Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2423 I recommend you

Chapter 2423 I recommend you
Li Wanfu smiled, showing his big gold teeth, and then touched the wrench on the thumb of his left hand. The black police uniform made him look rich, but he was sinful.

Yang Fei smiled, "It seems that I came here today at the right time, Director Li, it's really... How should I put it, if you treat me as a brother, I will treat you as a brother too!"

"Okay, that's brother!" Li Wanfu said.

Yang Fei knew that the water here was too deep, so he asked Wang Fuhua if he needed to be more interesting.
Wang Fuhua said to Yang Fei, "There is no need for this. I will give it later when I need it. Otherwise, if I give it today, I will not give it tomorrow. It will be bad for others!"

"Okay, then... Director Li, you go ahead and I won't bother you!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Boss Yang, then you can go to work first, and I will visit another day!" Li Wanfu said.

When Yang Fei left, Li Wanfu snorted coldly, "Where did the countryman come from, and he could inherit the property of Mr. Yang?"

Next, Yang Fei is going to meet the next person, Lin Shuqing, who is doing business in Tianjin, and was coerced by the Japanese to join some chamber of commerce. It is undoubtedly that the Japanese want to control the Chinese in industry and commerce. He doesn't know much about business, but he still understands this.

What good things can the Japanese have?Lin Shuqing?What good could this dog traitor be?

Xiao Li drove Yang Fei to the Chamber of Commerce in Tianjin. When Yang Fei walked to the entrance of the Chamber of Commerce, a man came over. He recognized that this was the car of Mr. Yang before his death. I heard that there would be a nephew inheriting it. That's it, he went over immediately, "Boss Yang?"

Yang Fei looked at him, "Hello!"

"Boss Yang, I've heard of you for a long time!"

"Have you heard the name for a long time?"

Yang Fei smiled wryly in his heart, this is really a villain who is stalking others, what name can he have?
"Thank you!" Yang Fei asked, "Is President Lin here?"

"I'll take you there, I'll take you there! This way please!" As he spoke, he took Yang Fei up to the second floor.

The Tianjin Chamber of Commerce is a building with white paint. This architectural style is very European. This style is undoubtedly novel to Yang Fei, but then he felt that this is the territory of the Chinese, and it has the style of foreigners. The most beautiful building, isn't it carved dragons and painted phoenixes, isn't it just intrigue?

When they arrived at Lin Shuqing's office, the man knocked on the door, and after entering, he said, "President Lin, who do you think is here?"

Yang Fei walked in, Lin Shuqing held his glasses with his hands, looked carefully at the young man in front of him, and frowned, "Who is this?"

"President Lin, this is Boss Yang, Mr. Yang's nephew!"

After the introduction, Lin Shuqing immediately understood, he quickly stood up from the desk, walked over with a smile, "I see, I also said when will Mr. Yang's nephew come over, I didn't expect it to arrive so soon, that's fine , you go out, I will talk to Boss Yang!"

After speaking, Lin Shuqing asked Yang Fei to sit down. He poured a cup of coffee and put it in front of Yang Fei. "This is coffee bought from Germany. Boss Yang, please use it!"

Yang Fei frowned when he smelled the coffee, "This taste is very special!"

"Do you find it particularly fragrant?" Lin Shuqing smiled.

" really a little bit!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said, "President Lin, I'm new here, so please give me your advice and support in the future!"

"Boss Yang, what you said is that we are all Chinese. Of course, I want to support you. Besides, Mr. Yang and I were good friends before. Now for me, you are him. Both of you are good friends." Same!" Lin Shuqing said. "I am very sad about the death of Mr. Yang, but I am really happy for him that his industries can operate normally!"

"Thank you President Lin!" As he said, Yang Fei put the gift in his hand on the table, "President Lin, this is something I brought you from Xi'an specially, a small gift is not a respect, I hope you like it !” Of course Yang Fei would say these polite words.

"Haha, thank you very much, Boss Yang!" Lin Shuqing said, and then changed the subject, "The Japanese are keeping a close eye on you recently, Boss Yang, you have to be more careful!"

"The Japanese? What is he staring at me for? We are operating normally now, and we haven't had much interaction with the Japanese!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, Boss Yang, if you put this in Xi'an, no one will talk about you, but this is Tianjin, what does it mean? You know it yourself!" Lin Shuqing said, "This is the territory of the Japanese..."

Yang Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this is indeed the face of a traitor, so shameless, he can still be the president of the chamber of commerce!

"Hehe" Yang Fei smiled, "Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, that's right. In this day and age, you can offend the Germans, the Americans, and the British, but the Japanese, you can't afford to offend them. They are by your side. You don't even have a gun. I know how many people are aiming at you, so let's be careful!" After speaking, he asked again, "Have you met the Japanese?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "Not yet!"

"How can this be possible!" Lin Shuqing frowned, "You don't need to come to see me, but you must go to the Japanese place!"

"President Lin, why?" Yang Fei asked.

"Do you still need me to teach you?" Lin Shuqing said, "You should have heard what I said just now, right?"

"I heard that, but I think..." Yang Fei thought, and there was no need to say anything to this traitor, "Yes, I think I should also go to the Japanese, after all, now we are surrounded by Japanese !"

"That's right!" After Lin Shuqing finished speaking, what came to his mind, "By the way, Boss Yang, the daughter of Commander Koizumi in Japan is celebrating her birthday tonight, and there will be a dance party. Want me to recommend you?"

"This..." Yang Fei agreed just now. If he disagrees now, others will definitely doubt him. "If this is the case, it's really great. I'll go back and prepare some presents. What time does the dance start?"

"The dance will start on time at seven o'clock in the evening. Boss Yang, you are still young. There is a long way to go after this. For the Japanese, you should think clearly!"

Lin Shuqing said. ,
"It's all about business, we don't have to make trouble with money, since this is an opportunity, I don't think I can grasp it, who can?" Yang Fei smiled.

"In this case, that's great!" Lin Shuqing said, "I'll call Commander Koizumi and talk to him later.

(End of this chapter)

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