Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2410 Battalion Commander, something went wrong

Chapter 2410 Battalion Commander, something went wrong

"It's okay! Battalion Commander, what can I do," said the thin monkey.

"It's fine!" Yang Fei said, "By the way, how is the trainer?"

The thin monkey said, "Battlemaster, this..."

"Huh?" Yang Fei frowned, "What's the matter, hesitating, do you have something to hide from me?"

"Battalion Commander, the trainer won't let me speak!" the thin monkey pouted.

It's difficult for him to handle this matter, the instructor won't let him talk about it, but, Yang Fei is his battalion commander, how can he hide this matter in front of Yang Fei, he is also in a dilemma.

"Damn it, what can't you say? Huh? Say it! I'll listen!"

Yang Fei was a little angry and didn't report something, that's the problem!
Yang Fei looked at Shou Hou angrily, and Shou Hou said slowly, "Battle Commander, the second day after you left, when the instructor was experimenting with a new type of bomb, he accidentally injured himself!"

"Ah?" Yang Fei looked at him in surprise, "This matter... Damn it, Skinny Monkey, if I don't ask you about such a big matter, you don't plan to tell me, right?"

"Commander, I really want to tell you, but the instructor said, you are busy outside, don't let me disturb you!" said the thin monkey.

"I'm back now, besides, I'm fine now! Come on, follow me to see the trainer!"

Saying that, the two walked towards Yu Patriotic's home one after the other.

As soon as they arrived at Yu Aiguo's gate, they heard shouting inside.

"I finally understand, it turned out to be like this! Hahaha! Hahahaha!" Yu Aiguo shouted loudly, feeling very excited.

When Yang Fei arrived at the door, he heard the sound of bang bang bang bang inside. Yang Fei hurriedly opened the door, and saw that Yu Aiguo's left hand was wrapped with a bandage, and his head was also wrapped with a bandage. If you didn't look carefully at him, you really wouldn't recognize him.

However, he held a book tightly in his right hand, and his heavy glasses seemed to press down the bridge of his nose.

"Hahaha!" Yu Aiguo didn't notice that his door had opened. He put the book on his lap, dipped his right hand in his mouth, and started to turn the pages of the book.

"Instructor?" Yang Fei called out.

"Well, I can't take care of it. I'll deal with your business in the afternoon!" Yu Aiguo looked at the book excitedly, as if he was chanting some formula in his mouth.

Then he quickly picked up a pen from the pillow, drew a line on the tree, and began to mutter words...

"Instructor?" Yang Fei asked again.

Yu Aiguo couldn't help you looking up at this time, but when he looked up, he saw Yang Fei, and he was startled all over.

"Battalion commander?" Yu Aiguo asked.

Yang Fei slowly approached him, "What are you doing? What's the matter with you? Why did you mess with yourself?"

Yu Aiguo swallowed, "Commander, when did you come back? Why didn't I know?"

"How could you know?" Yang Fei said, with some anger, "You are so careless, why? For the test, you want to put your life in it?"

"Battalion Commander, I have my own measure!" Yu Aiguo said.

"Proper, that's it? As long as you don't die, you can do anything?" Yang Fei said.

"Battalion Commander, I have some good news for you!" Yu Aiguo said, "Didn't the last test fail? Hehe, I calculated that there was a mistake in one of my steps. It was written in the book Engineering Mechanics." , I misremembered the formula myself, this time, as long as I go out, I will never make this low-level mistake again!" Yu Aiguo said.

"Instructor, I hope you put down your work for the time being. You must play your body well. The body is the capital of the revolution. I hope you understand this sentence!" Yang Fei said.

"Commander, I know, I know!" Yu Aiguo said, "Commander, if there's nothing else to do, go get busy. I'll read a book here for a while!" Yu Aiguo said.

Yang Fei really doesn't understand why these cultural people can't live without this book?He went over, snatched the book, and gave it to Skinny Monkey, "Give me this book, and when the trainer recovers, return it to the trainer!" After saying that, Yang Fei left.

Yu Aiguo hurriedly shouted, "Battle Commander, you can't take it away, you can't take it away, let me see now, after I go out, I can get back to work quickly!"

"Then rest for a day. You can't do anything on this day. I'll ask Skinny Monkey to arrange someone to deliver food to you!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he specifically told Yu Aiguo's guard at the door, "Take care of your trainer, Let him rest well, don't worry about it!"

"Yes, battalion commander!"

Angrily, Yu Aiguo opened the quilt and tried to get out of bed, but found that the shoes were gone.

Yang Fei and Shouhou came out, and Yang Fei said, "Shouhou, I didn't expect you to hide something from me now! Okay, your wings are stiff, right?"

"No, Battalion Commander, listen to me, this is just an accident, who would have thought that something will happen to the instructor!" The thin monkey said quickly, "In the past, the instructors often succeeded in experimenting with new things. The two of us met each other. Too much! Tell me, this matter..."

"I didn't tell you this! Yu Aiguo is an instructor sent by the regiment. He is a learned man. When something happened to him, you didn't tell me!" Yang Fei said.

"Battalion Commander, it's not that the trainer won't let me tell you! How dare I hide it from you!" The thin monkey was a little embarrassed!
"Okay, you boy, wait for the inspection!" Yang Fei said and walked straight forward.

"Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, you can't blame me for this!" The thin monkey hurried to catch up!

Yang Fei stopped suddenly, "By the way, instructor, what is this new experiment?"

"It seems that it is also related to the bomb. They are still keeping it secret!" said the thin monkey.

"I can't even know?" Yang Fei frowned.

"should be!"

The thin monkey said.

At this time, Da Guang ran towards Yang Fei, and he shouted out of breath, "Battle Commander, Battalion Commander!"

Yang Fei looked at Da Guang, "What's wrong!"

"Something happened to the battalion commander!" Da Guang ran to Yang Fei and said.

"What's the matter?" Yang Fei asked.

"Battalion Commander, Company Commander Zhao..." Before Da Guang finished speaking, Yang Fei asked quickly, "What's wrong? Tell me quickly!"

"Battalion Commander, a soldier ran over just now and said that Company Commander Zhao was covered in blood! They're back!" Da Guang said.

"Ah? Where is it?" Yang Fei asked loudly.

"On the way!" Daguang said.

"Damn it, hurry up and bring the horse over, I'll go over and have a look!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Yes!" After Da Guang finished speaking, he ran to the stable and led the horse over. Yang Fei ran over, stepped on the stirrup with his left foot, then turned around and went up.

(End of this chapter)

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