Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 238 The Battle of the Water River

Chapter 238 The Battle of the Water River Wolf's Wrath ([-])

Because of today's troop deployment, the headquarters, except for the necessary sentries, seemed very empty.

Along the way, Su Yunuan didn't meet a few soldiers. After a while, Su Yunuan came outside the courtyard of the confidential room.

However, as soon as he arrived here, Su Yunuan heard a loud roar inside, which made Su Yunuan stop suddenly, and began to listen carefully to the sound coming from the courtyard of the confidential room.

"What do you all do? Ah, how can something go wrong in the confidential room, how can something go wrong in such an important place as the confidential room!"

In the secret room, Zhang Xianyi, the chief of the confidentiality department, was laughing at this moment, and at the same time reprimanded the soldiers in front of him loudly.

And the soldiers who were reprimanded by him all held back their laughter at this time, and couldn't help but look at the pretending chief, Zhang Xianyi.

"Ding ding ding, Didi Didi!"

At this moment, in the confidential room, apart from the beeping radio station, only Zhang Xianyi's roar was left.

"Ah, you little bastards, the entire confidential room is now abolished. If the superior has instructions and you delay it, I'll see how you explain to the head of the group."

Zhang Xianyi was still laughing and cursing at the same time.

The soldiers were also laughing silently. At this time, a soldier was very cooperative and said: "If the regiment commander wants to deal with it, he must deal with you first, Director, after all, the sky is falling, and you, the big man, are the ones who will stand in front of you." ah."

"Bang, bang!"

Seeing the soldier's cooperation, Zhang Xian couldn't help but gave the soldier a thumbs up. At the same time, he grabbed the teacup on the table and threw it out the door.

With a bang, the teacup was smashed to pieces.

"How could it be such a coincidence?"

Standing outside the courtyard of the confidential room, Su Yunuan had already heard what happened inside, Su Yunuan couldn't believe it, how could it be such a coincidence, and at such an important time, there was a problem with the radio station.

Seeing this situation, Su Yunuan couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

However, she also knew that no matter how anxious she was now, there was nothing she could do. After all, there was a problem with the radio station, and she had no choice. Although she was very proficient in the radio station, she couldn't just go to the confidential room to help the Eight Routers repair the radio station.

In this way, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of interested people. Thinking of this, Su Yunuan waited outside the courtyard of the confidential room. At the same time, she frowned and began to look for other ways.

"Damn it, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you fix it quickly!"


The shouting and cursing in the confidential room continued.


At this time, Lei Zhan had officially entered the Shuijiang area with the special forces, and, according to the division on the Shuijiang map, there was a devil's stronghold a mile ahead of them.

In fact, Lei Zhan led the soldiers to develop the county in Lingchuan, and he was not idle. He had already dispatched scouts to the entire Gaoping area in disguise, and began to draw a precise map. This map included villages. , traffic lines, especially devil strongholds, and places where devils are stationed.

Although this major task has not been fully completed, the map of the nearby counties in the Lingchuan area has been initially formed. According to this map, the Wolf Warriors will definitely deal a painful blow to the little devil.

Lei Zhan led the soldiers and quickly approached the stronghold one mile away, because Yang Hu was originally a lump of elm, and the other soldiers did not make a sound, and they all rushed quickly under the leadership of Lei Zhan.


Five minutes later, the running team immediately stopped in place under Lei Zhan's order.


Because it was a rapid march, the breathing of the soldiers was already a little short at this time, but fortunately, they stopped now, and the soldiers quickly adjusted their breathing to calm themselves down quickly, otherwise, it might affect the The next battle.

The place where Lei Zhan and the soldiers stopped was only more than 100 meters away from the stronghold.

At this time, outside the stronghold, there were four puppet soldiers and two little devils wandering and patrolling outside. On the top of the stronghold, there was a puppet soldier and a devil, scanning the surroundings from above.

It seems that because the Lingchuan area was beaten down by the Wolf Warriors, the security of the devil stronghold at this time is no longer as lazy as before, but has become the current state of martial law and vigilance.

After all, they are also afraid, afraid of being killed by the sudden attack of the wolf group.

After Lei Zhan ordered the soldiers to stop, he and Yang Hu picked up the binoculars handed over by the special operators and began to observe the situation in the stronghold.

"There are five puppet soldiers and three devils outside."

After observing through the telescope, Yang Hu began to report the situation.

"According to the previous deployment of the devils, there should be six puppet troops and four devils in each stronghold."

Lei Zhan also spoke.

"I don't know if they have increased their troops."

Yang Hu expressed his worries.

Hearing Lei Zhan and Yang Hu's words, the soldiers didn't have much worry in their hearts. After all, Lei Zhan followed this operation, and they felt very at ease in their hearts.

Seeing the little devils and puppet soldiers who were very vigilant in the stronghold, Lei Zhan had a cold smile on his face, no matter how strict the guard was, it was of no use.

"Regardless of whether they have increased their troops or not, it is impossible for them to have too many little devils in the stronghold. Besides, now that the devils in the North China battlefield are in a hurry, it is impossible for them to increase their troops too much."

Lei Zhan analyzed.


Yang Hu nodded, fully agreeing with Lei Zhan's opinion.

"Stay here, watch my gestures for a while, run forward, shout in Japanese, asking for support."

Lei Zhan smiled slightly, and gave a combat order to a soldier beside him.


The special forces member responded, expressing his understanding.

"The rest, let me go!"

Afterwards, Lei Zhan led Yang Hu and the rest of the special operations team towards a stronghold more than 100 meters away, and began to lurk there.

Fortunately, winter has just passed, and now is the time when dry weeds are everywhere. Lei Zhan and the special forces team quickly approached the devil's stronghold with the help of weeds.


Lei Zhan led the soldiers forward to the grass 50 meters away from the stronghold, and immediately raised his hand to signal to stop.

Seeing Lei Zhan's gesture, the soldiers immediately stopped advancing and hid their figures.

At 50 meters, it was already very close to the devil's stronghold. If it weren't for the cover of weeds, Lei Zhan and the others would definitely be discovered by the little devils now.

"Get ready to fight, just wait for the little devils and traitors inside to show up and shoot immediately."

After Lei Zhan's order was issued, the soldiers immediately clicked the bolt of the gun, put on the safety, and aimed the three-eight cover in their hands at the little devils above and below the stronghold.

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(End of this chapter)

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