Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2412 Xiu'er, wake up

Chapter 2412 Xiu'er, wake up
When we arrived at Huoguang Village, the village was already full of people.

When he saw this scene, Yang Fei's heart skipped a beat. He had a bad premonition in his heart, but he could hold his breath, and he couldn't be anxious or flustered.

Someone told Zhang Xiuer's family about Zhao Qifa's blood.

Zhang Cuigu had been waiting nervously in Huoguang Village, and his father Zhang Da was also waiting, so nothing really happened to Zhao Qifa.

According to his family, "I heard that this inspired me to be shot several times this time, and he survived miraculously!"

Someone else said, "No, no, what I heard is that the bullet hit Zhao Qifa's leg, and he is probably disabled!"

"Didn't he hit the chest? It's still unknown!"

These words, in Zhang Cuigu's ears, simply don't be too nervous.

"Cui Gu, it's okay, your sister is going this time too, she should be able to take care of Qi Qi, this guy, I'm sure he's going to die!" Zhang Da said.

"Dad, I know!"

Zhang Cuigu's mother also said, "That's right, Cui'er, it's all right, it inspires this child to be very smart!"

"Mom, I know!" Zhang Cuigu was in a bad mood.

That's what I said, but since Zhao Qifa was covered in blood, of course he was injured, and he didn't know the extent of the injury.

Looking from a distance, I saw a group of people.

Zhang Cuigu ran towards there like crazy.

Zhang Da followed suit.

The crowd was moving, and they followed and ran there.

After a while, a group of people surrounded Yang Fei and the others.

"Folks, go back quickly!" Yang Fei said quickly.

"Battalion Commander Yang, Company Commander Zhao, what's the matter? Are you all right?" the folks hurriedly asked.

But seeing Zhao Qifa sitting motionless in the carriage alone, thinking that there should be nothing wrong, but Zhao Qifa is really covered in blood.

"Enlightenment, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

asked the folks.

Zhao Qifa still didn't say a word, he saw Zhang Cuigu from the corner of his eye.

Zhang Xiuer looked at him up and down.

"Enlightenment, what's wrong with you?"

When they asked, Zhao Qifa just didn't speak.

At this time, Zhang Cuigu suddenly exclaimed "Wow...".

Zhang Da still doesn't understand why, "Tweety..."

"Xiu'er!" Zhang Cuigu yelled loudly, she went over all at once, her hands trembling, she wanted to lift the white cloth from the face of the person Zhao Qifa was holding, but she didn't have the courage.

When Zhang Da heard Zhang Cuigu call Zhang Xiuer's name, he looked around, but there was no Zhang Xiuer in the surrounding people. Logically speaking, when Zhang Xiuer came back, he should take the initiative to talk to them, but...

At this moment, Zhang Da saw the pair of embroidered shoes on the feet of the person in Zhao Qifa's arms. Those shoes... were not Zhang Xiu'er's?
"Xiu'er..." The corners of Zhang Da's mouth moved slightly, but he didn't want to believe it was true.

"Impossible!" Zhang Da shook his head, "Impossible! Impossible!" Yang Fei shook his head.

"It's absolutely impossible!" Zhang Da didn't quite believe it.

Zhang Cuigu plucked up her courage, and slowly lifted the white cloth covering the man!

Once opened...

Zhang Cuigu suddenly cried "Wow..." all of a sudden.


Zhang Cuigu hugged Zhang Xiu'er from Zhao Qifa's arms, Zhang Da went over, saw that it was indeed Zhang Xiu'er, lost her head and fell to the ground.

Who could have imagined that Zhang Xiu'er was dead in front of him.

The people around were stunned, didn't it say that Zhao Qifa was covered in blood?Why Zhang Xiuer...

Yang Fei saw that the situation was too complicated, so he asked the soldiers to let the villagers go back quickly, then helped Zhang Da up, and arranged him on the spot at the forest farm.

Zhang Cuigu shook Zhang Xiu'er, "Xiu'er, wake up, wake up, didn't you promise that when you come back, I'll give you a purse! You said, you want to give it to the person you love!"

"Xiu'er, wake up!"

Zhang Cuigu's mother also fainted on the ground long ago, and the whole family began to send white-haired people to black-haired people.

For a long time, Zhang Cuigu just refused to let go.

Zhao Qifa also stood beside Zhang Cuigu motionless.

Zhang Cuigu didn't have fingerprints, why didn't he protect her sister well, but Zhao Qifa was very uncomfortable with such silence, even if Zhang Cuigu beat him up and scolded him now, it would be fine, but, he didn't talk like this... he How can I feel at ease?

No, he couldn't feel at ease, he was condemned powerfully in his heart.

Yang Fei asked Zhao Qifa to take a rest, Zhao Qifa shook his head no.

Yang Fei had no choice, he knew that this matter seemed normal to him, but the dead person was Zhao Qifa's sister-in-law, Zhang Da's daughter, and Zhang Cuigu's sister!

This continuous relationship made Zhang Xiuer's sacrifice not so simple.

Regarding Zhang Xiuer's sacrifice, Yang Fei decided to hold a memorial service to let everyone remember how this brave girl fought against the Japanese!
After a short period of fainting, Zhang Da finally woke up. He touched the bed and came to Zhang Cuigu, "Come on, let me take a look at Xiu'er. It seems that Xiu'er gave me a dream just now. If you say yes, pat her on the back, and you will be able to sleep." Wake up!" Zhang Da went over and hugged Zhang Xiu'er like a child, then clasped her hands lightly, and patted Zhang Xiu'er on the back.

"Good baby, wake up!" Zhang Da shouted silently.

"Wake up soon, I've stewed chicken legs for you, your favorite chicken legs!" Zhang Da shouted again slowly.

However, Zhang Xiu'er slept a little too much.

No matter how Zhang Da talked to her, it was impossible for her to act like a baby in his arms again.

Zhao Qifa said slowly, "I'm sorry, I'm incompetent, I didn't take good care of Xiu'er!"

However, no one took care of him.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Cui, I'm sorry! Dad, I'm sorry!"

Zhao Qifa knelt in front of Zhang Da.

"Get up, it's nothing to do with you, this girl is short-lived, she can't blame anyone!" Zhang Da said, and then looked at Cui Gu, "Tui Er, let Qi Qi take a rest first, he must still be blaming himself and Feel guilty, go and persuade him!"

Zhao Qifa shook his head, "It's really my fault, if I let everyone check to see if the devil is dead, this kind of thing wouldn't happen! Cui Gu, please slap me or kick me One kick is fine, don't do this!" Zhao Qifa cried.

"I told you that there is nothing wrong with you, so don't blame yourself so much!" Zhang Da said, waving at Zhang Cuigu.

Zhang Cuigu went over, "Go and rest!"

"Cuigu, blame me, if I..."

"I've said it all, there's nothing to do with you!" Zhang Cuigu said, "My sister's life is probably like this! So, there's nothing to do with you!"

Zhang Cuigu went over, grabbed Zhao Qifa's hand, and dragged him out the door.

"Cuigu, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

(End of this chapter)

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