Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2526 Going Down the Mountain

Chapter 2526 Going Down the Mountain
The wind howled, and snowflakes hit Han Qing's face.

"Sir, shall we hide for a while?"

"There should be a village in the past!" Yang Fei said, "Let's go!"

At this time, when he heard the sound of horseshoes, Yang Fei turned his head and found Chen Heng running over on a horse, "Brother Yang, why didn't you tell me when you came out?"

"Hey, you are here. I really forgot to call you, and I wanted to ask you just now." After Yang Fei finished speaking, he put his hands in his sleeves.

Chen Heng got off his horse, "Brother Yang, if you want to fight devils, go forward from here, there is a stronghold of devils!"

"Hey, since that's the case, let's go and fight that devil's stronghold first, and then find a place to eat!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother Yang, let's go, I'll lead the way!" After speaking, Chen Heng led him forward.

Indeed, the headwinds along the way really made it more difficult for them to walk.

This place is really strange. China is a big land, and every place is different. Here, winter lasts for four months, and the ice and snow will slowly melt in April of the second year. This is a The long waiting season.

When going to the stronghold, I passed by a village and heard crying, Yang Fei asked, "What's the matter? Why are you crying so heart-piercingly?"

Chen Heng said, "It's normal, either he died or he was conscripted!"

"Hey, let's go and have a look!" Yang Fei said, leading them to the village.

When I arrived at the village, I saw that someone had indeed died.

"Brother Yang, let's go, it's bad luck here!" Chen Heng said.

"What's the bad luck, I crawled out of the pile of dead people, this dead person is normal!" Yang Fei acted nonchalantly.

"Sir, a man died in this family!" Han Qing looked at Yang Fei and said.

"Man? We just got here, and no one knows. How did you know?" Yang Fei asked strangely.

"Sir, don't forget, I'm a Taoist priest!" Han Qing smiled, "This man died unexpectedly, he was killed by someone!" Han Qing looked into the room and said.

"Han Qing, don't talk nonsense!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at Chen Heng, "Who is dead in you?"

Chen Heng shook his head, "I don't know either, let me ask!"

After finishing speaking, when he was about to go in to ask questions, a man came out of the house. He was dressed in sackcloth and filial piety. When he saw Han Qing coming over immediately, "Master Daoist, Master Daoist!"

Han Qing looked at him, "Are you looking for me?"

"Hello, Taoist priest, my father passed away three days ago. I hope that the Taoist priest will make it easier for my father to be buried safely!" the man bowed and said.

"You want to ask me to do something?" Han Qing asked.

"In the house just now, someone said they saw you, so I came out in a hurry. If the Taoist priest has other business, then I won't bother you!" The man said apologetically.

"I have nothing else to do. It's just that I have two gentlemen together now. If it's convenient, we'll have dinner here at noon today!" Han Qing said.

"Okay, okay!" The man quickly agreed, turned his head and said, "Hurry up and prepare lunch, let sir have lunch!"

After finishing speaking, the man bowed and said, "My name is Li Ziwen, Taoist priest, please come inside!"

After speaking, the three of them went in.

In fact, Yang Fei was carrying a gun behind his back, which also shocked Li Ziwen, but since Yang Fei and the others didn't have any hostility towards her, he didn't say anything.

After lunch, Han Qing called Li Ziwen over.

"Daoist, what are your orders?" Li Ziwen asked.

"Your father died unexpectedly. It's not good to have a hasty burial!" Han Qing looked at him and said.

Li Ziwen's eyes widened, "Master Taoist, did my father die unexpectedly?"

"You don't know?" Han Qing asked.

Li Ziwen lowered his head, "How could I not know, you see, my family is almost out of control now, and my father was in good health, but I was lucky enough to escape being captured by devils as a laborer a few months ago. I was arrested and opened a mine. Later, my father had an accident and broke his leg, so he was sent out by the devil. Not long after, my father felt that he would drag us down, so he committed suicide by taking poison!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei asked, "Opening a mine? Is it the latest gold mine opened by the Devil?"

"Yes. Yes, that gold mine! I don't know how many people died because of that mine!" Li Ziwen said.

"Well, okay, in order for your father to be buried safely, you can prepare me a handful of millet and a handful of sorghum, that's all, and teach me the rest!" Han Qing said.

"Then I would like to thank the Taoist priest!" After saying that, Li Ziwen left.

After leaving, Yang Fei looked at Han Qing, "It seems that the devil's gold mine is about to start mining. If that devil really mines our country's gold mine, we will lose!"

"Brother Yang, what do you plan to do?" Chen Heng asked.

"Find a way to get the mine back!" Yang Fei said without thinking.

