Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2556 Take him away

Chapter 2556 Take him away
What happened to Hu Dahai?
No, what happened to the Ninth Route Army?Can't it be clear that Hu Dahai is wearing the uniform of the Eighth Route Army?Don't you know that they are in an alliance now?
He quickly threw the cigarette butt on the ground and ran over.

"Hey, hey!" Shen Wanxi yelled, and went over to tear apart a few soldiers.

"What's wrong with you? This is the commander of the Eighth Route Army. What are you doing?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"What happened to the Eighth Route Army? Bring the devil here, he is a traitor! A traitor must die!" a soldier shouted at the top of his voice!

"Traitor?" Shen Wanxi was even more confused, looking at Hu Dahai and asked, "Hu Dahai, what's going on, please explain clearly!"

Shen Wanxi still couldn't figure this out, what was going on?

Hu Dahai saw Shen Wanxi coming, as if he had found a savior, "I don't know. I saw a sick monk and brought them for treatment. Who knew they said I brought the devil! I'm not sure about this. I don't know, old Shen, save me, save me!" Hu Dahai grabbed hold of the straw and kept yelling.

Shen Wanxi understood now that Hu Dahai had done something stupid.

He didn't say anything else, he had to ask Yang Fei about this matter, if he didn't know about this matter, how could he cooperate in the future?

When he found Yang Fei, Yang Fei was in a meeting, and it was a meeting of all commanders!

He didn't know the main content of the meeting, but Shen Wanxi searched for it several times, but was rejected!
It won't work if this goes on, he thought, this matter can only be solved by Li Jiguang, Yang Fei has always listened to Li Jiguang's words, maybe Li Jiguang has a solution!

He hurried back to the station, Huomentun is now under construction in the base area, they must solve many current problems as quickly as possible!

When Shen Wanxi told Li Jiguang about this matter, Li Jiguang said directly, "This matter is really difficult to handle. Hu Dahai brought the devils there, which directly exposed the stationing of our Eighth Route Army and Ninth Route Army. It's not easy!"

"Brigade Commander, I will talk about this later. Now we have to think of a way. We have to rescue Hu Dahai. I heard that at three o'clock in the afternoon, they will shoot Hu Dahai. At this juncture, we Can't you just ignore it!" Shen Wanxi said.

"That's true. What our brigade lacks now is an excellent commander. Hu Dahai's mistake is certainly abominable, but this is an excellent commander of our army. Years of combat experience cannot be wiped out like this!" Political Commissar Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, but now that Yang Fei won't let him go, they are going to kill Hu Dahai now!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Brigade Commander, we have to go there to resolve conflicts, but it's not good to kill people so easily. Besides, Hu Dahai is a member of our Eighth Route Army. I don't think there is anything wrong with us coming here to deal with it! You Say?" Wang Wei asked.

"Okay, let's go ask for someone and see what Yang Fei is going to do!" Li Jiguang said.

Jiangjiatun is now at its most dangerous time. This is the signal sent from the Hu Dahai incident. Everyone is rumoring that the devils will attack soon. They have only two choices, either to retreat or to resist tenaciously, but the second There is no need to consider this situation at all, how can they resist the devil's artillery fire?
When Li Jiguang arrived here, he was surprised to find that everyone here was talking about this matter. Hu Dahai was tied up in the training ground. He went to have a look. When he saw Li Jiguang and Wang Wei, Hu Dahai burst into tears. "Brigade commander, political commissar, you must save me, Yang Fei must be crazy, he wants to kill me!"

"Don't worry, the brigade commander and the political commissar will definitely save you!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, he quickly asked Li Jiguang and Wang Wei to go to their conference room!They had just walked over and the meeting had just ended.

Hearing that Li Jiguang was coming, Yang Fei asked someone to bring him in!
When they sat down, Li Jiguang said with a smile, "Yang Fei, what are you doing?"

"Just had a meeting!" Yang Fei said.

"I have something to ask you!" Li Jiguang asked.

"Ask me something? If it's about Hu Dahai, you're asking the wrong person. You have to ask our team leader Lin Jianhua Lin!" Yang Fei said directly.

