Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2430 It's all wrong, you shouldn't go to the toilet

Chapter 2430 There are thousands of mistakes, you shouldn't go to the toilet
Quickly said, "Boss, it's my fault, I shouldn't have stopped you!"

"It's not because of this!" Yang Fei said. "Okay, Manager Fei, this person is not usable, tell him to get out of here quickly! I can't stand him!" Yang Fei said.

Anyway, at this time, when it is time to be tough, it is necessary to be tough. After all, his current identity is here.

"Yes, boss, yes!" Manager Fei said with a nod and bow.

"Okay, let's go!" Yang Fei was so angry as soon as he came, this kind of anger is really unnecessary.

Wait until Yang Fei and the others go out.

Manager Fei hurriedly asked, "What the hell did you tell the boss? To make the boss so angry?"

The doorman said in embarrassment, "How would I know! I'm just talking normally!"

"Tell me, let me see that sentence, it made the boss angry!" Manager Fei asked.

The doorman repeated what he just said sentence by sentence, but Manager Fei couldn't figure it out, "There is nothing wrong with what you said!"

There is nothing wrong with it, why is Yang Fei so angry?
"Who is that woman?" Manager Fei asked again.

"That woman looks like a Japanese!" said the doorman, "she seems to be a regular customer!"

"Regular customers..." Manager Fei shook his head, "No, no!" He thought, "The boss came with a strange woman, why did he come together?"

Could it be... This woman is the boss' lover?
Thinking of this, Manager Fei seemed to get a definite answer, "It must be so! This woman has seen it here in advance, and then told Yang Fei about the situation here. They must have caught some loopholes! "

Manager Fei immediately turned around and left, then turned around and shouted, "Goofy, get out! The boss told you to get out, so you must!"

After speaking, he went upstairs.

Once upstairs, Manager Fei immediately called the other managers and told them that the boss might be making a private visit with a micro-service, so they should pay attention!
This phone call immediately made the other bosses vaccinated. In order to welcome the boss, the other bosses actually stood at the door, for fear that Yang Fei would attack him suddenly and he was not prepared!
Tomoko Koizumi looked at Yang Fei and smiled, "I really didn't expect that you were listening to men just now!"

"Listen to men? Are you not afraid?" Yang Fei asked.

"Afraid? How could I be afraid of you? You are a gentleman!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "The attitude of that person just now was really not very good. I can invite you to visit our Japanese restaurant. They treat every guest the same. Attitude! Customers are nothing special!"

"Well, let's go to your place another day! Today, you and I will take a look around my restaurants to see what's going on in these restaurants?" Yang Fei said.

Leaving from New Universe, it is almost time to arrive at the new cash drawer.

Yang Fei didn't know how Boss Yang chose the name at that time. How did this name feel fashionable and uncouth?
When approaching the door of the new cash drawer, Yang Fei suddenly saw a few words hanging on the hotel, but he didn't know what words, Yang Fei scratched his head, "This hotel is strange, why are those words hanging on it?"

Tomoko Koizumi looked at the words "Welcome the boss".

"It's not surprising!" Koizumi Tomoko said.

Yang Fei blushed, "What did you write?"

At this time, it was Tomoko Koizumi's turn to be surprised, "Isn't it? You can't read?"

Yang Fei swallowed, "What's wrong with not being able to read?" Yang Fei was a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing, haha, I can tell you!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "It says welcome to the big boss!"

"They know I'm here?" Yang Fei asked.

"A phone call!" Tomoko Koizumi said, "What? Do you want to go in?"

"Go in, of course you have to go in!" Yang Fei said.The two of them walked slowly to the door.

The same was stopped by a doorman.

"who are you?"

Yang Fei said, "For dinner!"

"Dinner? It's closed today, you go!" The doorman stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Not open? Then why open the door?" Yang Fei asked.

"I said it's closed, but it's closed. Why? What else do you want to know?" the doorman asked.

"There must be a reason?" Yang Fei asked again.

"The reason? To tell you the truth, in the past, you could come to this hotel casually, but now it's different. This hotel only welcomes Japanese! Chinese people like you are no good, they are not welcome!"

It's that sentence again!

He was the fuse, Yang Fei clenched his hands into a big bun in anger, and the bones were still creaking.

"It means... I shouldn't come? Excuse me, is the boss here?" Yang Fei asked with restraint.

"Heh... the boss is dead, only our manager! What's the matter? Looking for our manager?" the doorman asked with a proud face.

"Dog!" Yang Fei blurted out.

Who knows, the door boy immediately raised his stick, "Zinima! You don't want to die!"

As he said that, the stick came down on Yang Fei's head!
In fact, Yang Fei, you dare to fight if you want?
I saw Yang Fei go over and dodge sideways, snatch the stick from the door boy's hand, and smash it down heavily on the door boy's head!
Immediately, the blood gushed out like spring water, and all of a sudden the doorman's face was covered with blood.

"Come on! Come on! Someone's messing things up!"

Manager Lan just wanted to go to the toilet, but he heard this just as he came out of the toilet, and ran over immediately!
"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Manager Lan asked quickly.

The doorman leaned forward, blood dripping from his head to the ground.

"Manager, this guy messed up the place!" The wicked doorman complained first.

"Where did this wild man come from... unexpectedly..." Before he finished speaking, Yang Fei raised his head, and Manager Lan was immediately dumbfounded.

"Damn... is there such a coincidence in this world?"

Manager Lan quickly wiped his eyes, "Master...Master..."

Yang Fei slowly entered the hotel.

Manager Lan kicked the doorman at the door, "The dog, the boss, the master doesn't know each other! You son of a bitch!" Angrily, he quickly followed Yang Fei in.

"Come on, where's the tea?" Manager Lan was drenched in sweat.

Yang Fei sat down, and Tomoko Koizumi also sat down.

Manager Lan hurriedly sat across from Yang Fei, "Boss...boss, that doorman just now is ignorant! Don't be angry..."

"Manager Lan, is this the person you are looking for?" Yang Fei snorted coldly.

"Boss, I'll replace him immediately!" Manager Lan said quickly.

"Well, that needs to be replaced!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, a waiter brought over two cups of tea.

Yang Fei took a sip, "This tea is good tea, but people are not good people!"

"Boss, what you are blaming, what you are blaming!" Manager Lan swallowed, "What do you want to eat? Boss, our restaurant has everything you need..."

(End of this chapter)

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