Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2425 Can I Ask You to Dance

Chapter 2425 Can I Ask You to Dance
Koizumi looked at Yang Fei up and down, and then smiled, "A handsome man! Look at his uncle's eyebrows and eyes are really similar!"

"Yes!" Lin Shuqing said, "I just arrived yesterday, so I brought him here today, and I hope to meet Commander Koizumi face to face!"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Commander Koizumi, hello!"

Koizumi went over with his hands behind his back, and then stretched out his hands. He held Yang Fei with a strong hand, "Very good!"

"Hello Commander Koizumi!" Fang Mengru also greeted generously.

"This is?"

"This is my lover, named Fang Mengru!" Yang Fei introduced with a smile.

"Well, it's not bad that a man is talented and a woman is beautiful!" Koizumi said.

"This is a gift for Ling Qianjin, a small meaning, not a respect!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took out the gift.

Koizumi smiled, "Since it's a gift for Tomoko, then give it to her yourself!"

At this time, a girl in a white dress ran out, she smiled and looked at Koizumi, "Daddy, Daddy!"

"Come here, see who this is?"

After Koizumi finished speaking, Tomoko Koizumi looked at Yang Fei, "I don't know him!"

"Now I know him, his name is Yang Fei, and he is now the boss of Yang's!" Koizumi introduced. "You said, you like their food very much, that is their hotel!"

Koizumi Tomoko smiled, with a deep dimple on his face, "Hello! My name is Koizumi Tomoko, you can call me Tomoko!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Hello, Yang Fei!"

After finishing speaking, he handed the gift to Tomoko Koizumi, "It's my birthday today, this is my gift to you, and I hope you like it!"

Tomoko Koizumi accepted the gift happily, "Can I open it?"

Koizumi hurriedly said, "That's impolite!"

"It's okay, it's okay, Tomoko is a naive girl, I think she will like this gift!"

Tomoko Koizumi smiled, and then opened the package. It was a gift box, and there was a necklace in the gift box. This necklace, son, shone under the sunlight.

"Wow!" Tomoko Koizumi shouted excitedly, "Dad, look, this necklace is really beautiful!"

"Why don't you hurry up and thank Boss Yang?" Koizumi said.

Who knows, Tomoko Koizumi actually put the necklace in the box, then closed the box, and handed it to Yang Fei, "This gift is really too expensive, I know, it should cost you a lot of money, I am very grateful for your gift." I like it, but I can't have it!"

Tomoko Koizumi's tactful refusal made Yang Fei feel a little embarrassed.

Fang Mengru smiled, "Tomoko, you are so beautiful that you deserve this necklace. You have to know that although the necklace has a price, Boss Yang's heart is priceless!"

"I know, but it's too precious. I'm already very happy that you can come to my birthday party!" Tomoko said, "Although, I know, you are all doing it for my father's sake!"

Tomoko Koizumi is undoubtedly smart, but what she said is enough to make people admire this girl.

She is not very old, she should be about eighteen or nineteen years old.

Yang Fei shook his head, "Tomoko, a gift is a heart. If a valuable item can make people happy, then it is a valuable item. In exchange for a priceless item, don't you think this is worth being happy about?"

"Boss Yang, thank you, but..."

Tomoko Koizumi still couldn't accept it.

"How about this, you are wearing this necklace now, and you are returning it to me when the dance is over?" Yang Fei's proposal made Tomoko Koizumi turn to look at his father.

Koizumi nodded, "I think it's okay, you can do it!"

Tomoko Koizumi nodded, "Okay, Boss Yang, then I thank you!"

"You're welcome, as long as you like it, we will be very happy!" Yang Fei said.

"Thank you, Boss Yang, please feel free at Jill Manor, the dance will start soon!" Tomoko Koizumi cheered up.


After a while, when Tomoko Koizumi reappeared in front of them, she put on the necklace Yang Fei gave him on her neck.

This necklace is a real eye-catcher.

Fang Mengru quietly said to Yang Fei, "This necklace is very valuable!"

"This stupid Wang Fuhua, asked him to prepare such an expensive gift!" Yang Fei was also a little angry!

However, since the gift was given out like this, Yang Fei didn't think about taking it back.

Soon, the Jill Manor was full of people, and many of them came here for Commander Koizumi. Of course, Koizumi also invited many young talents, just to see which of these young talents are his son-in-law , this weight is big!

It is best if this person is from the military and can follow his assignments in many places.

At the ball, Yang Fei was sitting on a chair, drinking foreign wine alone in boredom. To be honest, this foreign wine was really not as strong as burning a knife. He thought, he paid a big price for this wine. Must drink.

Looking at many people toasting each other, Yang Fei didn't care, just drink it by himself, and care about others?
For a long time, no one was willing to talk to Yang Fei, let alone the feelings of a Chinese.

"Everyone be quiet!" Koizumi said slowly, "Today is my daughter's birthday, thank you for coming here in your busy schedule, since today is my daughter's birthday, then the leader of today's dance is Xiaonv Tomoko, next, Let Tomoko ask everyone to dance!"

Koizumi Tomoko slowly walked up to the stage. Among the Japanese, Koizumi Tomoko's appearance can be regarded as superior, with big eyes, double eyelids, and two dimples when smiling are even more charming.

Yang Fei doesn't like Japanese people, and he doesn't like Japanese women.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Tomoko. After all, the first person invited to dance must be appreciated by Tomoko. Whoever can have this "blessing" is considered lucky.

Sophon's eyes swept around, but unexpectedly, they fixed on Yang Fei who was sitting.

And Yang Fei was drinking at this time.

Everyone looked at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei put down his wine glass, thinking to himself, "What's wrong with these perverts? It's my fault for drinking too much, Old Yang?"

Sophon walked briskly to Yang Fei, "Boss Yang, can I ask you to dance?"

Immediately afterwards, everyone applauded them.

Yang Fei quickly stood up, he felt inexplicably that this was a game, how could he be the one who attracted the most attention?

Fang Mengru smiled, "Hurry up, Sophon invited you to dance!"

"Thank you..." Yang Fei slowly stepped out of the chair and stood in front of Sophon.

(End of this chapter)

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