Chapter 2392

"No?" Looking at this person's appearance, he should be the owner of the shop. He is wearing luxurious clothes, from top to bottom, and he should also have a prominent position in this place.

"No, it was your child who hit us!" Da Guang said quickly.

Daguang is also very innocent, it was obviously a child who bumped into him first, how could he be unreasonable at this time, it's too shameless.

"How can you tell a lie, my boy?" cried the shopkeeper.

Yang Fei hurriedly made Da Guang stop talking.

"Boss, we are new here, and we did have an unpleasant incident with Mr. Ling just now, but we are willing to apologize!" Yang Fei said.

"Apologize?" the store owner said, "If you want to apologize, come, my son is inside, and you apologize to him face to face!"

With that said, the store owner walked inside.

They followed into the door, because at noon, there were a lot of people eating inside, and followed the shop owner to the backyard. The backyard was a guest room with unique decoration, with a total of three floors.

To be able to have such a large family property, there must be no shortage of money.

Yang Fei and the others followed the store owner to the southernmost point, then followed them upstairs to the third floor, and stopped in a room at the corner.He knocked on the door and opened it.

After entering, I saw a table of dishes!
Yang Fei and the others went in, and the shop owner looked around again, making sure there was no one there, so he turned to look at them, "You all must have come from the Eighth Route Army garrison, right?"

This question surprised Yang Fei, he looked up and down at the shop owner.

The shop owner knew that what he said would definitely make them uncomfortable, so he hurriedly said, "I'm here to welcome everyone under the instruction of Li Jiguang, head of the group!"

After saying this, Yang Fei understood, "Oh, so it is like this!"

"Everyone, it's an emergency. Please understand what happened just now!"

The store owner quickly explained.

When Daguang heard that they were all from his own family, and that the dishes on this table were delicacies on a jade plate that they had never enjoyed during Chinese New Year, he quickly sat down. Liu Ji saw that Daguang also sat down, so he also sat down quickly.

The smell of food is now flowing through the nose.

"What's your name?" Yang Fei asked.

"My name is Ma Chucheng! You can call me Laoma!" Ma Chucheng said.

"Okay, old horse, since you are our support person, tell me now, what's going on outside?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"I'll talk about this later, there are a lot of people outside now, I have to meet up!" Ma Chucheng said, and went out.

Watching him go, Yang Fei was really worried, and quickly turned his head to look at Da Guang, "Hurry up and take a look quietly, what the hell did that old horse do?"

"Battalion Commander, this table..." Before Da Guang finished speaking, Yang Fei said, "I know how to eat, go out and have a look!"


After Da Guang finished speaking, he quickly stood up and went out the door.

Leopard looked at Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, our carriage is still..."

"That's right!" Yang Fei stood up nervously, "Liu Ji, quickly, go and see our carriage!"

"Yes, Battalion Commander!" Liu Ji quickly stood up and went out. When he was walking downstairs, he saw a man leading their carriage to the backyard.

Yang Fei motioned Liu Ji to see if their guns were still there.

Seeing that there was no one around, Liu Ji arrived at the stables, took a look under the carriage, and nodded towards Yang Fei who was upstairs.

Leopard said, "It seems that they didn't check our carriage!"

"That doesn't mean that Ma Chucheng and us are of the same mind!" Yang Fei said.

After a while, Da Guang ran up, "Battle Commander, Ma Chucheng is indeed greeting those customers below!"

"It's better to be careful!" Yang Fei said, "Many comrades in Salt Lake have been exposed, and Ma Chucheng may be exposed sooner or later here, so we must be careful!"

"Battalion Commander, then...the food..." Da Guang looked at the food on the table, and then swallowed.

"Eat! It's all here, are you afraid that others will harm us?" After saying that, they sat down.

At this time, Daguang didn't care about anything else, he skillfully held the food with his chopsticks and sent it to his mouth.

"This time, everyone, be careful. We are in the devil's territory. We have few people, so we can't be tough!" Yang Fei instructed.

"We all understand this!" Da Guang only cared about eating by himself, and only agreed with him.

When he was full of wine and food, Ma Chucheng came up again.

He closed the door gently and sat on the seat, "Everyone, are you all full?"

Yang Fei pouted, "Well, Ma, tell me about the current situation!"

Ma Chucheng said, "The devils have been conducting a thorough investigation recently. If there is any trouble, they will be dispatched. I have barely been searched here because I know a few Japanese."

"How did the other comrades be found? Is there a traitor?" Yang Fei asked.

"Comrade, you are absolutely right. It is because of this dog traitor that our intelligence network in the Salt Lake area has almost been wiped out!" Ma Chucheng said, "In the past, many of our comrades were active. According to my There are at least [-] known intelligence networks. The intelligence networks of these [-] companies are all connected in parallel. Others don’t know about it. Even if the devils destroy one, the others are still there. , covering almost all our contact points!"

"Do you know who this traitor is?" Yang Fei asked.

"This person has never been to my place, but I have heard that it is a person named Commissioner Wang. I don't know the exact name." Ma Chucheng said.

"Internet commissioner?" Yang Fei frowned, "Thanks to the party and the country trusting him so much, this guy is like this!"

"Because of this Special Commissioner Wang, our intelligence network has suffered a major cleansing, and my place is still safe for the time being, but it's not clear whether this devil can search here!" Ma Chucheng said.

"By the way, do you know where the prison in Salt Lake is?" Yang Fei asked.

"Prison?" Upon hearing this, Ma Chucheng immediately stood up, quietly opened the door, looked outside, came back immediately, and sat down, "I know what you are here for! Listen to me, this prison I can tell you about the location of the prison, but after all, this prison is not a hotel where I can come in and out at will!"

"You just need to tell me where the prison is, don't say anything else!" Yang Fei asked with a cold face.

"In Salt Lake, there is a very famous place called the Red Mansion. Behind and underground of the Red Mansion is the devil's prison, where all serious criminals are held! But, listen to me, I know you want to save people, But, be sure to keep yourself safe!"

Ma Chucheng said.

(End of this chapter)

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