Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2503 The devil's transport troops are here

Chapter 2503 The devil's transport troops are here
Originally, Yang Fei thought that a certificate of honor would be enough, and at most he would send them a hero flag. This time, under their persuasion, he gave out more canned beef for nothing!

It hurts to think about it.

Yang Fei waved his hand, "Okay, okay, whatever you say is right! However, when the time comes for this competition, you have to show your energy!"

"Haha, leader, let me do this! As the deputy leader, I have to find something to do!" Leopard said.

Watching them all leave, Yang Fei sat there, still feeling sorry for his canned beef, he was not willing to eat it, this time,... Forget it, I gave it No.1, so that the soldiers also know what meat is Flavor, that's enough!
At this time, the guard suddenly came in and said that someone was looking for him!

Yang Fei quickly asked people to come in.

Yang Fei knew the person who came in, he was from Liu Ji!

"Young man, tell me, what's the matter!" Yang Fei asked.

"Commander, we have received definite information that the devil's convoy will pass through our line of defense tonight, so our battalion commander asked me to come over and tell you that we are going to ambush the devil's convoy tonight!"

"Why doesn't this kid call me himself?" Yang Fei said, "You go, I know!"

"Yes, Captain, I'm leaving!" After saying that, Liu Ji's guards left.


At this time, Liu Ji was very happy. This was the first real war in Hebei. After not fighting for a long time, Liu Ji touched the gun again and again!
Just now, he sent his guards to find Yang Fei. This was a last resort. The place where this piece of meat passed was the line of defense between him and the thin monkey. Moreover, it was obvious that the devil's transport troops would pass through their line of defense and then directly Enter Henan!
This is unbearable!

Therefore, Liu Ji wanted to eat this piece of meat alone!
He didn't dare to call Yang Fei himself, for fear that Yang Fei would come over and ask, why didn't he cooperate with Shouhou?
Why cooperate?This is the news that Liu Ji's people personally inquired about!

He immediately walked up to the operator, "Xiao Zhao, let me tell you, if the head of the group calls later, you will say that I have taken people away! Do you understand?"

Xiao Zhao nodded, "I know the battalion commander!"

Liu Ji smiled, he won the devil's transport unit, then his strength in the whole regiment will definitely be improved, there is no doubt about it!

The more I think about it, the happier I am. At this time, the phone rang!

Liu Ji hurried to Xiao Zhao, and Xiao Zhao answered the phone, "Hello!"

"Looking for our battalion commander? Oh, our battalion commander said that he is not here now and has already led his troops away!" Xiao Zhao said directly.

Liu Ji's face turned green all of a sudden!

Does this **** have such a crooked comrade in arms?Isn't this a pit of death?
"Bastard, I know he's right in front of the phone, give him the phone!"

To be honest, Yang Fei's aura is too strong.

Xiao Zhao looked up at Liu Ji, Liu Ji had a wry smile on his face, and he could only answer the phone, "Head, I'm assembling the team and I'm ready to go, what's the matter? Is the regiment going to give me some tricks?"

"Get out!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Head, what's the matter?" Liu Ji asked quickly.

"Liu Ji, I didn't expect that your kid was playing hide-and-seek with me. I tell you that if you play too much hide-and-seek, you will die. Your kid got the news. This is a big deal. There must be a lot of materials for the devil, and you are still trying to make a fool of yourself with me. Let me tell you, I will order you to go to the front line immediately and kill the devil's transport troops. In addition, you must turn in all the materials. , dare to say one more word, believe it or not, I will kill you?" Yang Fei roared.

"Head? Turn it all in? This..."

Liu Ji was stunned. In the past, their trophies were all controlled by him. Now he must be reluctant to hand them over!

"What? I know you are reluctant, but this is the regulation of our Eighth Route Army, and we will act in accordance with this regulation in the future. You are the battalion commander under Lao Tzu, and you dare not face me directly. Say, no way!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey! Good team leader, but, team leader, if our battalion is defeated, can we get more points!" Liu Ji bargained!
"This is negotiable! Hehe!" Yang Fei immediately changed his face, "Liu Ji, you have been with me for so long, and I have treated you badly? Think about it, this is a cutscene, you have to go through it. At that time, I will give you whatever you want, okay?" Yang Fei said.

"It's a good relationship. Thank you, head, I'm leaving now!" After saying that, Liu Ji hung up the phone!

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ji clenched his fists, "How can the head of the group be so kind, he must have taken a fancy to this material!

That's right, Yang Fei really took a fancy to this material. In fact, when digging wells in Salt Lake, the ammunition wasted a lot, and the material was not rich. This poor life is too much, and good things always want to be hidden. a little.

