Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2356 This life is worth it

Chapter 2356 This life is worth it
"For the sake of the third company commander, everyone bayonet me now! Have you seen the devil's machine gunner? Hit me as soon as you get down!" Shen Wanxi shouted.

To be honest, although there is a complete plan, but at this point, Shen Wanxi is completely excited in his heart, so he gave the order full of excitement.

"Come on!"

The charge sounded, and in the empty valley, there was a heart-wrenching sadness...

This sound, mixed with the angry shouts of everyone, made the Japanese devils turn pale with fright. Immediately, a machine gun fired at the hillside immediately.

The other machine gun didn't relax its vigilance, and kept firing bullets at Liu Zheng's car!
The tires of the car were shattered by bullets, and the car immediately lost balance and began to sway from side to side.

Liu Zheng gritted his teeth and tried his best to set the direction right. He must not be ashamed, and he must not be ashamed of the Eighth Route Army!
He thought it over, this must be the last mission!If he really has no chance to see tomorrow's sun again, let the explosion that waits for a while become a huge sun, and use a real victory to become the eternal sun in his heart!
Bullets, this devil's bullets, seem to be inexhaustible. Those bullets wiped out the lines of fire, the glass on the car shattered, and the cold wind penetrated into Liu Zheng's cuffs and wounds. It hurts!
Liu Zheng slowed down the speed, adjusted the direction, and then stepped on the accelerator, but found that the speed could not be picked up at all.

He smelled gasoline!

All right!

Liu Zheng smiled and stopped the car. This position was almost in the center of the bridge.

He leaned back on the seat, the sweat flowing from his face flowed down his cheeks to his chin, drop by drop, the flames made his handsome face red!

All of a sudden, the gasoline on the ground was ignited, and all of a sudden, the flame jumped up, the blue flame flickered in the dark night sky, Liu Zheng seemed to see hope, saw the sun in his heart, this sun, It was a victory, a victory he had been looking forward to for a long time, a victory that broke the deadlock!
"Liu Zheng, you bastard, get out of the car!"

Shen Wanxi shouted loudly.

"Liu Zheng, did you hear what I said?" Shen Wanxi shouted loudly.

The voice of "Da Da Da..." passed by Shen Wanxi's side, and the two company commanders threw Shen Wanxi down, "Battle Commander, calm down!"

"Hurry up, go, drag Liu Zheng down!" Shen Wanxi's eyes were bloodshot, he hadn't rested for a long time, he didn't want to see Liu Zheng sacrifice like this!Even if he died on an open and aboveboard battlefield, it cannot be because of this...

Shen Wanxi had blue veins on his neck, and he shouted at the top of his voice, "Kill the machine gunner to death! Kill no one left!"

Yang Fei's people also touched it at this time, "Da Guang, hit me at that machine gunner!"

Da Guang picked up the rifle, and aimed at the machine gunner in front with a "bang", hitting the devil on the head!

"Come on!" Kill all those devils for me!
Yang Fei also shouted loudly.

The flames around the car were getting bigger and bigger. Liu Zheng looked at the flames, and it seemed that the flames were warming him. He put his hands on his arms and saw that his hands were covered with blood, which was gone. With strength, he wanted to push the car door, but he couldn't do it.

"Battalion Commander, I did it, so I said, I can do it!" Liu Zheng said, with two lines of tears streaming down his eyes.

The pointer of the time bomb is slowly returning to zero, "Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven..."

Liu Zheng closed his eyes.




There were several explosions, the car was blown away, and the cornerstone of the road was also blown to pieces, "Boom...crash..."

That bridge fell down...

The bridge they wanted to blow up has collapsed...

But the bridge collapsed...

What about Liu Zhengren?

Shen Wanxi got up from the ground, his eyes were blurred with tears, he held a rifle, "You son of a bitch, I'm not going to finish with you today!"

Shouting, he rushed towards the Japanese devils on the bridge!


"battalion commander!"

Yang Fei saw that Shen Wanxi was going crazy now, besides, why didn't the guy driving the car come out quickly?
"Brothers, go ahead, kill the devils when you see them! We're done! Let's retreat quickly! The devils' reinforcements might arrive soon!"

Yang Fei shouted.



Shen Wanxi waved his arm, and his bayonet stabbed fiercely in the chest of a Japanese devil. He pulled out the bayonet, then stabbed it in again, pulled it out, and stabbed it in again!Repeated every day, the devil's chest became a pile of mud!
"Batch commander! Battalion commander!"

The two company commanders took Shen Wanxi's arm!

Shen Wanxi's face was blushing, and the veins on his neck seemed about to explode. He threw away the bayonet in his hand, broke free from the two company commanders, jumped up, pressed a Japanese devil, and punched the devil on the head one by one. ! "Damn it! Give me back the third company commander! Give me back the third company commander!"

Yang Fei looked at the time, and it was almost time to leave. He came to Shen Wanxi and grabbed him from the ground, "Shen Gouzi, you bastard is for everyone, let everyone withdraw quickly! You want everyone to leave for a while!" Made dumplings by devils?"

Shen Wanxi broke free from Yang Fei, "Get lost, I want you to take care of me!"

Shen Wanxi even said foul words to Yang Fei, Yang Fei endured it, he knew that Shen Wanxi just lost a favorite general, he was his comrade for so long, brother, Yang Fei understands what he did!

"You two, hurry up and take your battalion commander back! The Japanese devils should arrive soon!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, his two company commanders pulled Shen Wanxi, "Battle Commander, let's withdraw quickly! We always have a chance to avenge the third company commander!"

Yang Fei also looked at his team, "Brothers, let's go!"

Following Shen Wanxi's troops to his station, Yang Fei walked up to Shen Wanxi and said, "Old Shen, I never thought that you would have such an excellent commander. His sacrifice is glorious and great. His The sacrifice directly brought us a direct victory!" Yang Fei said, "I really envy you for having such a desperate company commander, so I will accompany you to finally send you this heroic company commander!"

Shen Wanxi raised her head, her eyes blurred with tears, "He lied to me, he said he could jump out of the car and then jump into the river, I didn't expect him to die in the worst way!"

Yang Fei put his hands on his shoulders, "The mother said that a person is mortal, either heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather...Your company commander is Mount Tai!"

Then, they pointed their guns in the direction of the third company commander Liu Zheng, "Bang bang bang..."

In the valley, Liu Zheng's voice seemed to echo, "This worth it..."

(End of this chapter)

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