Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2461 Shen Ling Gets Out Of Prison

Chapter 2461 Shen Ling Gets Out Of Prison
Shen Ling was released from prison.

After Yang Fei heard this, he suddenly became happy, but then he thought, why did he let Shen Ling go?

What about Wang Nan?
He thinks it's better to have a look, it's safer.

He hurriedly drove Xiao Li, took the package and went to the prison.

Seeing Shen Ling and Wang Nan coming out, Yang Fei hurriedly opened the car door for them.

When Shen Ling Wangnan got into the car, Sakata appeared.

"Boss Yang, what a blessing!" Sakata smiled.

Yang Fei hurried over, "Thank you, Mr. Sakata! Thank you, Mr. Sakata!"

"Thank you! They didn't hide anything, and I also got a wrong information!" Sakata said.

"In that case, let's go first!" Yang Fei said.

"By the way, Boss Yang, come here!"

Sakata said.

Yang Fei went over, and Sakata whispered, "Do you know why I let them go?"

"Didn't you just say..."

"What I said is superficial!" Sakata smiled.

"Then Sakata-san, what do you mean..." Yang Fei asked.

"I heard that Shen Ling likes you!" Sakata said, "Since she is your Yang Fei's woman, I, Sakata, can't help it!"

"Ah?" Yang Fei was surprised.

"Boss Yang, don't be surprised!" Sakata said, "If you don't like this woman, then I have to check it out!"

"Mr. Sakata, what does this mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"You should understand very well!" Sakata looked at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei also looked at Sakata, "I understand! Mr. Sakata, I like Shen Ling too!"

Sakata laughed loudly, "By the way, that's it. You should like her. Shen Ling is a beautiful woman. I believe that many men will not reject her!"

"Yes, Shen Ling is indeed beautiful!" Yang Fei said.

"That's right, Boss Yang, you are a smart person, you should understand what I mean!" Sakata said.

"Then thank you very much, Mr. Sakata!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, let's go!" Sakata said.

When they got into the car, Yang Fei asked Xiao Li to send them all back!
Xiao Li went to Shen Ling's house first, and when Shen Ling got out of the car, Yang Fei told her, "Have a good rest! Don't think about anything"!
Shen Ling nodded and left.

Finally arrived at Wang Nan's house, Wang Nan said, "Boss Yang, can I take a step to talk?"

When he arrived at his home, Wang Nan sighed and said, "This is really strange!"

"What's the matter?" Yang Fei asked.

"When Sakata knew that Shen Ling liked you, his attitude changed completely! It didn't look aggressive!" Wang Nan said.

"You said this?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yeah, it's weird if you say it's weird. It stands to reason that I lied to him, so he should be even more angry. Unexpectedly, he let us go because of this!" Wang Nan said.

Yang Fei thought for a while, then nodded, "I seem to understand! It's not that simple!"

"Boss Yang, what did you think of?" Wang Nan asked.

Yang Fei smiled, "Wang Nan, you should rest more, just leave this matter to me, I believe that this matter will have nothing to do with you in the future!"

"Okay, no matter what you do, be careful!" After Wang Nan finished speaking, Yang Fei stood up and went out the door, and then left.

It's not that Yang Fei doesn't know that Sakata likes Tomoko, and Tomoko is the closest to him. Almost every day Tomoko visits the door in person, which makes Sakata feel unprecedented pressure. As long as other women like her, then he will He will speak ill of Tomoko in his ears, and even make Tomoko hate himself, so Sakata's chances are much greater.

Yes, that's the reason, that's the reason, Yang Fei smiled, "It's simple, anyway, he didn't think about what happened to Sophon."

Thinking of this, Yang Fei came home and said, "Uncle Wang, if Sophon comes over these days, just say I'm not here, as long as she comes, just say I'm not here!"

"Good sir!" Wang Fuhua said.

"Well, what's more, if Shen Ling comes over in the future, just ask her to come upstairs to look for me!" Yang Fei was about to leave after speaking, but he turned back, "By the way, Uncle Wang, if Shen Ling is in my upstairs After going up, Sophon is looking for me, so don't stop me, just say I'm upstairs!"

"Good sir!" Wang Fuhua said.

Wang Fuhua never asked Yang Fei for orders, anyway, if you listened to Yang Fei, you must be right.

Sure enough, just as Yang Fei thought, Zhizi came every day, and Wang Fuhua kept saying that Yang Fei was not there.

Tomoko was a little angry, "Why? He was always there before, why isn't he here now?"

"Miss Tomoko, the business of the casino is very good recently, it's normal for the master to be busy now!"

Wang Fuhua said.

"Okay, then I'm leaving!" Saying that, Tomoko Koizumi walked out the door.

But when she went out, she saw Sakata. This time, Sakata didn't call his soldiers, but instead wore casual clothes, "Miss Tomoko!"

Tomoko Koizumi glanced at him, then walked on by himself.

"Miss Tomoko!" Sakata hurriedly followed.

"What do you want?" Tomoko said angrily.

"Miss Tomoko, let's have dinner together today, I know a family..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tomoko spoke immediately. "Okay, I have something to do today, another day!"

Seeing Tomoko leave, Sakata hurriedly said, "Miss Tomoko, I know something about Yang Fei!"

Tomoko Koizumi stopped and turned his head, "What?"

"Miss Tomoko, I hope you can listen to me quietly!" Sakata said.

"Okay, then tell me!" Tomoko Koizumi looked at him.

"Then... go to dinner together?" Sakata said.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Tomoko said.

"Then... this way, please!" Sakata said.

Tomoko Koizumi got into the car, and then hurriedly asked, "Sakata-kun, what do you know about Yang Fei?"

"Miss Zhizi, to be honest, Yang Fei has a woman he likes!"

"I know this, he treats his Tian Tian very well, I can see that!" Tomoko Koizumi said.

"However, I didn't say this!" Sakata said. "Yang Fei is a married man. You should be aware of this. The older this man is, the more attractive he is! As his tutor, Shen Ling and Yang Fei actually like each other!"

"Sakata, what do you mean? Are you jealous that you slandered Yang Fei so much?" Tomoko asked.

"Jealous? Impossible!" Sakata said, "I knew about the affair between Yang Fei and Shen Ling. In order to give Yang Fei face, I didn't interrogate Shen Ling again!"

Having said this, Sakata became even more proud.

(End of this chapter)

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