"Then... where is Captain Lin now?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Just finished the meeting, we should go out!" Yang Fei said.

Shen Wanxi hurriedly said, "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, I'm going to find their regiment commander, please wait a moment!"

Yang Fei handed Li Jiguang a cigarette, "Brigade Commander Li, I know you are here for Hu Dahai. How about this man? Because of him, we have to consider transferring now. Where can we transfer now? I don't know, if the devil knows about Jiangjiatun, he will also know about your Huomentun, our two anti-Japanese teams, it's probably time to part ways!" Yang Fei lit a cigarette for Li Jiguang.

"No, Yang Fei, you're wrong about something!" Li Jiguang took a sip, "Since it's anti-Japanese, it means that we all have a common goal. No matter where we go, we are all anti-Japanese teams. We will part ways. The words are not well used. Since you want to consider transferring, then we have to transfer. I still know the power of a fist. I suggest that we can have a meeting together to discuss what we will do next. where to?"

"This matter... I'm not in charge of it. If our team leader comes later, you can tell me! I'm listening!" Yang Fei said.

After a while, Lin Jianhua came in.

"Oh, Brigadier Li, Commissar Wang, hello!" After speaking, Lin Jianhua sat down.

Li Jiguang didn't hesitate, and said directly, "Head Lin, hello, this time I came here to talk about Hu Dahai!"

"Oh, Hu Dahai, he's going to be shot at three o'clock this afternoon. This man has just lured the devils here. I know this. The last time our troops were stationed in the cottage, we almost fell into the hands of this man. Fortunately, In the end, Mr. Han cleaned it up. It’s easy to talk about it alone, but what if it’s a group of devils? What should we do? Whether we are in Jiangjiatun or Huomentun, they are relatively hidden. Only when we are safe can we resist Wo, what do you think?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"That's right. The security of the base area has always been an important guarantee for our Eighth Route Army! Therefore, regarding Hu Dahai's matter this time, our Eighth Route Army believes that, first, Hu Dahai destroyed the relationship between our two armies. Second, Hu Dahai Unknowingly attracting Japanese people to the base area is a serious violation of our military discipline!" Li Jiguang said, "So, if you want to kill Hu Dahai, it is definitely possible, and you can be punished as a traitor!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Wanxi thought that Li Jiguang must be crazy!

He looked at Wang Wei, and Wang Wei kept nodding at Li Jiguang.

"Why? Your side agrees with us to execute Hu Dahai?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"Yes, we totally agree!" Li Jiguang said.

"Our brigade commander is right. Hu Dahai's violation of military discipline has also damaged our relationship. We used to love each other, but now we are suspicious of each other. This is completely wrong, and this is not the original intention of our two armies!" Wang said Wei also said.

"Really think so?" Lin Jianhua didn't believe it. He could also believe that Li Jiguang and others came to save Hu Dahai. In that case, he could also sell Li Jiguang a favor.

The so-called, favors are hard to return.

At that time, Li Jiguang must not always think about their Nine Route Army?
"Well, indeed, Captain Lin, there is one more thing!" Li Jiguang said.

Lin Jianhua smiled. He thought that Li Jiguang should intercede for Hu Dahai next!
There is no doubt about it!
However, Li Jiguang and Wang Wei seemed to have forgotten about Hu Dahai, "Head Lin, I heard from Yang Fei that you are here to consider transferring?"

"That's right, we have to consider transferring. We have no chance of winning if we fight against the devils. I also have to plan for students like me. I can't die in vain!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Well, you are right. In fact, our Eighth Route Army also wants to transfer, which coincides with your army!" Li Jiguang said.

"Oh? You also transfer? Okay, then transfer together, we can't stay here anymore!" After Lin Jianhua finished speaking, he glanced at Li Jiguang, "I don't know, where are you going to transfer?"

"To be honest, we have an important task now, which is to rescue our captured comrades. Now, they should all be escorted to the mine. I looked at the map. The most suitable place for us to be our base is In the vicinity of Jinfeng Mountain!" Li Jiguang said.

