Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2360 A Strange Group of People

Chapter 2360 A Strange Group of People
Obviously, after Liu Ji and Shouhou's troops went out, they didn't get any effective information. On the contrary, Shouhou's people met Shen Wanxi's men in Hanling. After helping him for a while, he withdrew.

I came back and talked to Yang Fei, and Yang Fei carefully analyzed the purpose, "What are these bastard devils going to do? On the one hand, they want to seize the high ground on both sides of the bridge, and on the other hand, there are troops coming to harass us!" Yang Fei touching the chin.

Hearing these news, Yang Fei felt a cloud of fog, and he couldn't think of what these devils were going to do.

What's more, at this time Yang Fei was thinking in his heart, if he could figure out this point, maybe they would have even greater gains. Thinking of this, Yang Fei's heart became hot in an instant.

"Battalion Commander, in my opinion, this devil is just to prevent us from dispatching!" Liu Ji said.

"But, there is a problem now! Hancun, what is Hu Dahai doing in Hu Dahai's base area?" Yang Fei asked.

"Battalion Commander, I went to Hu Dahai's line of defense on purpose. Hu Dahai was also wondering how the devils got here, and their trajectory is not too obvious!" said the thin monkey.

"Then how did Hu Dahai do it?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Hu Dahai is wondering now, there is no real action at all!" said the thin monkey.

"It's no wonder, how can Hu Dahai's brain turn around?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ji, "We can't worry about this matter! It's Shen Gouzi who is fighting for the high ground with the devils. What about the situation?"

The thin monkey hurriedly said, "Battle Commander, when I came back, the devil was at a disadvantage. Logically speaking, Shen Wanxi should be able to hold on!"

"Well, it seems that Shen Gouzi was ordered by the regiment to defend!" Yang Fei said, "Okay, let's put this matter on hold for now and wait until tomorrow to see if there are any new discoveries!" Yang Fei said.

This matter waited until the next day, when the sky was lightly raining, Yang Fei didn't close his eyes all night, just wanted to hear if there were any gunshots outside?
But, still not!
When he just went out, Da Guang ran over again, "Battle Commander, something happened again?"

Yang Fei frowned, "What happened again?"

"That's right, Battalion Commander, just now the intelligence agent came and said that Wanghou Village has also been purged by devils!" Da Guang said slowly.

"This shit..." Yang Fei took over the map at this time and looked at it carefully, "There is a distance between Wanghou Village and Han Village!"

"Battalion Commander, there is no other village between the two villages! In my opinion, there is no possibility that the devils came from Hanling, but they hibernate there during the day, and they come out at night!"

Daguang said.

"Yes, your analysis is good!" Yang Fei said, "There is a mountain between these two villages. This mountain is inconspicuous, but it is the best place to hide!" Yang Fei nodded!
He opened the map on the table, and carefully analyzed the surrounding villages of Wanghou Village, wanting to see what other places he could hide in!

At this time, he suddenly saw two words on the map, "Dijian Mountain!"

Yang Fei pointed and Da Guang watched, "Battle Commander, what do you mean?"

"This place needs to be investigated first!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he put the pistol on his waist!

"Hurry up, gather the team for me!"

Daguang ran out, and the three companies were standing in the drizzle. Yang Fei said at this time, "Okay, don't say anything more! The first company and the second company will guard the house for me. The third company, follow me Let’s go to Dijian Mountain together!”

Liu Ji and Skinny Monkey were taken aback, they went out with Yang Fei, instead of using their direct troops, they used a company of bandits, how could this be sung?

However, they couldn't ask directly, they could only silently accept this reality.

In fact, Yang Fei has his own ideas. Although most of them are bandits, according to the habits of bandits, they are experienced in hiding in the mountains. Is it meritorious service?"

Hearing the fire stick, he was almost moved to tears, "Battalion Commander..."

"I'll ask you if you want to!"

Yang Fei asked directly.

Since he told Huzi the secret last time, so that Leopard didn't talk to him very much, this time, he has to perform meritorious service, he nodded as he should, "Of course, of course I want to make meritorious service up!"

"Okay, this time I'll give you the meritorious performance!" Yang Fei said.

When they reached the bottom of Dijian Mountain, it stands to reason that this is a high mountain of 300 meters, at most 1000 meters from east to west, and hundreds of meters from north to south. Go up, but I want to remind you that there are probably Japanese devils on this mountain, so you have to be extra careful!"

"Battalion Commander, don't worry, the devil dares to hide on the mountain, I will definitely find it for you!" After saying that, the fire stick took people up the mountain.

Yang Fei was sitting on a rock at the foot of the mountain.

Zhao Qifa wanted to go up the mountain, but was stopped by Yang Fei, "Okay, don't go!"

"Battalion Commander, didn't you say that the devil might be on the mountain? Can I do it if I don't go?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"It's just possible, the fire stick brought a company up, how many people can this devil have?" Yang Fei didn't care at all.

"Battalion Commander..." Zhao Qifa couldn't understand what Yang Fei was thinking at all!

At this time, there was a sudden sound of rattles and a carriage next to Yang Fei's ears.

He looked back and saw a group of people driving a carriage with several people sitting in it.

Judging by their attire, this must be a juggler.

Yang Fei went over to say hello with a smile, "Hey, where are you going to perform?"

The leader immediately stopped shaking the rattle, and he came over with a smile, "Master, hello, we are traveling from town to house, and we don't have a fixed location!"

"Hey, it's not bad." Yang Fei was very interested in jugglers. He had seen jugglers when he was young. There is a skill, but until now, he has not seen a few jugglers.

"Master Jun, if there is nothing else to do, we will leave!" said one of the leaders.

Yang Fei went over, "Hey, it's a pity, why don't you go to Huoguang Village, how about all of us cheering you on tonight?"

The leader was startled, but then he nodded, "Master Jun, okay, then we will go to Huoguang Village tonight!"

"Yes, it's Huoguang Village, you must go, I, Lao Yang, haven't seen a juggler for many years!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, then tonight, let's meet in Huoguang Village!" After finishing speaking, the man led the team away.

(End of this chapter)

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