"Take it back?" Chen Heng was a little surprised, "It's not easy? If you know, there are about 200 devils guarding the gold mine, and there are many puppet troops. There are three layers inside and three layers outside. The devil's defense must be watertight! "

"So what?" Yang Fei snorted coldly, "Even if the devil has a large group, I'm not afraid, the planes and cannons are all here, it's just right, I just happened to bring them all!"

In Chen Heng's heart, Yang Fei may be bragging, but Chen Heng has to admire this bull. Others dare not even think about it, but Yang Fei is going to take the devil's gold mine without opening his mouth. This is a kind of courage. It's even more arrogance.

Just after noon, Han Qing took the millet and sorghum and drew a few talismans. Next to Li Ziwen's father's body, Kou muttered some formulas silently, and then scattered a handful of millet and sorghum.

The talisman paper was thrown away, and it burned.

Li Ziwen was shocked, he saw a fairy today.

Helping him send his father away, Yang Fei and the others left.

"Han Qing, I didn't expect you to read yin and yang gossip!" Yang Fei looked at him with a smile.

"This is very simple!" Han Qing said lightly.

"Very simple?" Yang Fei shook his head, "I don't know how simple it is!"

"That's right, Brother Han, are you really a Taoist priest?" Chen Heng asked.

"Well, that's right!" Han Qing said after finishing speaking, "If the devils want to mine gold mines, if they want to come, they will have to catch another strong man! What will we do then?"

"We can't control the rest, but today we must give him a stronghold to make the devil feel bad!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, the stronghold is not far from here, Brother Yang, let's go, we'll be there in about half an hour!" As they spoke, they hurried forward.

There is no sea in Beihai, but there is the largest inland lake in China. This lake is a saltwater lake. Although it is snowing heavily, the scenery of Beihai Lake is also very pleasant.

In a cave to the south of Beihai Lake is a gold mine just dug out by the devils.It's called Pit No. [-].

All the equipment was also shipped from Wa.

Asada Taro is the biggest commander in charge of this excavation work. There has never been any shortage of resources here, especially as he is now the chief mechanic of gold mining, he has to hurry up and try to dig out the first place during the Chinese New Year. pot of gold.

Outside the cave, Taro Asada built a few houses here, which were regarded as temporary shelters. The heavy snow was so heavy that he couldn't go back to the command post, so he could only supervise the work here.

During this period, there were too many dead absenteeism, and he had no choice but to face the challenge of resuming absenteeism. There were almost no young men in the nearby villages. Arrange for some miners to come over.

It was too cold, so he lit a brazier and drank tea.

There are more than 200 people guarding the gold mine. He thinks that he does not need so many people, because the place is remote and the weather conditions are not good, so so many people are a waste.

Just in case, he had to start again and let many puppet troops be responsible for the security here.

Yesterday, he received a call saying that bandits had robbed one of their strongholds. He thought it was okay, but after thinking about it for so many years, the bandits had never had any direct contact with him, so he had to ask someone to find the bandits nearby , To find the bandits can only be wiped out.

At this time, a little devil suddenly came over, "Your Excellency Ma Tian, ​​news just came that our Wangcun stronghold was breached by bandits!"

"Nani?" Ma Tian frowned, "Are the bandits around here so arrogant now? I wonder if they are dealing with soldiers from our empire?"

"Your Excellency Ma Tian, ​​Captain Xiaowu went to attack Hanwang Mountain. He was defeated, but was defeated again!"

"Nani?" Ma Tian was really disappointed, "You failed as Captain Shu Xiaowu?"


Asada Taro put his hands behind his back, "Now, get Captain Xiao Wu for me immediately!"


After saying that, the Japanese soldier left.

This successive loss of strongholds is definitely a trouble for Asada Taro!
Not long after, Captain Xiaowu came in with a disheveled face. He stood up straight and bent slightly, "Your Majesty Ma Tian!"

Asada Taro frowned and looked at him, "Xiao Wu, tell me, what's going on? How many people did you bring to attack Hanwang Mountain?"

"Your Majesty Ma Tian, ​​I have brought a team of more than a dozen people!" Ma Tian said with his head down.

"It shouldn't be a problem for a dozen people to fight a copycat, what? Did you make a mistake? Or what?" Asada Taro asked.

"Your Excellency, I had already knocked down the stronghold. Later, a man came, and he knocked down all our imperial soldiers by himself. Fortunately, I reached a tie with him, but I met Other people's attack, so..." Of course, Xiao Wu can't say that he was beaten by Yang Fei and couldn't find the southeast and northwest, otherwise, how could he mess around?
"Your Excellency, in my opinion, we must quickly mobilize a large force to take down Hanwang Mountain, otherwise, the longer it takes, the worse it will be for us!" Xiao Wu said.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Asada Taro said, "Captain Xiaowu, I believe that you can take down Han Wangshan and kill all the bandits for me! You know, our focus now is The gold mine here, as long as we successfully dig out the first pot of gold, then the empire will not treat us badly, and when the time comes, we will still be great heroes when we return to China!"

