Chapter 2381

Also, how can you tell who this person is through his belly?

Sometimes, these people perform better in front of others, but behind others, who knows what they will do, so no one can tell for sure.

But seeing that Yang Fei was so angry, he could guess that Yang Fei must be really angry. Shen Wanxi turned to look at Hu Zi, "Is Yang Fei right?"

His voice was loud, Huzi's body trembled, and he timidly raised his head.

"Battalion Commander, don't listen to his nonsense!"

At this time, Huzi will naturally rely on whoever he can rely on. Yang Fei naturally dare not provoke him. He has a grudge against him himself, so if he sticks to him, isn't this a dead end?But Shen Wanxi was different, Shen Wanxi still liked Huzi a little bit, so Huzi had to stick to Shen Wanxi tightly.

"to be frank!"

Shen Wanxi shouted again.

"Battalion Commander, I'm not a traitor!" Hu Zi was tied up, but he still quibbled!
Yang Fei took out the knife at this time, "You dog, how dare you talk nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei was about to stab him.

Fortunately, Daguang stopped him.

"Commander, you need to calm down!"

Shen Wanxi looked at Yang Fei at this moment, "Lao Yang, did you have a feud with Huzi before?"

"It's deeply rooted!" Yang Fei said bluntly.

"Then you say he is a traitor, do you have evidence?" Shen Wanxi asked again.

"Okay, since that's the case, let him say that the last time he mowed grass under Hanling, he used an excuse to say he was going to shit, why didn't he see anyone in the end?" Yang Fei asked.

This is indeed a matter, Shen Wanxi looked back at Huzi again, "Say it!"

"Battalion Commander, based on this alone, you can say that I am a traitor?" At this moment, Huzi had to prove this point, "I am at most a deserter!"

"Ask why you left without saying goodbye!" Shen Wanxi asked again.

"Ask him, am I being treated by Yang Fei in this battalion? He has been targeting me, assigning me to the third company, and asking me to do this and that! The brothers in the third company have been implicated after me , Yang Fei, what do you think?"

Yang Fei was very surprised by Huzi's retaliation!

"You are talking nonsense, I am targeting you?" Yang Fei was furious!

"Why not? I want to go up the mountain, but you stop me, but you keep making me work!" Hu Zi said confidently.

"You are a soldier, of course you have to work, you don't train? You don't prepare for battle? Then you are in Shen Wanxi's army, don't you have to do these things?" Yang Fei asked.

"No need!" Hu Zi retorted, "I just need to do what I should do every day, Yang Fei, don't use personal grievances to give me such a big hat!"

"I'll give you a hat, come here, let's have a good talk!" After speaking, Yang Fei passed by.

The tiger kept backing away in fright!

"Yang Fei, don't come here, if you come here, I will die in front of you!" Huzi shouted.

He was trembling all over, really afraid that Yang Fei would do something out of the ordinary.

Shen Wanxi hurriedly stopped him, "Yang Fei, what are you going to do? Your current attitude won't solve the problem! You say Huzi is a traitor, but what evidence do you have?"

Indeed, just because Yang Fei said that Huzi escaped at that time, it must not be considered a traitor!

Yang Fei frowned, "Damn it, you still don't admit it?"

Yang Fei frowned, really confused about this shameless person, "You took the Japanese up the mountain in an attempt to burn our hay, you still don't admit it?" Yang Fei shouted.

"Why did I admit it? Yang Fei, don't spout blood!" Hu Zi shouted. ,
"Hehe, Huzi, do you dare to do it or not? I have seen people like you a lot. How about this? You should talk about it carefully. If you are not a traitor, tell me why you were with the Japanese at that time. , and walked ahead brazenly, showing the way to the Japanese devils? Accurately found our hay storage place?"

Hearing what Yang Fei said, Hu Zi immediately looked at Shen Wanxi, and then said with snot and tears, "Battle Commander, you have to believe me, I'm not a traitor, I can explain this matter!" As he said that, Huzi said, "Do you know? I was indeed a deserter at the time. I didn't want to work in Yang Fei's camp anymore. I thought I had to find someone who could look up to me. I used to be a It’s not easy for other people’s long-term workers to wait until we have a status, so I thought about being a soldier, I can’t work in an army that is always angry! But, I’m not lucky!”

Huzi was still crying while he was talking, and he wiped away the tears, "When I was running away, I met the Japanese devils, they saw my Eighth Route Army clothes, and they tortured me and asked me about the army. !" He said, still looking at Yang Fei, "Can I say it?"

"Of course I can't say it!" Huzi asked himself and answered.

"Stop talking nonsense there!" Yang Fei shouted, "I saw you bring the Japanese here with my own eyes! Are you still making excuses?"

"That's right, I brought it!" Huzi said, "But when I left, you didn't get much hay. I took the Japanese there with the idea of ​​pointing them to a place. If they can run, I will I must have run away! But! But I met you!"

Huzi said, "Didn't you say that the next night? If I take them around the mountain in advance, it's not a betrayal, right?"

Yang Fei's teeth were itchy, and he clenched his fists tightly, "Dog, it's true that a dog can't spit out ivory!"

"Yang Fei, tell me, am I right? If I am really a traitor, I will definitely let them lie in ambush on the mountain that night, and wait for you. When the time comes, you will kill yourself. I am with the Japanese." You have done a good job! But what about you? It doesn’t matter that you were not ambushed by the Japanese. In the end, when I saw so much hay, you know how disappointed I was. I didn’t expect that I would accurately kill the Japanese Bring it up!"

Huzi's tears blurred his eyes, "Yang Fei, are you right?"

Through this call, Shen Wanxi also felt that the tiger was right.

Da Guang, who was watching from the sidelines, felt a little embarrassed at this moment. He never thought that such a sharp-tongued tiger, what is it if he is not a traitor?Anyone who can handle traitors with ease, this tiger can definitely do it!
However, Yang Fei's expression became embarrassing!His face was pale with anger, and the knife in his hand was about to cut off his hand!
Da Guang quickly took the knife away from Yang Fei's hand, "Battle Commander! Don't be impulsive!"

"Impulsive?" Yang Fei shouted, "Why is I impulsive? This bastard, with a red mouth and white teeth, actually talks so much. Let me think about it, he is really shameless!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei Waiting for Huzi, it seems that his eyes are going to kill people!
(End of this chapter)

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