander Yang, who is this?"

"Hey hey!" Yang Fei smiled, his face full of childishness, "Commander Zhao, I want to ask, is there any bamboo craftsman around here?"

"The bamboo craftsman?" Zhao Qifa didn't know what Yang Fei was looking for the bamboo craftsman for, so he asked directly, "Yang Battalion Commander, what are you looking for the bamboo craftsman for?"

"I have something to do with the stripper, Company Commander Zhao, is there?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, Cui Gu's father is a bamboo strip maker!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Really?" Yang Fei was surprised, "So, we are still old acquaintances!"

"Yang Battalion Commander, what on earth are you looking for with a bamboo strip maker?" Zhao Qifa still didn't understand!
"I can't say it yet, but I think this matter will be answered soon! Company Commander Zhao, I still hope you can introduce me to your future father-in-law!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, there's no problem with this!" Zhao Qifa said, stood up, and walked to Zhang Cuigu's house with Yang Fei on crutches.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning when we arrived at Aunt Zhang Cui's house.

After arriving, Zhang Cuigu looked at the two of them with a strange smile and asked, "What's the matter with you two? What's the matter so happy?"

Zhao Qifa quickly asked, "Cui Gu, where is Dad?"

"Looking for Dad?" Zhang Cuigu asked.

Actually, Zhao Qifa seldom talked to her father. When I did it today, I felt strange. Before she could speak, Cuigu's mother came out of the door, "Here is Qiqi?"

"Mom, where is Dad? I have something to do with him!" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Your father went to the field, and he said that it is likely to rain recently, turn over the field, and then you can grow crops!" Zhao Cuigu's mother said.

"Oh? Where is the land?" Zhao Qifa asked again.

"Okay, I'll take you there!" Zhang Cuigu said.

Zhang Xiu'er came out of the room, "Brother-in-law, what's wrong?"

Zhang Xiu'er looked good and came out of the room with a smile.

"Hey, Battalion Commander Yang has something to do with his father. I just want to hear what he wants to do with his father!" After speaking, Zhang Cuigu walked ahead, and they went to the field to look for Zhang Da after they walked behind.

Zhang Cuigu's father is called Zhang Da. He has been a bamboo strip maker for more than 30 years. The quality of the products he makes is good, and most of the time he sells them in the county town or at the market.

When they arrived in the field, Zhang Cuigu shouted from a distance, "Father!"

Looking back, Zhang Da saw Zhang Cuigu and his future son-in-law, put down the hoe in his hand, and walked slowly towards the ridge of the field.

At this time, a lot of weeds had grown in the field, and when Zhang Da came over, Yang Fei stretched out his hand, "Hello, Master Zhang!"

Zhang Da met Yang Fei and nodded, "Hello!"

Zhao Qifa hurriedly said, "Dad, that's it, Battalion Commander Yang wants to ask you for help! I don't know exactly what to help!"

Hearing what Zhao Qifa said, Zhang Da looked back at Yang Fei and said, "Battalion Commander Yang, what do you want from me?"

"Master Zhang, it's like this, I need a lot of bamboo sticks!" Yang Fei said.

"Bamboo strips?" Zhang Da asked strangely, "There are a lot of bamboo strips, I don't know, what kind do you want?"

Yang Fei thought for a while, and gestured with his hands, "It's so big, it's better to be round! The openings don't need to be too dense!"

"What are you going to do with it?" Zhang Da asked again.

"Hey!" Yang Fei said, "Would you believe me if I said to deal with devils?"

"Hahaha!" Zhang Da smiled, "Okay, as long as it's like this, come on, how much do you want? I'll make a few for you!"

"As much as you want!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Zhang Da was stunned. There are not many bamboos in this day, so he wants as much as he has, and his old Zhang's family doesn't have so many. Besides, there are very few beads here. , It also needs to complete the shape that Yang Fei said through various processing.

"Battalion Commander Yang, you..." Zhang Da was a little embarrassed.

"Master Zhang, this matter is rather urgent, so I said I want as much as I have, but I can ask my people to come and help you, and you can teach them!" Yang Fei said.

"It doesn't matter. What I want to say is that I don't have that many bamboo strips. Commander Yang, you have to help me get this material!" Zhang Da said.

"Well, yes, how could I forget about this! OK!"

Yang Fei said.

"I have some here. If I need to teach others, Zhang Da is not stingy, I can teach!" Zhang Da said.

"Then... how about today? Leave it to them today!" Yang Fei asked.

"Today?" Zhang Da was taken aback, but soon, he nodded, "Okay, okay! Today is today! Let's go!"

When they arrived at Zhang's house, Zhang Da drove a carriage, and put a lot of bamboo on the carriage, and several people walked up the mountain in the carriage!

As soon as he arrived on the mountain, Yang Fei shouted, "Da Guang, find someone to help!"

As soon as Daguang heard the sound, he ran out immediately, and when he saw a cart full of bamboo, he hurriedly shouted, "Battlemaster, wait, right now!"

After a while, a squad of soldiers came over to help unload the bamboo, and then Yang Fei said, "Go, get me the thin monkey Liu Ji and the leopard. I have something to talk to them about!"

Then he arranged a work place, and Zhang Da went there.

When everyone was here, Yang Fei said, "Do you want to know why I asked you to come here?"

Everyone was surprised that this kind of meeting is a common occurrence, but it is rare for this meeting to be held right after the meeting.

"I found a way to deal with the devil's watchtower!" Yang Fei said.

"Ah?" Liu Ji was surprised, "Battle Commander, what can we do? If there is a way, I, Liu Ji, will take us to the battalion without saying a word!"

"Don't worry!" Yang Fei said slowly, "This is a big project. Do you still remember which opera was sung in the village yesterday?"

"Burning Chibi!" Da Guang said, "Battle Commander, you said that yesterday!"

"Yes, so, what I thought of was attacking with fire!" Yang Fei said.

As soon as Huo Gong was mentioned, everyone thought in their minds, "Why is it considered Huo Gong?"

"Battalion Commander, fire attack? This... is a little difficult, right? Think about it, if there is a time for fire attack, wouldn't we be able to blow up the devil's watchtower? This person goes down and sets fire to... a little unrealistic, right?" Thin Monkey said.

Leopard also nodded, "Yeah, it's not that simple! The fire is easy, but at this time, if a fire is lit, the whole mountain will burn!"

(End of this chapter)

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