Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 236 The Battle of the Water River

Chapter 236 The Battle of the Water River Wolf's Wrath ([-])

Hearing the call of the sentries outside, the soldiers in the courtyard immediately gave way to Lei Zhan.

With a cold face, Yang Hu raised his head and walked outside. He wanted to tell the head of the group that this matter must not be left alone, and must be paid in blood.




Seeing Lei Zhan coming, all the soldiers on the road saluted.


Lei Zhan returned the salute with a serious face.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Lei Zhan saw the appearance of the first soldier, and he really confirmed his thoughts, and some soldiers really died.


Yang Hu came to Lei Zhan, saluted, and prepared to talk about his thoughts to Lei Zhan.

"You don't need to say anything, I know in my heart that a soldier cannot die in vain."

Lei Zhan glanced at Yang Hu, and walked towards the center of the yard while talking. Lei Zhan fully understood what Yang Hu wanted to say, and this matter would not be settled so easily.

Seeing Lei Zhan's appearance, Yang Hu did not speak, but followed closely behind Lei Zhan.


Seeing Lei Zhan's arrival, the soldiers in the yard saluted Lei Zhan with sad faces.

"Oh shit!"

Lei Zhan came to the center of the yard, looked at the soldier lying on the ground, a large piece of military uniform was already stained red with blood, Lei Zhan cursed angrily.

Especially when he saw the soldier's lower body stained red with blood, Lei Zhan could see at a glance how cruelly tortured and insulted this soldier had been. .

"Yang Hu, let all the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion who stayed in the county gather together, let the recruits stay in the county, and call Yang Fei to return to the county as soon as possible, and let the soldiers stay at home."

Without hesitation, Lei Zhan directly issued an order that soldiers cannot die in vain, and the blood debt must be paid in blood.


Hearing Lei Zhan's order, a strange smile appeared on Yang Hu's cold face, he turned around and started to assemble his troops.

He wants to kill, kill him to turn the world upside down, only in this way can the arrogant little devils be deterred.

When the soldiers heard Lei Zhan's order, their hearts suddenly relaxed. This was the order they wanted to hear.

Lei Zhan looked at the blood-stained soldiers on the ground and remained silent for a long time. Lei Zhan knew in his heart that this matter must have something to do with Su Yunuan, but now is not the time to kill Su Yunuan.

"Su Yunuan, don't think that you will win this way. If you kill me as a soldier, I will kill a thousand RB beasts to pay homage to you. Let's see who can laugh at the end, hum!"

Lei Zhan snorted coldly in his heart, Su Yunuan is now at most jumping around in the county town, killing a few soldiers, she has no other chance, but Lei Zhan is different, he can gather troops at any time, and move towards LC March outside the county to attack the devils in another county.

He wanted Su Yunuan to know that as long as she dared to kill the warriors of the Wolf Warriors from the county, she would be ready to face the wrath of the Wolf Warriors. Today's attack was just the beginning.

Lei Zhan wants Su Yunuan to understand what is real destruction and what is regret.

Ten minutes later, the remaining 10 soldiers of the Wolf Warriors Battalion had all assembled and loaded their ammunition into vehicles. They were ready to go on the main street in the middle of the county.

When the people in the county saw the fully armed and majestic warriors, they all showed envy on their faces. They also wanted to be such warriors.

At the same time, they were very happy because they knew that the Wolf Warriors were going out to fight the devils and killed the devils. Thinking of the deaths of the little devils, the hearts of the people suddenly felt happy.

Next to the soldiers gathered was the recruiting office. Those young and middle-aged men who came to sign up, seeing this scene, all clenched their fists and vowed to join the Wolf Warriors, becoming a majestic warrior like the one in front of them, and going to battle to kill the enemy.

"set off!"

With the arrival of Lei Zhan, seven large military trucks roared out of the county with an order. Their goal this time was outside the Lingchuan area, the neighbor Shuijiang. In the county, Lei Zhan wanted to give the neighbors The little devil in the county, a severe blow.


At this moment, Su Yunuan was sitting on the bench at the recruiting office, her heart was already filled with worry, from the moment she saw the soldiers gathering, she knew that Lei Zhan was going to take revenge.

She can be sure of this, because she saw that every soldier of the Wolf Warriors had a look of hatred on their faces. Su Yunuan was full of worries about the warriors of the Wolf Warriors who had been killed by herself before the combination.

Even, she had already started to panic, she regretted, regretted being so reckless, and killed that soldier of the Wolf Warriors, she didn't know that Lei Zhan was so arbitrary and direct, and he didn't need to ask his superiors, just led the troops out.

Because Su Yunuan was undercover elsewhere before, she knew that other Eighth Route Army units must report their actions to their superiors, and they can only lead troops to take action after obtaining the approval of their superiors.

But Lei Zhan's action has already broken this rule.

What Su Yunuan didn't know was that Lei Zhan's Wolf Warrior Regiment was an independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army, and it had already obtained the consent of its superiors. As long as it could severely attack the enemy, it could send troops directly without asking for instructions. Report everything about the battle.

Of course, there was another accident among the Wolf Warriors, and that was Zhang Jibing, the political commissar, because Zhang Jibing, the political commissar, came from the headquarters, and he was there, the superior, so I felt at ease.

"What to do, what to do!"

Su Yunuan lowered her head, constantly thinking of ways in her mind, she must report this urgent information to Colonel Takamori, otherwise, the empire will definitely suffer huge losses.

However, for reporting, she needs a radio station, but such an important place as the confidential room is not something she can touch now.

Thinking of the loss of the empire, Su Yunuan's face turned hard. She can't care so much now. Anyway, the wolf slaughter plan has been formulated, and it can be implemented smoothly even without her. This incident was reported to Colonel Takamori Takashi, who asked Takamori Takashi to lead troops to stop Lei Zhan.

Because the imperial army in Gaoping can no longer bear the loss. After all, the entire North China battlefield is in a hurry. If Lei Zhan's wolf group destroys it again at this time, the big RB empire is likely to lose Gaoping this place.

Su Yunuan got up and was about to leave, but a person suddenly appeared in front of her. This person looked at her with a smile on his face and made her take back the steps she took.

"political commissar!"

The person who came was Zhang Jibing, political commissar of the Wolf Warriors.

Seeing the smiling political commissar, Su Yunuan hurriedly forced herself to calm down, she couldn't let Zhang Jibing in front of her see the flaw.

"Xiao Su, how are you? Get used to it."

Zhang Jibing smiled, looked at Su Yunuan, and asked.


(End of this chapter)

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