Chapter 2358
Yang Fei was filled with righteous indignation, "When you see your comrades sacrificed in battle, what do you think in your heart? Is it nothing to do with you? Or to avenge him? Living alone in this world, you have to do something. What? Either vigorously, or unknown! Whichever path you choose, the path you walk out will be different!"

What Yang Fei said was right. If it was him, at that time, he had no other choice. In order to win, he would have made such a choice. Anyway, compared with fighting devils, he would lose his life. available.

Yu Aiguo looked at the flying like this, he really didn't know that Yang Fei could be like this in his heart, and he didn't know that when his comrade died, Yang Fei was also so heartbroken!
Logically speaking, Liu Zheng is not yet his soldier, he can feel so sad, if it is really his comrade, his soldier, how sad should Yang Fei be?
Yang Fei looked at everyone, "Think about it, everyone. This original intention cannot be changed. We can't just say how careless others are just because we survived by chance. We should always be alert to ourselves. As soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, should we do this? Come out with a vigorous move?"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei got off the stage, and Yu Aiguo walked slowly onto the stage and took the lead in applauding.

The soldiers in the audience immediately burst into roaring applause.

After the applause ended, Yu Aiguo said, "Comrades, we have been fighting devils for many years. What the battalion commander said just now used a very good word, that is the word Chuxin! What is Chuxin? Isn't Chuxin the same as when we joined Isn’t the Eighth Route Army our original goal?”

"Instructor, we forgot!"

"Yes, we haven't forgotten!"

Someone shouted loudly from the audience.

"Okay!" Yu Aiguo nodded, "It's good if you haven't forgotten, it means that we are all real men with flesh and blood, who say the same!" Yu Aiguo also slowly stepped off the stage, "From ancient times to the present, there must be a hero in your heart! This hero must be your role model, and such a role model must also be a person full of justice. How can we be a person with justice? The reason why the Eighth Route Army is the Eighth Route Army is that we have been in the Red Army for so many years since the Long March. What still exists in this world? Because our original aspirations have not changed, because we are a teacher of justice, and because we care about the people and the world at all times! Comrades, the journey along the way is too difficult Every time we take a step, we will see whether we are doing the right thing. Every step we take, we have to see whether we are righteous! From the perspective of Mao Zedong’s materialist dialectics, our existence has a certain historical mission , it makes sense!"

The soldiers were full of enthusiasm, and they really wanted to vent their anger on the Japanese devils at this time. Yu Aiguo said at this time, "I have said so much, I know everyone must have their own opinions in their hearts. Then, next, we will use Class as a unit, discuss what we are going to do, and then form a unified belief, this belief is as small as your class, as large as the entire company, what should you do, comrades, always be alert to yourself, this point unable to be changed!"


This meeting of heroic deeds made everyone enlightened at once. Regarding what a hero is, everyone has an obvious idea in their hearts, that is, the hero meeting is for the sake of the big group, sacrificing the small self and achieving the big self. Everyone agreed.

Yang Fei was very satisfied with today's meeting. After the meeting, he specially called the three company commanders together again, and asked the company commander to be the team leader to unify the thinking of the whole battalion.

In the regiment headquarters, a unified opinion was also formed, that is, to hold a memorial service for Comrade Liu Zheng, so that everyone can better understand the difficulty of the present, that is, someone sacrificed himself and made everyone a success!
In those few days, the atmosphere in the camp was extremely high, and everyone's enthusiasm returned to the peak.

Yang Fei was naturally very happy seeing this.

However, the unhappiness unfolded in Ito's team.

Since the bridge was bombed, Ito's team has been isolated in the Salt Lake area. This place made Ito feel uncomfortable.

He looked at the map angrily. The bridge had not been repaired for a long time, the supplies had not been transported for a long time, and the troops were not particularly abundant, which was very dangerous.

He immediately asked people to deploy troops, with trenches as boundaries and strongholds as points, and they must be tightly defended. On the other hand, Ito Ichiro dispatched 300 engineering troops to repair the bridge as soon as possible. Only when the bridge is repaired can large troops come in. He has communicated with others on the phone and must regain the strongholds on both sides of the bridge, otherwise, they will only be passively beaten.

He hung up the phone, frowned, looked at the captain beside him, and asked, "How did you make this mistake?"

Watanabe stood up slowly, he lowered his head, "Your Excellency, this time it is my command that is not good..."

"Baga!" Jing Teng slapped the opponent on the face, "You know what? Your mistake this time directly caused us to be isolated here. We want to cross the Yellow River, and the follow-up troops can't keep up. How can we get in touch with the troops on the other side of the Yellow River?"

Watanabe lowered his head, shrunk his neck, and dared not say a word, "I remember I went to the bridge myself and told you to defend yourself and pay attention to all unknown vehicles, why? You ignore my words ? Abandon the dignity of His Majesty the Emperor in the gutter! You will be responsible for this failure!"

"Hayi, Your Excellency, I must make up for it!" As soon as Watanabe finished speaking, Ito shouted, "If you make a mistake like yours, you should commit seppuku. What face is left in this world!" Ito stared at Watanabe.

"Maybe you don't understand why we fight? If you don't understand, then don't think about it. Since His Majesty the Emperor asked us to fight, there must be our purpose! You can see that the people here are living in dire straits. ****, we should be more loyal to His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Now, the only thing that can save us is to quickly regain the bridge and get in touch with the troops on the west side of Zhongtiao Mountain. Only then can we grasp the final victory!"


"From now on, cheer up, for the glory of a soldier, for His Majesty the Emperor, and for the sake of the Communist Party, we, as soldiers of the Empire, should be loyal and responsible, regard obeying orders as our highest honor, and regard sacrifice as the Emperor's honor." Your Majesty's gift to us!"

After Ito Ichiro finished speaking, he turned his eyes and looked around.

(End of this chapter)

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