Chapter 2330
Yang Fei frowned, and could only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly, "Okay, this has to be said, right?"

Jin Xiang smiled, pointed outside with his finger, then took a cigarette out of his mouth, lit it with a match, and exhaled a puff of green smoke, "Old Yang, it's outside!"

"Dog thing! Give it back to me!" After saying that, Yang Fei went to grab the cigarettes.

He doesn't want to suffer like this. Besides, he is not a disadvantaged person. If you want to steal his things, you can't.

How could Jin Xiang take him so cheaply.

"No, no, no! Commander, you decide for me!" Jin Xiang shouted.

"Old Jin, why are you so inauthentic? The bamboo is outside? I know it even if you don't tell me!" Of course Yang Fei was a little angry.

"Hey, listen to what I have to say, you old Yang, why are you so impatient, you want to go to the bridal chamber before worshiping heaven and earth, how can this be such a good thing!" Jin Xiang said.

"Okay, you say, old stingy!" Yang Fei frowned.

"It's outside, at the county magistrate's house!" Jin Xiang said.

Yang Fei was stunned, the county magistrate?At this time, Jin Xiang stood up, "Okay, I should go!"

After speaking, Jin Xiang left.

Yang Fei looked back at Li Jiguang, "Head, this bamboo is in the county magistrate's house, how can I tell him?" Yang Fei frowned.

"Okay, you also know where the bamboo is! Let's go!" Li Jiguang issued an order to evict the guest.

"Head, you have to help me!" Yang Fei said.

"You kid won't let me know your plan, so why let me help you!" Li Jiguang said.

Thinking of this, Yang Fei felt a little nervous. On the first day he came to this county, he gave the county magistrate Hu Yaozong a blow, but at this moment, he has something to ask him. What should he do?

Yang Fei left the door of the headquarters, scratching his head, and then went outside Hu Yaozong's door, seeing the tall bamboo growing beyond the courtyard wall, he walked around, but didn't know how to get in.

It is said that Yuanjia Road is narrow, so it is true, Yang Fei saw a ragged man walking towards him, Yang Fei took out his body, but there was no copper coin.

When the man approached, Yang Fei recognized it. Isn't this guy a tiger?
The tiger tilted his head and looked at Yang Fei, "Haha?" He yelled angrily, "Who did I think it was? Isn't this Battalion Commander Yang?"

Yang Fei looked at him with his hands behind his back, "Huh? What's wrong?"

"What's the matter?" Huzi frowned, "It wasn't you, I would still be kicked out by the master? Yang Fei, I'm not done with you!"

As he said that, the tiger rushed over. Although Yang Fei said that he was a party member of the factory, he could not do anything to the masses, but Yang Fei just hid, and the tiger came and ate shit, rolled a few times on the ground and then stopped. Next, "Yang Fei, you have talent!" As he said that, the tiger picked up a stick from the ground and hit Yang Fei.

Although the stick was just a branch, it was strong enough, and Yang Fei quickly backed away.

The tiger bared his teeth, "Surnamed Yang, stop and don't run!"

It's time, whoever doesn't run away is the grandson!

Yang Fei turned his head and looked at Huzi, "Don't come here, come here and be careful I won't spare you!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Don't run if you can. If you run far away, I will catch up with you!" Huzi shouted loudly.

Yang Fei turned his head to look at Huzi, secretly pleased, "Never mind you! Anyway, if I don't run away, why don't I wait for you to beat me up?"


Yang Fei suddenly felt a little heavy on his head, as if he had bumped into something, looked around quickly, but saw that he had bumped into someone's arms, and fell to the ground with someone on his back.

"Could it be Huzi?" Yang Fei immediately shouted, "Huzi, you have the guts to put down the stick, let's fight each other!"

"Ah..." Hearing Huzi's voice, he came towards him. Yang Fei turned his head and saw Huzi holding a stick high and throwing it down towards him.

"I'll go!" Yang Fei was startled, and wanted to get rid of the person on his body, but he didn't have the time. With a sound of "Boom...", the stick fell down, and Yang Fei closed his eyes, "I'll go!"

He slowly opened his eyes, why didn't the stick hurt his head?

He touched his head, but there was no bleeding!

At this time, I heard a voice, "Master! Master!"

Yang Fei tried his best to turn around, and saw that the person lying on his body was Hu Yaozong!
The tiger was also dumbfounded when he saw it, and he even came over, "Master, why is it you?"

Hu Yaozong slowly opened his eyes, pointed at Hu Zi and cursed, "Why is it you again?"

This sound startled Hu Zi, he turned around and ran away, "Wait! Yang Fei, I'm not done with you!"

The old housekeeper helped Hu Yaozong up, and Yang Fei also stood up quickly, "County Hu, are you alright?"

Hu Yaozong closed his eyes, then shook his head, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Now that we met, Yang Fei was about to go in, and he followed into Hu Yaozong's house.

Hu Yaozong was fine, the stick seemed to hit him on the back, and when he sat down, Hu Yaozong looked at Yang Fei, "Battalion Commander Yang, I'm really sorry I hit you!"

"County Hu, what are you talking about? It's my fault. I shouldn't be running at your door!" Yang Fei said quickly.

"After all, it's still this Huzi's fault. Why did this guy come to you with a stick?" Hu Yaozong shook his head.

"Are you okay, County Magistrate Hu?" Yang Fei asked again.

"It's okay!" Hu Yaozong said, "What can I do!"

Yang Fei didn't know what to say, after all, what he wanted was here.

"That's good!" Yang Fei said and stood up, and Hu Yaozong hurriedly stood up too, "Then I'm leaving!" Yang Fei said.

When I went out the door, I saw bamboo, which was thick and thick, and it seemed to be old!Yang Fei walked to the bamboo slowly, "This bamboo grows really well!"

Hu Yaozong went over with a smile, "Yes, this bamboo was planted by my grandfather, and it has been around for some years!"

"That's great!" Yang Fei still didn't know how to force others to make things difficult for him. He was a bit thick-skinned, but he wouldn't be thick-skinned in front of outsiders, right?
"Really good!"

Hu Yaozong didn't know what Yang Fei wanted to express, "Battalion Commander"

Yang Fei closed his eyes, then opened them, and asked simply, there was nothing he couldn't say!He looked back at Hu Yaozong, "This bamboo is really nice, can you give it to me?"

Yang Fei was really thick-skinned, and Hu Yaozong was immediately dumbfounded. He didn't know what use this bamboo was for Yang Fei. The old housekeeper hurriedly said, "Battlemaster Yang, there... there are other plants in the yard, or else, look Look, send you casually?"

"No, no, no, I've taken a fancy to this bamboo." Yang Fei held onto the bamboo with one hand, but didn't let go.

Hu Yaozong's face was a little embarrassed, and the old housekeeper didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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