Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2404 Drinking

Chapter 2404 Drinking
The weather is pretty good, although the sun is hot, but the wind blowing over is still very refreshing.

Yang Fei led people to build the city wall, and the little devil kept talking with Yang Fei when he had nothing to do.

At this time, Yang Fei was very bored, and it was good to talk to this little devil, just to see if he could get some useful information, which was the most important thing.

"You Chinese have no confidence, so many people were beaten in by us!"

Hearing such words, Yang Fei actually wanted to fight over a long time ago, he held back his clenched hand, "Taijun, yes, the Japanese imperial army is invincible, how can they be ours? What about the opponent!"

Yang Fei said with a hippie smile.

"You're right!" the Japanese smiled.

At this time, Wang Xun brought people over. He came over with his hands behind his back and looked at the people working inside. The little devil hurried over and pointed a gun at him, "What kind of work? Get out of here!"

Wang Xun immediately nodded and bowed, "Taijun, hello, I was ordered to come here to check if we have the Eighth Route Army here!"

"Balu?" The little devil looked at him strangely. "These are slaves of the empire. There is no Balu. It's best to get out of the way quickly! Don't interfere with our construction period. If the construction period is late, you can't afford it!"

As soon as Wang Xun heard this serious, he immediately said, "Don't bother, don't bother, we just go in and take a look to see if there are eight roads!"

"What? If it's Balu, do they have the word Balu written on their heads?" The little devil was obviously not happy.

"No, no, just take a look!" Wang Xun said, and took a step forward with one foot, but the muzzle of the little devil was already pointed at his back, "Take another step inside and try ?”

Wang Xun hurriedly turned his head, "No, no, no, these are all loyal subjects of the Great Japanese Empire. I'm sorry, I did something wrong!" Wang Xun left after saying that.

The little devil watched the man leave, and walked up to Yang Fei, "Did you see it? This man is you Chinese, without his betrayal, so many people would not be easily arrested by us, hehe, thanks to him! "

"Then he... didn't he make meritorious service?" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said again, "Taijun, what's the name of that guy?"

"What's the matter, king?" The little devil thought, "Because his woman betrayed him, so he took refuge with us for revenge. What a ridiculous thing, but our Great Japanese Emperor The army also needs such betrayers, so that we can prove that we are tolerant to all rivers."

Yang Fei couldn't listen, and thought to himself, "This little devil, why is he always talking?"

"Did you hear what I said?" the little devil asked.

"I heard it, I heard it!" Yang Fei said quickly, "Taijun, why don't I buy you a drink tonight?"

The little devil smiled, "Are you sure you want to buy me a drink?"

"Of course, you are kind to me. Tonight, let's not get drunk and never go home. Tomorrow, the city wall will be repaired, and it is guaranteed to be very strong!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, drink! I'm happy to drink with you!" said the little devil, "However, there are several of us!"

"It's okay, let's drink together, there should be nothing wrong at night!" Yang Fei said.

"However, someone has to be guarded!" The little devil shook his head.

"Is this still a problem?" Yang Fei smiled, "Take off your clothes, and no one will dare to come over if I stand there, don't you care? Tonight, I will let people put on your clothes, Stand outside, hey, tell me, who can tell?"

The little devil smiled, "Hey, you are really a shrewd person, okay, let's see how I drank you too much tonight!"

"Okay, Majesty, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home!" The little devil smiled, took out a cigarette and handed Yang Fei one.

The sky was long at this time, and the sun didn't set until around 06:30 in the afternoon. Yang Fei called people to get off work, and then had dinner.

Then he called Ba Jin aside, "Go get me some more wine tonight!"

"Brother, how much do you want?"

Bajin asked.

"The more the better, the kind that can make people drunk!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, good!" Ba Jin said.

"By the way, is there any medicine?" Yang Fei asked.

"Medicine? What kind of medicine?" Ba Jin asked.

"It's the medicine that can make people unconscious quickly!" Yang Fei said.

"Sweat medicine, yes! Brother, I'll bring you some wine later!" Ba Jin said with a smile.

"Okay, thanks for your hard work brother!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, don't say that if you're a brother!" After Ba Jin finished speaking, he and Gou Wa left.

Yang Fei called Liu Ji and Da Guang again, "Okay, tonight, let's start to act. After a while, some of us will get those little devils drunk first, and then we will go out! Do you understand?"

"Battalion Commander, I understand!" Da Guang and the others said.

"Tonight, Huzi will probably cooperate with us. When the time comes, the rescued people will be arranged here first!" Yang Fei said.

"How do you get out of the city, Battalion Commander?" Liu Ji asked.

"We're right on the edge of the city wall, and we're still worried that we won't be able to get out of the city?" Yang Fei smiled, "As long as I get all the people here, everything will be easy!"

"it is good!"

In this way, they reached an agreement, and tonight is the time to do it.

I don't know where a gust of wind blew, but Ma Chucheng came.

I saw Ma Chucheng driving a carriage to their tent at the gate of the city, "Hi, majesty!"

Hearing Ma Chucheng's voice, Yang Fei hurried out with everyone.

The little devil looked at Ma Chucheng, "Boss Ma, what are you doing here?"

Ma Chucheng said with a smile, "Taijun, I know you have been busy all day, today I specially brought good wine and food to reward you!"

The little devil saw that they were about to drink, but this man brought them, so he happily walked up to the car, "Yes, yes, you are a loyal citizen of our Great Japanese Empire!"

"Taijun, it should be, it should be!" After finishing speaking, he waved his hand quickly, "What are you doing in a daze, come and get the wine!"

Yang Fei hurriedly called people over, and when he finished the wine, he saw Ba Jin and Gou Wa standing in front of the carriage with their heads down and motionless.

Seeing the Japanese leaving, Ma Chucheng hurried to Yang Fei, "Are you going to act tonight?"

"How do you know?" Yang Fei asked.

"These two guys have said everything!" After Ma Chucheng finished speaking, Bajin and Gouwa slowly came over, "Brother, we..."

"Okay, you guys go first! I'll have a word with Boss Ma!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Ba Jin and Gou Wa left.

"Aren't you a little too hasty in your actions tonight?" Ma Chucheng asked quietly.

"Don't be in a hurry, I'm afraid that the longer this matter is delayed, the more difficult it will be!" Yang Fei said.

(End of this chapter)

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