Chapter 2371
"Oops, they ran away!" Zhao Qifa shouted.He didn't expect that these people would be such a jerk. At this moment, they took advantage of the chaos and ran away. This is nothing at all, how could they do this.

At this time, Yang Fei arrived at the forest farm, and Zhao Qifa quickly went to report the situation. Yang Fei smiled, "I've already guessed this! But since they want to leave, just let them go! You gather the team quickly, Let's go right away!"


Zhao Qifa hurriedly assembled the team, and Liu Ji and Shouhou also hurriedly brought them down the mountain.

The team quickly rushed towards Shen Wanxi's direction.

However, on the way, they heard another burst of gunshots. The direction of the gunshots was indeed coming from Hu Dahai's residence!

Yang Fei frowned, "No, Hu Dahai must have encountered a devil! Yilian, follow me to Hu Dahai's line of defense, and Erlian and Sanlian hurry to support Shen Wanxi!"



Yang Sibao and his group discussed, "Father, why didn't you let me kill Yang Fei just now?"

"Didn't you see that Yang Fei is going to kill devils now?" Yang Sibao asked.

"Father, he is the only one who knows our secret, so we can escape if we kill him!" Yang Liming asked, frowning.

"Pig Brain, we have already offended the national army, and if we offend the Eighth Route Army, is there any place for us in this world?" Yang Sibao said, "Yang Fei knows our secret, but Yang Fei and us don't have any deep hatred !"

"Father, it's this time, we can't be kind to women!" Yang Liming still insisted on his own opinion.

"Okay, Yang Fei is going to fight the devils now! Let's shoot him in the back now, this is not our original intention! If we leave, now is our chance to leave! Be a human being and stay on the line, so we can meet again in the future!" Yang Sibao said Then, he looked at his children, "Go, come with me!"

"Father, where are you going?" Yang Liming asked.

"Hebei, my hometown!" Yang Sibao said, and walked straight forward.


There was a crisp horse cry ahead.

Yang Sibao was stunned, taking advantage of the faint moonlight, he saw a horse in front and a carriage behind the horse, they walked towards the carriage, but saw Daguang.

Yang Liming immediately took out a red-tasseled gun, "What do you want to do?"

Da Guang smiled, "Okay, put away your red-tasseled gun, don't tell me, your red-tasseled gun and my pistol have faster bullets?" Then, Da Guang got off the carriage, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yang Sibao asked Yang Liming to put away the red-tasseled gun, and then asked, "Master Jun, what do you mean by blocking our way?"

"Okay, I won't beat around the bush with you anymore. This carriage belongs to you, and there are your things on it. Our battalion commander said that you will never stay here for a long time. It would not be appropriate to let you go during the day." This night, you just leave, and he will never pursue anything!" Da Guang said.

"That military master..."

"That's our battalion commander, the commander of the Eighth Route Army!" Daguang added.

"Father, beware of fraud!" Yang Liming whispered.

Da Guang tied the bridle to the tree, then stroked the horse's mane, "This is a fine horse!" Then he walked up to Yang Sibao, "Don't worry, we, our battalion commander, will do what we say, and we will never Shooting in your back! You have a long way to go, without this horse, you may have a hard time walking!"

With that said, Daguang is leaving!

Yang Sibao hurriedly asked, "This brother!"

Daguang stopped, and then looked back at Yang Sibao.

Yang Sibao cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much!"

"Hehe, it's okay! It's all trivial matters, but, in the future, if you kill devils, you will kill them, and if you are bad people, you will kill them! Although our battalion commander is the Eighth Route Army, he also has a sense of loyalty! I can't see the national army issuing any arrest warrants for you. , Hurry up and get on the road, I'm going to kill devils!"

With that said, Daguang walked back.

Yang Sibao sighed, watched Daguang disappear, then turned to look at his child, "Then Yang Fei is like this, it really seems that we treat the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

"Father, Yang Fei is so kind!" Yang Liming said.

This is something he never thought of.

"This Yang Fei really has a sense of loyalty..." Yang Sibao said.

"Father, let's go!" After saying that, Yang Lidao came to the carriage and looked at the luggage on the carriage. There was a lot of luggage, but there was some dry food on it.

"Father, look..."

Yang Sibao looked at it, and then smiled gratifiedly, "Remember, if we can't do it anymore, we will rely on him, Yang Fei!"

"I know dad!"


Yang Fei soon arrived at Hu Dahai's line of defense. The gunshots came and went, Yang Fei told everyone to hide quickly, "Listening to the gunshots, it seems that Hu Dahai has been fighting with the devil for a while. Know how many!"

Liu Ji hurriedly said, "Battle Commander, let's go around and join Hu Dahai and the others, shall we?"

"Well, let's go!" As he said, Yang Fei led his people around the back of the village and found Hu Dahai!
Seeing Yang Fei coming, Hu Dahai said with a smile, "Damn it, why did you come?"

"Where's the devil?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"I didn't expect this devil to stare at my line of defense tonight. I pulled out the first company and the second company, and now there are only two platoons beside me! This devil came up at night, not my fighters are clever, we They are all dead!" Hu Dahai said.

Yang Fei only saw at this time that Hu Dahai's arm was wrapped with gauze, "Why did you get bitten by a bullet?"

"Hey, I saw the devil just now, mother, I was plotted against by that little devil!" Hu Dahai said with a smile, "It's not a problem!"

"How many devils are there?" Yang Fei asked again.

"The number of devils is not many, but we have suffered a lot in this battle! Eight brothers died and many were injured!" Hu Dahai said.

"Perhaps, the devils know that your defenses are tight, so they dare not attack again!" Yang Fei said.

"Damn it, if it weren't for my lack of people, I would have rushed over to capture a few alive!" Hu Dahai's fist hit the ground.

"Forget it, how many did you kill?" Yang Fei asked.

"I killed three!" Hu Dahai said.

"Go, see where the bodies of those three devils are!" Yang Fei said.

"What do you want the devil's body for?" Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei strangely.

"Don't ask so many questions, let's go! Let's go together!"

Said, Yang Fei walked ahead, Hu Dahai got up from the ground, and then followed Yang Fei away.

When he came to a devil, Yang Fei carried the devil's body to a corner, "The corpse looks good. Tomorrow morning, I will ask this guy carefully, where are they hiding these days!"

Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei in surprise, "You want the corpse to talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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