"Thank you for your trust, but all my soldiers stayed in the cottage, and now I escaped alone!" Xiao Wu's meaning is also obvious, that is, he wants to ask for soldiers from him.

"I know, now, you immediately lead a squadron to take Hanwang Mountain down for me." Asada Taro said.

"Ha Yi, I will definitely complete the task!" Xiao Wu went out after finishing speaking.

Xiao Wu still doesn't understand how Yang Fei can be so powerful by himself, but if he has a squadron, he is really not afraid of Yang Fei. Could it be that he is really faster than bullets?
Thinking of this, Xiao Wu grinned furiously, "Is that right Yang Fei? I must seek revenge from you!"

Asada Taro handed over part of his troops to Xiaowu.

Xiao Wu's personal quality is not to mention, he was the No.1 Imperial Military Academy and was assigned here, although there are not many opportunities to show his talents, he is still a god-like person.

Sure enough, Yang Fei didn't break his promise. He took away a stronghold of the devils by himself. Although there were only three devils in this stronghold, it was already very powerful.

There are not many materials in the stronghold, but there is the most important carbon. There is a snowmobile outside the stronghold, and there is a roe deer in front of the snowmobile.

Just right, put the supplies on it, and they can go back.

Chen Heng couldn't recover for a long time, "Brother Yang, how did you do it just now? Your skills are too good!"

"This..." Yang Fei didn't know how to explain it. Did he still say that Mr. Zhi taught him? "Actually, you probably haven't played to your limit. Once you play to your limit, you can be just like me!"

Chen Heng shook his head, "No, you're too fast, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up for the rest of my life!"

After speaking, he went to pack his things, took a few guns, found some food in the stronghold, and then sat in the small car.

Han Qing whipped the roe deer with a whip, and the roe deer ran fast.

Seeing that Chen Heng was still struggling with this matter, Han Qing immediately said, "Don't think too much, you really will never catch up with my husband in your life!"

This sentence is really shocking, Chen Heng smiled, "That's right, brother Yang's kung fu has already reached perfection, so I won't think too much about it!"

Along the way, the wind was so strong that Yang Fei was so cold that he couldn't open his mouth.

However, when they were about to reach the cottage, they found that there were traces of devils here.

Yang Fei immediately stopped the roe deer car, and the two of them found the side and hid.

There are more than a dozen devils at the bottom of the mountain, and they are watching the top of the mountain quietly.

Yang Fei naturally also met his old friend, Captain Xiaowu.

Naturally, Yang Fei wouldn't take this defeated general to heart, but, looking at them now, it seemed that they were about to attack the cottage.

Chen Heng watched, "This devil has brought rescuers!"

"This is the delivery of supplies for us!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Brother Yang, look, according to the habit of being informed, the devils below are sitting on the sidelines. As for the above, they must have sent people up." Chen Heng said.

"It makes sense, but the devil captain will regret it!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother Yang, don't be reckless. This time, there are obviously many devils. What do you want to do?" Chen Heng grabbed Yang Fei.

"What can I do? Let me tell you, this devil will last for a day, and I will feel uncomfortable all day. Anyway, if I kill one more, it will be one. I will not make a loss-making business!" Yang Fei smiled, and then took away Chen Heng's hand. hand.

"Don't worry, our husband's kung fu is very high, I'm afraid you'll be able to look up to him!" Han Qing said with a smile, and saw Yang Fei disappear as soon as he turned around.

At this time, Captain Xiao Wu was a little nervous, not only wanting to admit his incompetence, but also not wanting to admit how hateful he really was.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't meet Yang Fei, Xiao Wu thought, taking down the cottage is within easy reach!

"I don't know if Yang Fei is on the mountain or not!" Xiao Wu said to himself.

| "Why don't you send someone up to take a look?" A strange voice came over.

Captain Xiaowu just wanted to get mad, "Baga..."

When Xiao Wu turned his head, he saw Yang Fei, and his face turned black and blue.

He Jing took two steps back, then pulled out his command saber again.

"Aim and hit me!" Xiao Wu shouted.

A dozen devils immediately loaded the bullets, and then stared at Yang Fei.

"Don't bother!" Yang Fei shook his head, "You still want to see how you died?"

Xiao Wu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "You are not human, but I am also not human! Let's fight to the death between the two of us!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu came over with a machete.

