Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 234 Assemble

Chapter 234 Assemble
The three of Zhao Shaojun who were beaten didn't dare to fart. After all, they already knew the tricks of the woman in front of them, so they pissed.

"Miss Huizi, calm down, they don't know your identity, it's understandable."

Seeing the angry Fangdao Keiko Su Yunuan, Mr. Wu immediately stepped forward to dissuade him. At the same time, he turned to look at Zhao Shaojun and the other three who bowed their heads by the door, and said coldly, "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and apologize to Miss Huizi."

"I'm sorry, Miss Keiko."

"Sorry, Miss Keiko."

"...We don't know Taishan with our eyes!"

Hearing Mr. Wu's words, the three of Zhao Shaojun immediately bowed down and apologized, with an extremely respectful attitude.


Seeing the three people's attitudes and respectful looks, Su Yunuan felt better. In her heart, Chinese people should be like this. When they see people from the big RB empire, they should bow down and pay respects immediately.

"Okay, get out of here quickly, it's not safe anymore."

Afterwards, Su Yunuan immediately gave the order to retreat. After all, the entire county is now filled with soldiers from the Wolf Warriors, and they are searching for beggars and hooligans in various places in the county.

The screams just now must have attracted the attention of the Chinese soldiers, so Su Yunuan asked to evacuate immediately and move to another place.

"it is good!"

After hearing the order, Mr. Wu and the devil in gray clothes immediately began to retreat.

As for Zhao Shaojun and the other three, they had no opinion at all. They wanted to leave here a long time ago, especially after seeing the soldiers of the Eighth Route Warriors who died tragically.

Although they were extremely happy to see the tragic death of the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, but they, who had never really come into contact with the tragic death before, felt extremely fearful in their hearts.

Under the leadership of Mr. Wu, Su Yunuan and the others quickly evacuated here, and there were a few more people in their evacuated team.

These few people have been hiding in the dark for the purpose of responding to emergencies.


Five minutes after Su Yunuan and the others left, the dilapidated courtyard gate was immediately kicked open.

Those who rushed in were two warriors from the Wolf Warriors.

Originally they were hunting outside, but when they arrived here, they suddenly heard screams, and the two of them came after the screams.

Entering the yard, the two held guns, scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and searched for the backyard.


As the two soldiers approached the backyard, they could already smell the smell of blood in the air.

A bad premonition rose in the hearts of the two of them at the same time, and they quickly ran into the backyard.


"Damn it, who did this!"

The two warriors of the Wolf Warriors who entered the backyard immediately saw the blood-stained warrior lying in the middle of the backyard.

The blood-soaked Eighth Route Army uniform and the blood-stained ground are so dazzling and shocking.

Seeing this scene, the two soldiers felt extremely sad in their hearts. They cried out in grief, who did it!
Two soldiers ran quickly to the side of the dead soldier, and the older one hugged him directly in his arms. The standing soldier grabbed his military cap and looked at him with a painful expression. with.

Looking at the tragic death of their comrades in arms, the two shed tears of pain.

At this time, the faces of the two were extremely ugly. Last night, they just sacrificed two comrades in arms. Today, they lost another comrade in arms. This made them suppress and accumulate strong anger in their hearts.

"Go back and report to the battalion commander, let the battalion commander report to the regiment commander, come here quickly, I will watch here."

This older soldier commanded the soldier beside him with a crying voice.


Hearing the order, he immediately put on his military cap, and with a murderous look on his face, he ran towards the poor area of ​​the county town.

Afterwards, the older soldier reached out and wiped off the eyelids of the soldier who opened his eyes angrily.

He untied the rope tied around the soldier's wrist, and laid the soldier flat on the ground.

Standing at attention, after saluting the dead soldiers, he immediately raised the [-] cap in his hand, aimed the gun at the sky, and pulled the trigger without hesitation with a sad and solemn face.


After the first shot, he pulled the bolt, aimed at the sky again, and pulled the trigger.



In an instant, continuous gunshots scattered from the yard in all directions.


At this time, Su Yunuan and Mr. Wu, who had fled, had already arrived at another meeting place.

They heard gunshots.

"Miss Huizi is clever, if it weren't for Miss Huizi, we would probably be surrounded by the vicious wolf group."

Mr. Wu looked at Su Yunuan beside him, and complimented him with a smile.




Zhao Shaojun and a few others around him complimented him one after another.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing everyone's attitude, Su Yunuan was very satisfied, and immediately smiled coquettishly.

"By the way, where's the lame Liu San?"

At this time, Su Yunuan noticed that there was no figure of Liu San here, and immediately asked suspiciously.

"do not know."

"I haven't seen him yet!"

Hearing Su Yunuan's question, Mr. Wu and the other gray-clothed devils hurriedly replied, their faces were also full of doubts, after all, they had never seen the lame Liu San.


"Liu San!"

Hearing Su Yunuan's words, the three of Zhao Shaojun looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes. When they heard the words lame Liu San, the beggar in the county suddenly appeared in their minds. The figure of the lame Liu San.

They didn't expect that the beggar who used to beg for food and drink by their side was actually a member of the imperial army, which really surprised the three of them.


"Who's shooting!"

"Why are there gunshots!"


The soldiers who were searching for beggars and hooligans in the county town immediately stopped their work when they heard the gunshots in the county town, and looked suspiciously at the place where the gunshots sounded.

Afterwards, these soldiers quickly moved towards the place where the gunshots sounded, and began to gather.


The cold-faced Yang Hu who smashed outside the slum area also heard gunshots at this time. When he heard the gunshots, he suddenly frowned, his face full of doubts.

Without the slightest hesitation, he waved at the soldiers around him, and immediately rushed towards the place where the gunfire sounded.

"Well, gunshots in the county town!"

Lei Zhan, who was training with the Lei Ming sniper team outside the county seat, heard the sudden gunshot, and immediately concluded that the gunshot came from within the county town. Lei Zhan also frowned, and his heart was filled with doubts.


But then the gunshots that rang out in the county town immediately made Lei Zhan vigilant. Immediately afterwards, Lei Zhan ordered Lei Ming to gather with the special forces and quickly rushed towards the county town.

(End of this chapter)

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