Chapter 2421

Several managers shook their heads.

"Okay, everyone, don't be restrained! I'm new here, so I should visit you in person, but I didn't expect that Uncle Wang called you over this time!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't dare, how dare, we are going to come here today, you are here, we should come to see you!" Manager Tang said hastily.

"Yes, master, our business is in good condition! This is also thanks to your blessing!" Manager Shi also hurriedly flattered.

"Haha, that's good!" Yang Fei said, "Why don't you all talk about your operating conditions and the income of each company!"

Manager An took out the account book, "Master, this is Xintiandi's account book, all the accounts are on it!"

"Don't show me this, tell me in detail, how much is the monthly turnover?" Yang Fei asked.

"Xintiandi's turnover is about 12 yuan per month! The revenue is relatively good, with a normal monthly operating income of 7 yuan!" Manager An said quickly.

"7 yuan?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course, master, these are just conservative statistics. I'll show you when the system's statistics come out!" Manager An said.

"Well, what about the others?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Master, the operation of Xintiankun Casino is similar to that of Xintiandi. The only difference is that our investment is greater. Last month, we renovated the facilities inside and spent most of the operating income, leaving only More than 2 income!" Fei Jing said while holding the ledger.

"Okay, I won't ask too much about these things. Since my uncle trusts you so much, I won't cross the river and tear down bridges. As long as you are willing to follow me sincerely, we will make a fortune together. If you dare to deduct everyone's wages in private, then I will do it." I can't spare you!" Yang Fei said.

"How dare you, how dare you!" Fei Jing said hastily.

"By the way, what about the hotel?" Yang Fei asked again.

"My lord, at the New Money Locker Hotel, since we are a combination of accommodation and dining, our operating income is higher than the other two. The monthly income is about 23 to 40!" Manager Lan With that said, show Yang Fei the specific accounts.

"Well, this is fine!" Yang Fei held the account book. Although he couldn't read the words, he believed that what each of them said was correct.

After they finished introducing them one by one, Yang Fei said again, "Okay, I thank everyone again, for our family's property, you really bothered!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, this is what we should do!" Manager Tang said quickly.

"There is nothing you should or shouldn't. Since you are so loyal, I, Yang Fei, have nothing to say. What is your salary here?" Yang Fei asked.


Everyone is wondering, is this Yang Fei going to raise his salary?or what?Everyone is a little puzzled.

"Don't worry, I'm just asking. If it's inconvenient to tell, I won't ask!" Yang Fei said.

"My lord asked, how can we not talk about it? Our manager's salary is the same, 3000 yuan per month!" Manager Lan said.

"3000 yuan? Okay, I know the general situation. I'll investigate and find out. If it's possible, I think I can raise some wages for everyone!" Yang Fei said.

"Then thank you so much, master!" The managers were overjoyed.

"By the way, I have to meet someone else. Everyone, I'll have lunch here at noon!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei turned to look at Wang Fuhua, "Uncle Wang, go and make some arrangements. Let's have dinner together at noon!"

"Yes!" Wang Fuhua said.

After the managers left, Yang Fei looked at Wang Fuhua and asked, "Isn't there another coach?"

"Yes, it should be here soon!" Just after saying this, Xiao Li ran up, "Master, Coach Ji is here!"

"Hurry up, let Coach Ji come up!" After speaking, Xiao Li ran downstairs.

When Coach Ji came up, his whole body was trembling. How could this figure be a coach?
"Master, don't think Coach Ji is fat, but he is famous in Tianjin Wei for fighting!" Wang Fuhua said.

"So powerful?" Yang Fei smiled.

"Of course, our coach Ji's ability lies not in his appearance, but in his cultivation." Wang Fuhua said.

Yang Fei walked up to meet him in small steps, "Coach Ji, hello!"

Wang Fuhua hurriedly introduced, "Coach Ji, this is our master!"

Coach Na Ji smiled and bent over to say hello, "Master!"

"Come, come, let's sit together!"

The two sat down, and Wang Fuhua poured a glass of water for Coach Ji.

"Coach Ji, how many people do we have?" Yang Fei asked.

"Let's have thirty!" Coach Ji said, "What's the matter? Master, is there something for us?"

"No, no, I'm just asking, who else can be our opponent in Tianjin?" Yang Fei asked.

"Master, I don't recommend fighting all the time. Fighting is just a means, not a necessary means. Violence can't solve anything!" Coach Ji said.

"Coach Ji, the master is just asking!"Wang Fuhua said quickly.

"No, you can't talk nonsense!" Coach Ji looked at Yang Fei, "Tianjin Wei has a lot of thugs, and of course there are also a lot of policemen. It is very likely that the police will spare our lives for our sake, but... this It will be given sooner or later, master, I don't want to, we are always in debt to others!"

Yang Fei never imagined that this person would think of him, "Coach Ji, I don't like fighting either. What are you doing fighting? Kindness can make money. I understand this truth!"

"Master is wise!" Coach Ji said.

"Then where are our people now?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's all in our casino and hotel. Don't worry about it. Although I have arranged some mobile people, they will go wherever they are needed!" Coach Ji said.

"Okay, that's good!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, you really don't want to fight?" Coach Ji asked.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I'm not a troublemaker!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't be afraid of causing trouble, master, please tell me!" Coach Ji said.

"Yes!" Yang Fei looked at this big man, and was able to say such words.

"Master, if there's nothing else to do, then I'll be leaving first!" Coach Ji said.

"Don't worry! Let's have lunch together!" Yang Fei said.

"No need, master, I'm leaving first!"

With that said, Coach Ji turned and left.

Yang Fei looked at the back of him leaving, and naturally felt very comfortable in his heart.

This coach Ji should not be a simple person.

(End of this chapter)

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