Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2338 Traitor

Chapter 2338 Traitor
The right time and place are really wonderful for Huzi. He managed to escape the Eighth Route Army under the guise of shitting. This is a wonderful and smart way!

However, looking left and right at the Huzi who didn't come back, he felt really anxious in his heart, Huzi didn't come back, this is embarrassing, Lihuoji began to secretly beg Guanshiyin Bodhisattva in his heart Bless you, don't let Huzi vote for the devils, after all, he told Huzi a very important secret because of his greed for sesame seed cakes!

The man couldn't be found, he frowned, "You dog, let me find it, I have to kill you!"

At this time, the fire stick had already made a decision in his heart.

But at this time, Firestick saw that Yang Fei and the others had already arrived, but it was two entire companies that came.

It looked like he was about to start a fight with devils.

When Yang Fei came over, he saw that Sanlian who was burning the fire stick didn't mow the grass, but he didn't know what he was looking for, so he called him over, "What's the situation?"

The fire stick quickly said, "Battle Commander, it's too bad, this tiger can't be found!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Fei asked, "What's going on? Why can't I find it?"

"Battalion Commander, it hasn't been long since mowing the grass, and this tiger said he was going to shit, I can't let him hold it back, and then let him go!" The fire stick man said, still quite anxious in his heart, "After a while After a long time, I didn’t see him return to the team, and then I asked everyone, but I didn’t see him, so I asked people to find Huzi quickly!”

"Have you found it yet?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"No, I don't know where this guy went!" said the fire stick.

"Okay, let everyone stop looking, this kid has probably become a deserter!" Speaking of this, Yang Fei looked at the fire stick, "By the way, this kid doesn't know our military secrets, right?"

The fire stick was in trouble, his lips were moving, Yang Fei didn't know, but sooner or later this matter would be exposed, he bit his lip, Yang Fei already understood what it meant.

"Firestick, did you tell him?" Yang Fei asked.

He nodded, "Battle Commander, I was wrong!"

Yang Fei's eyes were staring like copper bells, he raised his hand and was about to hit him, but with the leopard standing beside him, he had to give the leopard this face, after all, he and the leopard had only settled down.

He stopped, and slowly lowered his hands. This anger directly infected the leopard.

Leopard also knew that Yang Fei didn't want to hit him because he was in front of him, so he went directly to Yang Fei, and then slapped the fire stick on the face.

This slap made Yang Fei feel a little abrupt, he didn't expect that the leopard would slap the fire stick.

I saw five finger prints lit up on the fire stick's face, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

He looked at the leopard, and he never imagined that the leopard would hit him, and this slap made the fire stick man extremely ashamed.

The two of them didn't talk to each other, but if they didn't talk, they felt that this was an accident, a sign that the leopard began to dislike him.

Yang Fei hurried over, "Okay, this matter is over! Anyway, the time of our attack has also changed temporarily!" Yang Fei said to the leopard, and then turned to look at the fire stick, "Okay, okay , the deputy battalion commander was a little angry just now, okay, I promise, this is the end of the calculation!"

Leopard turned his head and left. He felt that this was the most embarrassing thing for him, and it was also the greatest insult he had received!
Yang Fei hurriedly shouted, "Okay, quickly harvest the hay for me! Put the hay in the bamboo basket!"

The big guys are working in full swing, this is finally over, and this is finally a step forward for the fire stick.

He nodded, "Okay!"

However, he never thought that the deputy battalion commander Baozi suddenly turned his head at this moment, "Okay, don't be an instructor, I will find someone else!"

This is a statement of dismissal, and this sentence embarrasses him more than slapping him!

"It's not that serious!" Yang Fei pretended to be a good person at this time, and he went to Leopard, "Okay, there's no end to it!"

The anger started to be embarrassing, Yang Fei tried his best to relieve it, but with little effect.

Huzi, who escaped from the exposed army, became like a little bird at this time, he hopped, hummed a little song, turned his head and looked behind him, "Farewell to Tubalu, I'm going to be my county magistrate, You are going to attack tomorrow night, let's see how the imperial army beats you!"

Huzi's rare behavior is really disgusting, he ran to find Ito Ichiro.

Ito Ichiro looked at the clothes he was wearing, and then asked, "What? Have you found out clearly?"

"Sir..." Without waiting for Huzi to speak, Ito Ichiro said, "Don't call me sir, call me Your Excellency!"

"Oh, good, Your Excellency!" The words came out of Huzi's mouth, and he always felt a little off, "I have already found out that Tubalu used those bamboos to weave bamboo baskets, and they are about to put them in the bamboo baskets. Put up the hay, then put the bombs on, and blow up our watchtowers!"

Huzi deliberately said "we", obviously, he has integrated into the Japanese.

Ito Ichiro thought, and then smiled, "They should come down from Hanling!"

Huzi nodded quickly, "Yes, they will come down from Hanling, and they are harvesting hay now!"

Ito Ichiro nodded, "What is their date of action?"

Huzi stopped talking at this time, he looked at Ito, and then slowly raised the conditions, "Your Excellency, you promised me the gold..."

"Here!" said, Ito pointed to the box by the wall, "Go and get it!"

Huzi ran over and opened the box, and it was indeed his gold bars inside. He smiled and thought to himself, "This Japanese devil really won't break his promise!"

"So... can we talk now?" Ito Ichiro asked.

"What's more, Your Excellency, about the county magistrate you mentioned..." Huzi asked again.

"When the eight roads in front of us are cleared up, think about it, will we soon be able to attack Lin County?" Ito Ichiro asked.

"That's right..." Hu Zi nodded, "Then, then...Japanese, Japanese promised to give me one!"

Torago repeated what Ito Ichiro had said.

Ito felt a little resentment in his heart now, but he still grinned, "Haha, yes, then tonight, I will arrange a Japanese girl to come to your room, no matter how you play!"

"Really?" Hu Zi was surprised. ,
It turned out that the dedication of being a traitor turned out to be so simple, Huzi has already started to imagine what his future life should be like.

If he became the county magistrate, the first thing he would do would be to live in Hu Yaozong's house, and then ask Hu Yaozong to serve him tea and water. After so many years, he should have changed his position a long time ago, right?Even, drive them all out!After being driven out, he can enjoy such a large yard by himself!
(End of this chapter)

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