Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2559 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 2559 Mantis Catching Cicadas
In the eyes of the Eighth Route Army, such difficulties are nothing. What is lost will always come back, but what is not cherished will never come back.

This kind of helpless method happens to be the most correct choice for them.

Not to mention the biting wind blowing from the distant woods, there was also a gloomy cry.

Da Guang found out a scarf and wrapped it around Wang Wei's neck. Wang Wei's health was not very good, but he insisted on walking with the soldiers, saying that he was having fun while suffering!

At this time, a mass of black guns was aimed at this small team, and no one observed it.

Suddenly, a headwind blew over, and Li Jiguang and others couldn't open their eyes. Shen Wanxi hurriedly supported Li Jiguang, and Daguang quickly supported Wang Wei.

"It's really strange that it's been windy for so long!" Shen Wanxi said.

"That's right, it's empty here, and it's normal to have wind, but it also affects our marching speed!" Li Jiguang said.

"I can't delay for a while, otherwise, let's fix it here, brigade commander, let the soldiers eat something too!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay, look at the wind, it's impossible to stop for a while, so let the soldiers stop where they are, find a shelter from the wind, and then eat something!" Li Jiguang said.

Supporting Li Jiguang, Shen Wanxi went behind a tree, and then took out a small cloth bag from his chest, "Brigade Commander, eat!"

This is fried noodles. For those who don't have much food, it's good to be able to eat this!
Due to the lack of food, Li Jiguang and Wang Wei distributed more than half of their fried noodles. Every time they were hungry, they just took out a small bite!Then put it back on your chest.

This time, seeing Shen Wanxi take out the fried noodles, Li Jiguang shook his head of course, "You eat yours, don't worry about me!" As he said, Li Jiguang took out the fried noodles from his chest, but still just rolled the mouth of the bag down, and then put his whole mouth in , took a small sip, and then put it back in his chest contentedly.

Then, he grabbed a ball of snow from the ground and put it in the palm of his hand, and then swallowed it together with the fried noodles.

The soldiers were all like this, and the snow on the ground made up for the crisis of lack of water.

Hu Dahai's forward troops didn't come back to report the news, so they just thought about waiting for a while.


The next day, Yang Fei got up early, and after the soldiers had eaten, they lined up the troops.

Lin Jianhua called Ma Xiaokun and Chen Heng and said, "Today, our task is to take down the guard post in the south of Guizi Tuanxi Village, then reach Tuanxi Village, and then reach Xiaowangdian. We will cross Yanling, you understand Is it your mission?"

"Regiment commander, don't worry, with the deputy commander here, I am also confident that I can complete this combat mission!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"That's good, deputy head Chen, you help Xiaokun, it's best to let him command the battle independently!" Lin Jianhua said.

"No problem, head, leave it to me!" Chen Heng said.

"Okay, Brother Yang, let's talk!" Lin Jianhua looked at Yang Fei and said.

"I don't have anything to say, but there is a situation I want to confess to you. The devil's sentry is good, but there is also a devil's security team in Tuanxi Village. This is not a bone to chew on!" Yang Fei said.

"There are security groups?" Ma Xiaokun was taken aback, but he quickly regained his senses, "Isn't it just the security groups? I'm not afraid of a few more security groups!"

"Just don't be afraid. I believe that you can successfully take down the devil's sentry point and Tuanxi Village, but the task is urgent, and you don't have much time. If you waste too much time, more devils will come from around. When the time comes, Two fists can't beat four hands, think about it yourself. Xiaokun, come on!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Commander Yang, take care of yourself this time!" Ma Xiaokun said solemnly.

"Okay, then, hurry up and set off now, take the devil's sentry by surprise first!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Chen Heng and Ma Xiaokun left.

Lin Jianhua was a little uneasy, "Brother Yang, how do you know..."

"I have asked Han Qing to investigate, but these are still in our hands for the time being. After breaking the devil's sentry point, I think the devil's security team will be dispatched. Let's see the situation at that time!" Yang Fei Said.

"If it's so risky, I think we might as well go back and turn over Yanling directly!" Lin Jianhua said.

"It's not impossible to go back, but it will waste too much time. Also, there is a shortcut to Yanling from Xiaowangdian. If we go back and cross Yanling, I don't know what will happen! Captain, Brother Lin, don't worry!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother Yang, are you so confident?" Lin Jianhua asked.

"I have such confidence because of commanders like Chen Heng and Ma Xiaokun! Commander, don't worry, as long as I'm here, the devils won't have any plans!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Brother Yang, let's give it a go!" Lin Jianhua said.

Under the guidance of Chen Heng and Ma Xiaokun, the Second Battalion was like a reservoir for flood discharge, and with lightning speed, they cut off the devil's sentry point. Then, Chen Heng instructed that the Second Battalion be divided into two parts, and one part went to the north of the sentry point. Ambush, the second part, ambushes in the south of the checkpoint, as long as the devils dare to attack the checkpoint, they will encircle and eat all the devils!