"This bastard Liu Ji dares to play with my heart!" Yang Fei smiled, "However, he is still too young!"

Yang Fei sat down, looked at Liu Ji's defense map, and nodded, "If this kid is deployed in the Houhe generation, he will eat the devil's transport troops, not bad, not bad!"

Not long after, Yang Fei received another call from Shouhou, saying that it was the exact news that the devil's transport troops were going to assemble in Anyang!


Yang Fei looked at the map, Anyang?Devils dare to come to Anyang?

What is the purpose of coming to Anyang?

Don't think too much, this devil must have smelled some ulterior secret, this transportation unit must be eaten!

Immediately, Yang Fei ordered, "Shouhou, I order you now to deploy your troops in the area of ​​Xiaoangang. Remember, Xiaoangang is a place for the devils to defend. Find a way to pass by without anyone noticing it. Don't let the devils find out. , if the devil finds out, call me and don't say anything!"

Skinny Monkey immediately said, "Good team leader, I will remember! The task must be completed!"

Looking at the map, Yang Fei seemed to feel that the material transportation was not normal this time. Although Anyang is a city occupied by devils, there is still a distance from SJZ. It is not A wise choice, if they were in HD it would be different!

No matter what Yang Fei thought, he felt that this was a ecstasy array set up by the devil. Liu Ji and Shouhou both got this information, but is it true or fake?
Thinking of this, Yang Fei didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately asked the guards to call the leopard over to discuss with him, what exactly is this devil going to do?
When Leopard came to ask about the situation, Leopard looked at the map and said slowly, "Head, Anyang, it's not good!"

Anyang is not good!

These are the few words Leopard said.

The focus of the devil's current defense is in the area of ​​HD and SJZ. With SJZ as the center, the devils radiating away are gradually weakening. Anyang, the devil's defense in this place will not be too much. So many materials mobilized, Anyang will definitely digest no!If this is the case, then they got this information, nine out of ten it is a smoke bomb released by the devils!

Taking a closer look at the map, Leopard immediately said, "Commander, if we deploy our troops around Anyang, then... our defense in the north will be weakened!"

This is true!

If the devil really went south from the HD on the back, the pressure on Yang Fei and his group would increase a lot.

If you don't do this, why don't you watch the devil's supplies come over, and then go to Anyang?
"No!" Yang Fei said, "Even if this is an ecstasy formation, Liu Ji and the Shouhou Battalion must go and intercept the devil's supplies, otherwise, it will be uncomfortable to watch the meat pass by the mouth!" Yang Fei said.

"What about the north?" Leopard asked.

"Let the two battalions Zhao Qifa and Liu Zhang go, and the local devils go south!" Yang Fei said.

"Regimental Commander, I'm afraid two battalions won't work!" Leopard said, "As far as I know, the Japanese stationed in HD has a regiment and two battalions. They are not their opponents at all!"

"I know, it's not difficult to find out what's true, what's difficult is what is the devil's main motive, Leopard, tell me, what is the devil's real purpose?" Yang Fei asked.

"Without a doubt, Xida Town!" Leopard said. "Head, look, if you go south from HD, you must pass through Xida Town. We are a thorn, cutting off the traffic here. If the devils want to go south to support, it will be uncomfortable. They must clear it. The railway line from SJZ directly south to Zhengzhou, Xida Town, is such a place!"

"Yes, that's right, and I think you're right, but now the devil is stalking us in a cloud!" Yang Fei said.

"Walk around as long as you want, anyway, in a word, let the southeast and northwest wind, I will stand still!" Leopard said.

"Haha, okay, then I'll transfer Daguang's battalion there!" Yang Fei said.

"That's even better! We have Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai to the south, so when Daguang's battalion is transferred over, the devils will be afraid of us!" Leopard said.

"it is good!"

That night, when the battle broke out, Yang Fei had been waiting in front of the phone for the good news.

However, it took a long time for the phone to ring.

Yang Fei smoked a cigarette, "This devil is not out now? Could it be that the devil really set us up in a ecstasy formation?"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei didn't quite believe it, no matter how much it was in the ecstasy formation, the drama had to be done enough, the devil's transport troops must be coming!

Liu set up two battalions of thin monkeys, exactly the same as in the state of being out of contact.

Yang Fei couldn't make a call, so he had to wait.


HD base camp!
Jing Teng was holding a stick in his hand, looking at Noda's map, he pointed, and then asked, "Now, where is the transportation force?"

"Report to Colonel Ito, the transportation troops will arrive at Houhe soon!"