Yang Fei's body is good, and through the internal strength taught to him by Mr. Zhi, this guy can physically resist bullets.

However, he didn't want to let people know about his special abilities so early.

The body quickly slid between several devils, and then suddenly he stopped.

A few devils wanted to shoot, but found that there was no bullet in the chamber, not only was there no bullet, but the muzzle of their gun was deformed, and they couldn't help standing aside in a daze.

"Yang Fei, today, I want to see if you can still kill me!" Xiao Wu roared and ran over.

As soon as Yang Fei turned his head, he grabbed a devil and pushed towards Xiao Wu.

The saber slashed over, right on the devil's body.


Only a scream was heard, and the devil fell into a pool of blood.Xiao Wu frowned, and shouted at those devils, "Come together, take him down!"

"It's just right, go together, save yourself one by one, and ask for trouble!" Yang Fei snorted coldly.

A few devils came towards Yang Fei, and they stabbed towards Yang Fei with bayonets.

Seeing this, Chen Heng at the side immediately got up, took out his pistol, and shot those devils with a "bang bang bang".

Xiao Wu turned his head, stopped immediately, and quickly found a cover to avoid a few bullets.

Han Qing came out with a smile, "You can rest assured, my husband is still good at dealing with these Japanese!"

"There are so many devils with bayonets. Even the indestructible body of King Kong can dig a few holes, right?" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he shouted to the devils, "Put down your weapons quickly, otherwise, I will really kill you!" Shoot!"

Han Qing on the side looked a little embarrassed. He agreed that Yang Fei would fight alone, and he was coming out. Didn't this make Yang Fei ashamed?

Sure enough, Xiao Wu shouted, "Yang Fei, I didn't expect you to be guarded by someone. You have the ability to fight one-on-one!"

"Okay," after finishing speaking, Yang Fei said to Chen Heng, "Don't make a move, I'll fight with this devil captain, and see who is the best of us!"

Chen Hengzhou frowned, he knew that Yang Fei was powerful, but he was unarmed when he had a knife, and in the end, it was really not certain who would suffer.

"Yang Fei!" After Xiao Wu finished speaking, he came out of the bunker, "Come on, fight!"

"No, I'll give you an arm, come on!" Yang Fei's ridicule completely angered Xiao Wu.

"Don't lose your debt at that time!" Xiao Wu sneered, "Look at the knife!"

Saying that, Xiao Wu jumped up high, and then slashed down heavily, the knife facing Yang Fei was so sharp that it was about to freeze into ice.

"Brother Yang, be careful!" Chen Heng shouted worriedly.

Whether Yang Fei is good or not is not something they need to think about, Han Qing is very calm.

"Don't shout, my husband can do it!"

Sure enough, Yang Fei grinned, he didn't dodge deliberately, when the knife was very close to him, he slowly dodged sideways, and then grabbed the blade with one hand, "It's too slow, Xiao Wu , I will give you a chance, come again!"

The hacking is empty, this is already his greatest strength.

He understood that if he really fought Yang Fei, he really couldn't fight, but the soldiers who went up the mountain would soon take back the cottage.There are so many people on that mountain, they will definitely die like Yang Fei.

Thinking of this, Captain Xiaowu turned around and hacked the two with his knife.

I don't know when Yang Fei got behind him again, and kicked his ass again.

"It's too slow! It's too slow!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he was extremely happy when he saw Xiao Wu eating shit like a dog.

I didn't know before, but now Yang Fei is impossible for anyone to defeat!
"Hehe, there are times when you cry!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu got up from the ground, and then shouted "Yeah!" The saber fell off one by one, and then he held it tightly with both hands, "Go to hell!"

Xiao Wu exerted all his strength, and when he reached Yang Fei, he struck again.

Yang Fei shook his head, "You don't want to see the Yellow River!" After speaking, Yang Fei waved his hand and knocked Xiao Wu's saber to the ground, and then grabbed his neck with the last hand.

"You Wa country is nothing more than that!" Yang Fei looked at him with a sneer.

"Haha!" Xiao Wu laughed from the bottom of his throat, "You are so arrogant now, have you ever thought about what is going on on the mountain at this time?"

that is!

Yang Fei suddenly felt that he had been down the mountain for too long.

He turned to Han Qing and said, "Go to the mountain and have a look, these devils are too cunning!"

After saying this, Han Qing and Chen Heng quickly went up the mountain.

"Xiao Wu, you should be damned, but this cottage is my territory, you will have to pay a protection fee when you come here in the future!" Said, Yang Fei threw him on the ground.

For this defeated general, Yang Fei dismissed him, | "If you have the ability, you can find some devils to come over, I don't believe it, I can't kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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