Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2378 I guess I'm getting married

Chapter 2378 I guess I'm getting married

"Well, then you must be careful!"

"I know! I'm going, you wait for me!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa led the people and groped over in the dark!

Zhang Xiu'er poked out two eyes, staring closely at the devil's stronghold.

This is just a roadblock, and there are five devils, which is already too many!

After all, there are more troops behind this one!

Zhang Xiu'er watched Zhao Qifa lead people past, and then appeared unexpectedly, and then the knife in his hand fought with the devil!

Zhang Xiu'er quickly lowered her head and dared not look at this bloody scene!

I only heard Zhao Qifa shout, "Brothers, kill someone, see if there is anything you can take, take it all for me! Don't leave it to the devil!"

This is also what they need. Anyway, these things can be used. Since these little devils are killed, it is completely wasteful to stay here, so it is better to take them all away.

"It's the company commander!"

Zhang Xiu'er looked up again, only to see that those devils had become their dead souls at some point.

She smiled and stood up, then ran towards the devil's stronghold.

"Brother-in-law, you are amazing!" Zhang Xiuer looked at him like a fan.

"If you kill devils, you can't stay behind. When you see them, just kill them!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Well, I remember!" Zhang Xiu'er said.

"Well, just remember it! Hurry up and see, what can the devil have here, if we can't take it away, we will hide it, and we will come back to get it later!"

"Well, okay!" After Zhang Xiu'er finished speaking, she rummaged through the devil's stronghold.

In fact, they didn't find anything, just the guns of the five devils and some canned food. After taking these things away, they hid them on the mountain.

As soon as he took the shot, he successfully took away a stronghold of the devil, and Zhao Qifa was naturally very happy. "Comrades, everyone, rest where you are, and divide into two groups. One group is responsible for vigilance. After three hours, the second group will be vigilant!"


The faint drizzle wet Zhang Xiu'er's hair and clothes.

Zhao Qifa took off his clothes and put them on Zhang Xiuer, "I told you not to let you come, but the battalion commander is worried and insists on letting you bring a medical kit!"

"I think the battalion commander is right!" Zhang Xiu'er said, "Brother-in-law, may I ask you something?"

"Ah? What's the matter?
Zhao Qifa looked at her.

Zhang Xiu'er was a little embarrassed, she blushed, reluctant to speak.

"Tell me!" Zhao Qifa asked with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, I might marry the battalion commander!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiu'er smiled.

"Ah?" The news was shocking, Zhao Qifa quickly asked, "When did it happen?"

"I think, soon? I don't know when exactly?" Zhang Xiu'er smiled.

" The battalion commander asked you to propose marriage?" Zhao Qifa asked again.

"There's no marriage proposal, anyway...we're getting married!" Zhang Xiu'er smiled contentedly.

"This..." Zhao Qifa didn't know whether it was joy or what, he didn't know why Zhang Xiuer said that, but he knew that Zhang Xiuer really had something for Yang Fei.However, his brother-in-law didn't dare to say anything, so he could only smile, "Okay, if you marry the battalion commander, how about I marry your sister and the battalion commander, the four of us together?"

"Really? That's great!" Zhang Xiu'er said.

Zhao Qifa stood up, broke some branches, and then weaved a straw hat for Zhang Xiu'er to wear on her head.

"Then I bless you!" Zhao Qifa said. "However, I heard that he has a fiancee!"

"So what? Anyway, didn't that reporter leave long ago?" Zhang Xiuer pouted.

"But...Xiu'er, I want to tell you, don't let it spread like this, it won't sound good!" Zhao Qifa persuaded.

"No, they are not married, and there is no matchmaker's words, what am I afraid of?" Zhang Xiuer said, "I asked the master to show me, and she said it herself, as long as I put my blood on Yang Fei's He must be my man!"

"Master?" Zhao Qifa was a little surprised.

"That's right, it's the one from the village next door to yours!" Zhang Xiu'er said again.

"Did you go to a fortune teller?" Zhao Qifa finished, and then laughed, "That guy is indeed a little bit capable, but most of them are fooled. It will say that you must have forgotten and can’t remember clearly! In short, they are all right.”

"You also said that she is very powerful! I also asked him for a talisman, and there will never be any female ghosts by his side!"

"Nonsense!" Zhao Qifa said, "There is no female ghost, that female ghost is the girl juggling!"

"Ah?" Zhang Xiuer looked at Zhao Qifa in surprise, "Brother-in-law, no matter what, I have already asked for this talisman, and I have already given it to Yang Fei. Whether he accepts it or not is his business. Anyway, I It's for his own good, he should also know what I mean!"

"I'm afraid that if you don't explain it clearly, the battalion commander will treat that talisman as waste paper and throw it away!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Ah?" Zhang Xiu'er grabbed Zhao Qifa's hand, "Brother-in-law, forget it..."

"Just say what you want!" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Brother-in-law, if Yang Fei is interested, he will never throw it away. If he has no intentions towards me, why not throw it away?" Zhang Xiu'er can take it lightly.

"Silly girl! Don't say that!" Zhao Qifa said, "You are such a good girl, how many boys are willing to marry you! But you always ignore others and feel that you are superior!"

"I don't want to be confined in the village for the rest of my life!" Zhang Xiu'er said, "I hope to marry a hero, a hero who I can admire. As long as they are, I will consider them, but it has been so long before I know them Yang Fei is a great hero!"

"So, you identified her?"

"Brother-in-law, I don't want to keep my liking in my heart. I remember you also said that now is a new society. Men and women should be equal. You also said that love should also be equal. Since I like you Why can’t I say it? What’s more, I’m already ready to get married, I’ve already told my mother, and asked her to quickly prepare some dowry for me!”

"Hahaha! You said everything?"

Zhao Qifa asked.

"Of course, since I've made up my mind, I definitely didn't run away!" Zhang Xiu'er smiled.

One night, the slight drizzle kept falling, and Zhang Xiu'er fell asleep lying on Zhao Qifa's shoulder.Occasionally, a few insects with wet wings landed on Zhao Qifa's legs, and at random, they flew away in a hurry.

He looked at this girl, his sister-in-law, she was really different.Compared with her older sister, his older sister seemed a little quieter than her family.

But no matter what, he will support whatever Zhang Xiuer wants to do!
(End of this chapter)

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