"Houhe?" Ito looked at Houhe's location, and then said, "Tell Nobi to stop at Houhe!"

"Master Ito, Houhe is not a good place, stop there, I'm afraid of any accidents!"

"Accident? I'm afraid there will be an accident if they pass through Houhe! Tell Nobi to garrison in Houhe. Tonight, he may meet stronger local people. Let him be prepared!" said Ito.


After saying that, the Japanese soldiers called Nobi and told him to station troops in Houhe!
Noda's map seems to be a big chess game for Ito, and Nobi's wrong delivery is just the tip of the iceberg. The consequences triggered by him are what Ito wants to see!
On the map, Jing Teng stared at Xida town firmly!
In the past, when Xida Town was in their hands, the road from SJZ to Zhengzhou was unimpeded. Although there were times when it was occupied by the Eighth Route Army, they had a lot of time in their hands!

Now, the opponent he faces is Yang Fei, Yang Fei is not an ordinary person, he will never give up Xida Town easily!

So, how to do it?To be able to take Xida Town?

He clearly knows that Yang Fei's regiment is now in the area of ​​Xida Town, but they don't know where their regiment headquarters is, but no matter where it is, what they want to do is to get rid of Xida Town. That's the most important thing!
In order to mobilize Yang Fei's troops, Jing Teng has worked hard. His plan is that the Eighth Route Army is used to laying ambushes. Their noses are very sensitive. As long as the news of supplies is released, they will definitely pass by like dogs. And, Ito didn't just release a transport force!As long as Yang Fei's battalion is pulled out, and then his troops quietly enter Yang Fei's rear, and then bloom everywhere, where can their regiment headquarters go?
This is a big move. In Jing Teng's heart, as long as Yang Fei's troops are mobilized, and then he bites on it, it will be done!

"Come on, tell me now, where is Nagano-kun's transport team?"

"Nagano-kun's troops called 3 minutes ago, saying that they are about to reach Xiaoangang!"

"Xiao'angang is a dog, tell him, now we are stationed at the foot of Xiao'angang Mountain, waiting for our troops to come to reinforce!" Jing Teng said.

Jing Teng's location is in the Houhe and Xiao'angang areas, and he also has his ideas. According to his fighting habits with the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army will definitely launch an ambush against them in the relatively high terrain. However, although Xiao'angang is a high ground, However, the slope was not too steep, and the Eighth Route Army could not fully utilize its advantages in fighting in Shanxi. Now, it seemed that everything was under his control.

"In addition, tell Nobi that the troops will pass over immediately. If they don't start fighting now, relax your vigilance and attract the Eighth Route Army to pass! In addition, when our reinforcements pass by, we will start attacking the Eighth Route Army!" Jing Teng said.

"Ha Yi, I'm going to make a call right away!"

Jing Teng smiled, and then drew another line on the map, "How many people are there in the Eighth Route Army? How many people are there in Yang Fei? No matter how many people there are, as long as my army starts from here, Xida Town, it's not me Want what you want!"

Ito gave a wicked smile, then he took off his white gloves and threw them heavily on the table.

"Hehe, it seems that I can sleep well tonight!" Ito said.

I don't know what's going on, Yang Fei always feels that he is a little uncomfortable now, it seems that his throat is blocked by eating just now, and it feels like someone is rubbing his throat.

He coughed a few times and continued looking at the map.

He looked at HD, "Send troops from HD to Xida Town, according to their fastest speed, it takes about half a day, tens of kilometers, that's fast enough!"

And the best place to fight in Xida Town is actually at the train station.Yang Fei firmly believed in this, if the devils came, they would definitely fight in this place, other than that, it was impossible!

If the devils didn't attack the railway station, where could they be?
Yang Fei couldn't think of it for the time being.

He leaned back on the chair and looked at the map, "What's the situation with this transportation unit? What are Shouhou and Liu Ji doing now?"

He stood up and went outside. The countryside at night was extraordinarily quiet. In the past, he could hear a few dogs barking, but now there were no dogs barking.

At this moment, Ji Taichang approached, "Leader!"

"Coach Ji? It's so late, what's the matter?" Yang Fei asked.

"Commander, I heard that you have transferred all the troops to the northern front?" Ji Taichang asked.

"You know it too, yes, it's true!" Yang Fei said.

"Can our guard company participate in the war? Is there something we are going to do?" Ji Taichang asked.

"Coach Ji, it's okay. You don't need your guard company right now. Your mission is now to train. I want to train you to be one against ten. That's what I think!" Yang Fei patted Ji Taichang's shoulder, "Coach Ji, go back and rest!"

