Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2432 Spare Us

Chapter 2432 Spare Us

I came to three places in total, and all three places were shut down, not to mention the rest of the casinos.

He was not in a very good mood at this time, but, everything was for the mission.

Yang Fei took the money and sat on the steps of the door. The doorman shouted angrily, "I said beggar, I have given you the money, so hurry up and don't be shameless. Our boss will come later and see you I can't even eat!"

"I said brother, don't speak so directly, look who I am?" Yang Fei said.

The doorman snorted coldly, "I don't care who you are, anyway, you can't stay here, get out!"

Yang Fei stood up, "Take a closer look at who I am??"

"Get out, who do you think you are? Get out of here, or I'll be rude!" the doorman shouted and waved his fist.

Manager Shi at the side glanced at him, "What are you doing? I beg you, brother, get out of here quickly and don't bother us, okay?"

"Is this how you treat your guests?" Yang Fei asked.

Manager Shi went over, lifted Yang Fei's hair, and looked at it carefully. Who is this person?

Manager Shi didn't recognize him for a while, which made Yang Fei even more angry.

Seeing that the manager didn't know this person, the doorman became even more arrogant. He pushed Yang Fei hard, and then punched him with a fist as big as a steamed bun.

How could Yang Fei suffer such a disadvantage? He dodged to the left, and then kicked the hall boy down, "Dog, open your eyes to see who I am?"

Not to mention, Manager Shi only recognized it at this time, "Master...Master?"

Yang Fei glared at him, and then went straight into the hotel.

Manager Shi trotted quickly, "Master, master, you said you, why didn't you tell me in advance if you want to come over?"

Yang Fei sat down angrily, "I didn't tell you in advance, don't you also know that I'm coming?"

"No, master, what I mean is, I have to be mentally prepared..." Manager Shi was so nervous that his throat was up.

"Hehe, mentally prepare, I'm here, it really gave me a surprise!" Yang Fei said.

"No, master, that doorman just now couldn't see Mount Tai!" After speaking, Manager Shi shouted, "What are you looking at? Hurry up and serve tea!"

Yang Fei stood up and looked at everyone here, "These are all people here, I'm ugly to say first, this manager Shi, no, who of you is like this manager, tell me earlier, I will inspect you, If it is suitable, you will come to be this manager!"

"No, master, how can you just withdraw me?" Manager Shi looked helpless.

"Hehe, your place is a place where the Japanese come. Dressing like me like this is definitely not suitable for you!"

Yang Fei said.

"No way, master, please don't say that. I just owe you my mouth. My dog's eyes look down on people, and I can't spit out ivory from my dog's mouth..." Manager Shi quickly admitted his mistake.

"Let's go!" With that said, Yang Fei went out by himself.

This frightened Manager Shi, he ran out quickly, "Master, Master, I was wrong, I was wrong Master!"

Many people in the hotel looked at each other in blank dismay, "The shitty manager Shi should have withdrawn a long time ago, the wages owed to us have not been paid yet, I heard that he gave the money to the little lover!"

"That's right, Manager Shi has two different faces, inside and outside, saying that the hotel doesn't make money and pays wages later, and the lover he raises outside costs so much, where did he get the money?"

"That's all right now, that guy just now was really the boss??"

"It must be, otherwise, Manager Shi would be so afraid of him?"

"Is what the boss said just now true? Anyone of us who wants to be a manager can tell him!"


Yang Fei returned home and slammed the door angrily, Wang Fuhua came out quickly, "Master, what's the matter?"

Yang Fei looked at Wang Fuhua and asked, "Uncle Wang, tell me how the three managers of the hotel were selected?"

"They've been with your uncle for a long time, so let's arrange for them..."

Before Wang Fuhua finished speaking, "Get rid of them! Damn it, I'm so pissed off today!" Yang Fei said.

It was less than twelve o'clock at noon, and Yang Fei had already returned. It can be seen how unpleasant this process was for Yang Fei. Wang Fuhua asked slowly, "Master, what's the matter? Those people... don't suit you ?”

Yang Fei asked Wang Fuhua to sit on the sofa, "Uncle Wang, let me ask you a question. In Tianjin, do the Japanese really have the final say?"

"You can say that!" Wang Fuhua said without thinking.

"But, this is a Chinese place, what the Japanese say is more effective than ours?" Yang Fei didn't understand!

"My lord, that's the truth!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Today, when I went to places like Xin Qiankun and Xinqiankun, they saw me and refused to let me in. They insisted that this is a place for Japanese people. Why? Why does the hotel I open only accept Japanese people? What reason in this world is there? ?" Yang Fei slapped the table angrily, "God, if I don't dismiss these managers, my surname will not be Yang!" Yang Fei shouted panting.

"Master, who do you plan to choose?" Wang Fuhua asked.

"There are so many people in this world, how many managers should I still worry about?" Yang Fei asked.

"That's fine, as long as the master is determined to pay attention!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Uncle Wang, what do you think? I'll leave this matter to you. You have been in Tianjin for so long, and you should know how to find this manager." Yang Fei said.

"Master trusts me, so I will do it!" Wang Fuhua said.

"You can handle this matter, I won't say anything, as long as it's for the good of our property, I have nothing to say!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, sir, I'm going now!"

After speaking, Wang Fuhua turned around and left.Wang Fuhua didn't care about any industry issues. He was an underground worker, so he naturally only cared about the success of the revolution, but these things were entrusted to him, and he had to complete them.

As soon as Wang Fuhua left, the three managers came back.

They seemed to have reached a certain consensus, and they came at the same time.

After entering, the three of them didn't know how to speak, they held something in their hands, "Master!"

Yang Fei turned his head and saw that it was them, so he ignored them!

The three had thick skins, and then walked in, "Master!"

"Get out, no shameless people are allowed here!" Yang Fei shouted.

At this time, Fang Mengru heard the quarrel and came down from upstairs.

The three of them seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and they went over one after another, "Madam, Madam..."

Fang Mengru looked at them, Yang Fei would not get angry for no reason!
(End of this chapter)

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