"Yes, in the Jinfeng Mountain area, we can take advantage of our geographical advantages. If the devils come, we can deal with them on the mountain. Guerrilla warfare is what we are best at, and the devils will always be tired of our guerrilla warfare!" Wang Wei said. Finished, looking at Lin Jianhua, "I don't know Captain Lin, where are you planning to move to?"

After hearing Li Jiguang and Wang Wei's words, Lin Jianhua felt more and more that these two people were interesting. In fact, they had been discussing where to move to during the meeting. Most of the words are similar, and the feeling that the hero sees the same thing makes Lin Jianhua feel more and more interesting!
"To be honest, we also plan to move to Jinfengshan area!" Lin Jianhua also said.

"You too? That's great, let's keep up!" Shen Wanxi said quickly.

"Since they all chose Jinfeng Mountain, this is also a kind of fate. I wonder if you are willing to form an alliance together to fight against the Japanese?" Li Jiguang asked.

Lin Jianhua looked at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei smiled, "Since the heroes see the same thing, let's go together, but when the time comes, I hope that such a thing will not happen again!"

"This is just an example, Combatant Yang, I promise you in my own name that such a thing will never happen in the future!" Wang Wei said.

Li Jiguang also said, "Yeah, we are not happy when something like this happened. After all, this has destroyed the basic relationship between us. It is also the consistent purpose of our party to fight against the Japanese together! To be able to fight against the Japanese with people of lofty ideals , I have no regrets in life!"

"Okay!" Lin Jianhua said, "Since you all promised, I can't say anything. How about it, Hu Dahai, you take it back. As for how to deal with it, it's up to you!"

"No, it's up to you to deal with it! Hu Dahai violated military discipline, which is a capital offense!" Li Jiguang said!
Shen Wanxi was stunned, this is obviously a good thing, why did Li Jiguang disagree?Hurry up and agree, what are you waiting for?
"Okay, you don't have to be polite, since our team leader said, you take him back, you have already promised, we detain him again, it seems that we are stingy, and the situation is not big enough!" Yang Fei said.

Li Jiguang glanced at Wang Wei, and Wang Wei nodded in agreement, "Okay, since you said so, I believe that our cooperation has just begun. When we arrive at Jinfeng Mountain, we will continue to cooperate and our commanders will continue to help you. Fang trains the army, as long as the Japanese people stay in China for one day, there will be no end to the war against the Japanese, Yang Du, commander Lin, then we will not bother, when will you transfer?"

"Tomorrow! We can't wait any longer, the devil's action is very fast!" Lin Jianhua said.

"Well, we will also transfer tomorrow, and then we will meet in Jinfeng Mountain!" Li Jiguang said.

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang, Wang Wei, and Shen Wanxi stood up and went out.

After leaving the door, they hurried to the training ground, put Hu Dahai off the pillar, and looked at him worriedly, "Is there something wrong?" Shen Wanxi asked.

After Hu Dahai saw them, he cried even more sadly, "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, I thought you didn't care about me!"

"Shut up, is it shameful? A man is still crying, why are you crying?" Li Jiguang looked at him angrily.

"Yeah, why are you crying? How could the political commissar and brigade commander ignore you?" Shen Wanxi also blamed.

Although Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai were also dissatisfied with each other, the dissatisfaction was only manifested in the fighting, and everything else was fine.

"Political Commissar...Brigade Commander..." Hu Dahai didn't dare to cry, and wiped away his tears, "This bastard Yang Fei, one day, I will let him beg me!"

"Shut up!" Wang Wei was also a little angry, "You have to take responsibility for what you did yourself. You know, because the Japanese man you brought didn't catch him in the end. Now, Both of our armies have to move and it's a very big problem!"

Li Jiguang also said, "The political commissar is right, Hu Dahai, you have to reflect on yourself, what should you do in this matter, should you find out the identity of the other party! However, we are also responsible for this matter, and we cannot simply put It's irresponsible to put all the blame on you! Okay, let's go back and start preparing for the transfer!" Li Jiguang walked in front.

(End of this chapter)

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