"Captain, why don't you rest?" Ji Taichang asked again.

"I don't need to rest, I don't need it!" Yang Fei said, and then pointed to a recliner at the door, "For a while, I'll squint there for a while, that's enough!" Yang Fei said.

Ji Taichang knows Yang Fei too well, he must have some kind of combat mission now, otherwise, Yang Fei would not be pacing outside, "Leader, what can I help you, just say it, I feel sorry for you now , It must have been several days without a good rest, if you don't rest well, how can you command the war?"

"Coach Ji, I'm fine, how about this, our guard company, as long as we guard our organs, that's enough, you don't need to worry about the rest!" Yang Fei said.

"The regiment leader, since we can't help much, and I won't make trouble, then I'm leaving!" After saying that, Ji Taichang left.

At this time, the phone rang, Yang Fei ran in immediately, answered the phone and said, . "I'm Yang Fei!"

"Leader! I'm Liu Ji!" Liu Ji said.

"Damn it, how about calling now? How's the situation over there?" Yang Fei hurriedly asked.

"Regimental Commander, it's strange. We were ambushing in Houhe, but we found that the devil had stopped ahead, as if he was about to rest!" Liu Ji said.

"Rest? The devil's transport troops rest?" Yang Fei asked strangely.

"Yes, it stands to reason that the transport troops should be in a hurry, but they don't seem to be in a hurry at all! Commander, shall we attack?" Liu Ji asked.

"The devil doesn't move, you attack, I'm afraid there will be some mistakes, you wait, I'll give Shouhou a call and ask him what's going on there now!" With that said, Yang Fei hung up the phone, and then gave Shouhou a call. Monkey went to the phone.

The thin monkey quickly picked it up.

"Shouhou, how are you doing now? Did you find any enemies?" Yang Fei asked directly.

Shi Shi immediately said, "Head, now we have spotted the devil's transport troops in front of us, but the strange thing is that they have stopped now and are resting!"

"Still rest?" Yang Fei couldn't sit still.

"Are you sure it's the devil's transport unit?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, I'm sure, the devils have come over ten trucks in total, and now they are resting where they are!" said the thin monkey.

"This is not quite right!" Yang Fei said, turning his head quickly, "It's possible... what you are in front of is not a devil's transport force!"

"No?" Slender Monkey asked in surprise, "Commander, I also find it strange. It stands to reason that when the devil arrives at our ambush circle, he will come to check the situation, but the devil didn't come to check the situation, and the car didn't move at all. !"

"Liu Ji, listen to my order now, immediately mobilize your troops, go to Houhe, and join Liu Ji's troops," Liu Ji made a decision immediately.

"And then? Commander, where is the devil in front of us?" asked the thin monkey.

"The devil in front of you is probably just a cloud of fog!" Yang Fei said.

"The number of devils is not many, leader, I suggest, let's eliminate the devils in front of us first!" Liu Ji said.

"No!" Yang Fei said, "Since the devil doesn't move, you don't move either. I won't fight unprepared battles!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, then I'll go find Liu Ji now!" After saying that, they hung up the phone!

Devil not moving?What exactly do you want to do?Since it is a transport force, then the devil must have his plan!

This devil!This devil!
What kind of medicine is this devil selling in the gourd?

Yang Fei paced around the room with his hands behind his back, he couldn't be idle for a moment!

Thinking of this, Yang Fei immediately said, the devils seem to be waiting for time, could it be that they have already discovered their plan?
However, not many people should know their orders. How did the devils know?
No, he even called Liu Ji again, "Liu Ji, listen, the devil is not moving now, and you don't act without authorization. After the thin monkey joins you, listen to my order and carry out the mission!"

"Good team leader, we are observing the devil's movements now! Once the devil changes, I will call you immediately!" After saying that, they hung up the phone.

Yang Fei took a deep breath, "It seems that tonight is another sleepless night!"

Yang Fei hates such sleepless nights, and he doesn't want to wait for such a day!
He looked at the phone, waiting for a miracle to happen!

The troops of Da Guang, Zhao Qifa and Liu Zhang have arrived at the predetermined location, and they have already ambushed near the train station.

If the devils come over, give them a siege and let them know that the Eighth Route Army is not easy to mess with!

At this time, the phone rang, and Yang Fei immediately picked up the phone!
"I'm Yang Fei!"

"Yang Fei, I'm Li Jiguang!"

Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, it's so late, you don't sleep?" Yang Fei asked.

"Didn't you sleep too, kid? I'll tell you something important, you're fine, otherwise, you'll suffer a lot!" Li Jiguang said.

(End of this chapter)

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