Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2373 Let the Corpse Talk

Chapter 2373 Let the Corpse Talk

Who said Japanese soldiers can't kill?When they killed Chinese people, didn't they say that they couldn't kill them?
The muzzle of the black gun was pointed at the devil, and the devil began to tremble.

These little devils are also made of flesh and blood, so when facing the gunpoint, they, the beasts, trembled all over at this time, and their hearts were extremely terrified. They were also afraid of death.

Everyone is afraid of death, everyone is born from a mother's womb, and everyone is born with the naked eye.

"You bastards!" Yang Fei cursed. ,
Hu Dahai hurried over, "Old Yang, are you going to kill someone?"

"Old Hu, don't worry, if we kill them, no one will know that we killed them. Look at the soldiers around you, how many are missing? Look at the villages around you, how many villages are covered by these soldiers?" The idiots were slaughtered, they have no conscience!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at the devil again.

Bullets could be ejected from the muzzle at any time, and beads of sweat appeared on the devil's head.

At this time, a beam of sunlight emerged from the mountain in the east and shone on the corner of the village.

The devil curled up and looked at Yang Fei, staring at Yang Fei firmly.

Yang Fei smiled ferociously, "You idiot, today I will send you to meet Lord Yan, I hope Lord Yan doesn't want to take in you idiots!"

"Don't shoot!" The devil suddenly began to speak Chinese, and he said tremblingly, "You can't kill us! According to international law, you can't kill prisoners of war?"

"Ouch!" Yang Fei smiled, and he put away the gun, "So, you can speak Chinese!" As he spoke, Yang Fei squatted down.

The devil looked at Yang Fei, but stopped talking now.

"Come on, tell me! Why didn't I kill you? But, you also have to make it clear, why did you slaughter our villagers? You killed people and set them on fire! Who told you to do this?"

The devil shook his head, "We didn't slaughter the village!"

"No?" Yang Fei stood up angrily, he understood that this devil just wanted to evade responsibility, otherwise, who would attack ordinary people, even bandits, would not kill people at will!

This devil is not a bandit, but a devil!
He smiled, "Okay, then I will kill you, and no one will know that I did it! Hehe!" As he spoke, Yang Fei pointed his gun at the devil again.

With the muzzle of the gun pointed at the devil's head, Yang Fei's smile made the devil start to lose his sensitive nerves.

"You can't kill us!" the devil said again.

"No one can see!" Yang Fei's aggressive look made the surrounding people feel nothing strange, and they even wished Yang Fei could shoot.

Hu Dahai didn't know what Yang Fei was going to do either. He stood aside and grabbed the pistol from his guard, pointing it at the devil's head, "Yang Fei, will you kill me? If you don't, I will Just kill!"

"You were robbed from me, this devil is mine!" Yang Fei turned to look at Hu Dahai.

Hu Dahai shook his head, "Okay, let's divide these devils equally?"

"Equal share is equal share!" Said, Yang Fei put away the gun.

But count carefully, "Eleven people? They can't be divided equally!"

"Lao Yang, in this way, if there are too many people, you can give them to me!" Hu Dahai said.

"That can't be done!"

Yang Fei said, "Why give it to you!"

"Then what do you say?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Hey!" Yang Fei smiled, "Let's kill each other, whoever grabs the last one first will be the one!"

"Good!" Hu Dahai agreed on the spot.

With that said, Yang Fei said to Da Guang behind him, "Da Guang, you kid, be smart, I'll count to three, and you'll catch a little devil behind that tree for me, understand?"

"Don't worry, Battalion Commander, we will definitely win!" Daguang said.

Hu Dahai also said to the guards behind him, "Listen to Battalion Commander Yang, then let's catch him behind that wall! Be smart, too!"

"I know the battalion commander!"

"Okay!" Yang Fei said, "One...two...three..."

With an order, Da Guang directly picked up a devil and went behind the old elm tree.

In the back, Yang Fei said directly, "Boom...".

Afterwards, Hu Dahai also let out a "boom...".

Daguang and the guard ran over, grabbed another one, and two more shots were fired.


All the devils present gathered together, they looked at these Eighth Route Army in horror, what is the difference between them and devils.

Howled in his mouth, "You are demons!"

"Forget it, in comparison, we can't match it!" Da Guang smiled, then picked up another devil and headed towards the back of the elm tree.

"Stop, stop..."

The devil shouted, and Yang Fei poked his head out from behind the elm tree, "Oh, what's wrong? Don't interrupt us!"

"I say! I say..."

Yang Fei deliberately blew on the muzzle of the gun, "This is just the beginning, you say don't even let me kill you!"

The devil spoke not-so-fluent Chinese, "What do you want to know?"

Yang Fei glanced at Hu Dahai, then sat on a rock, "Bring me that kid!"

Da Guang dragged the devil to Yang Fei, and the devil lay on the ground, "Ask!"

He was trembling, looking at the few remaining devils around him, he probably was already in a panic in his heart.

"Say, who sent you here?" Yang Fei asked.

"Our Excellency!" the devil said.

"Who is that?" Yang Fei asked.

"Ito Ichiro!"

"Also, did you guys do the massacre of the villages? To be honest, I can spare your life!" Yang Fei deliberately said the last sentence.

The devil nodded helplessly, "It was us! We killed it!"

"Why kill?" Yang Fei asked.

"I'm afraid you will attack our camp!" The devil said slowly.

In fact, after everything has been said, I feel that there is nothing that cannot be said. In order to survive, you have to do this. Maybe someone scolds you, but this life is only once!

"Do you have any conspiracy? For example, you want to cross the Yellow River west?" Yang Fei asked.

The devil shook his head slowly, "I don't know about that!"

"Ichiro Ito sent you here just to drag us! What are you doing there now?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Repair the bridge! For the sake of repairing the bridge as soon as possible!" The devil was honest and said everything.

Hu Dahai admired Yang Fei, he was able to let the tight-lipped Japanese soldiers speak, which undoubtedly surprised him the most.

"What else? Tell me everything. If I'm in a good mood, I might put you back!" Yang Fei said.

The devil looked at Yang Fei, "In order to repair the bridge as soon as possible, let our troops gather as soon as possible!"

"Hehe..." Yang Fei smiled and stood up, looking at Hu Dahai, "I'm done asking, these people have to be handed over to the regiment headquarters!"

(End of this chapter)

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