Only in this way can the final victory be guaranteed.

The course of the battle was as they expected. The security team heard the gunshots and immediately set off from Tuanxi Village. Immediately afterwards, they began to attack the sentry point!
However, what was waiting for them was an empty checkpoint, and they were surprised when the checkpoint was taken away, and they fell for it!

What an empty city plan!

What an empty city plan!

Even though Wang Jiayao, the head of the security team, beat his chest and stamped his feet, it was already too late!

With a gunshot, two parts and one battalion successfully surrounded the security team!
This was a decisive victory, and this victory made Ma Xiaokun feel even more that commanding and fighting is an art, and they as a whole are the creators of this artwork!

Wang Jiayao didn't resist at all, so she disarmed and surrendered!
In just one hour, one hour, a security team was successfully defeated.

However, just as they seized the supplies from the security regiment, suddenly, there was a burst of machine gun fire!
Hearing the sound, Chen Heng immediately ran to check, and saw five No. 60 devils rushing over with submachine guns in their hands. Their faces were ferocious, as if they wanted to regain the lost ground!
"Not good! Not good!" Chen Heng shouted twice, and immediately shouted to Ma Xiaokun behind him, "Hurry up, let the soldiers ambush on the spot, find a cover, hurry up!" After finishing speaking, Chen Heng drew out his pistol Start shooting at the devils!
The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind. Unexpectedly, the devils still understand their art of war.

The soldiers were caught off guard by the sudden situation!
Chen Heng understood that if this continued, they would really be doomed. Looking back, the soldiers were already crawling on the spot, waiting for the devils to approach and shoot after they found cover!

"Get the grenade ready!" Chen Heng shouted.

The soldiers put grenades in front of them.

"If the devils come over in a while, throw the grenade first. These devils are much more powerful than this security team! Everyone must be careful!" Chen Heng instructed.

Ma Xiaokun put the grenade away, then ran to Chen Heng with a pistol.

"Deputy head, what should we do this time?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"Are you afraid of death?" Chen Heng asked suddenly, which made Ma Xiaokun a little astonished.

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm a Chinese. If I beat devils, I wouldn't be a soldier!" Ma Xiaokun seemed to be irritated.

"That's good. The devil will come later. Hit me desperately. The bayonet tactics given to you will be used at that time!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he looked up to see where the devil was. "Scrubbing" flashed across his head.

"Damn it, it seems that this devil wants to drive us to death today!" Chen Heng said.

"Will the head send someone to support us?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"Then we have to see if we can beat it. If we can beat it, what kind of support will we send? If we can't beat it, you will be ashamed now. Don't forget, you have so many people!" Chen Heng said.

"Grandma's, okay, I want the devil to try my bayonet today!" Ma Xiaokun said, carrying the sack on his back, and then put the bayonet on the rifle.The shining bayonet came out, the soldiers saw it, and quickly installed the bayonet.

"If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. Comrades, soldiers, and friends, the entire regiment is watching us today. Let's not be ashamed of the Second Battalion. When the devils come, bayonet them!" Ma Xiaokun shouted.


After a while, the devil touched it.

Ma Xiaokun turned his head and shot without hesitation.

The bullet pierced the devil's chest, but the devil's bullets also shot towards Ma Xiaokun in unison!

Chen Heng immediately grabbed Ma Xiaokun and pulled him behind the sandbag, "Damn it, don't you want to live anymore?"

"The devil is coming!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Come up, grenade!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun gave the grenade to Chen Heng. Chen Heng took a deep breath, pulled the string, and threw it behind him!


An explosion blasted the snow on the ground into a big crater, and the snow water mixed with the mud, splashed up and fell on him.

"Grenade!" Chen Heng said.

Ma Xiaokun handed him another one!
"Little devil, try Grandpa's grenade!" After Chen Heng finished speaking, he threw it behind the sandbag again!


There was another explosion, and the explosion still echoed in the open space.

"Deputy commander, the devils have retreated!" A voice came from behind.

Chen Heng looked up immediately, but it didn't matter what he looked at, what mattered was that he was already staring at his head with the devil's muzzle!

"Don't move, put down the gun, let everyone put down the gun!" Said the devil.

"I hate your grandmother!" Ma Xiaokun got up, wanting to fight the devil, but another devil's gun was pointed at his head!

"Don't move, be obedient, otherwise, you will die..."

The ghost said in a not-so-fluent Chinese.

Chen Heng gave Ma Xiaokun a wink, and Ma Xiaokun immediately understood.

I saw that Chen Heng raised his hands, "I surrender..." Just after saying these three words, I saw Chen Heng quickly snatched the devil's rifle with both hands, "I surrender to your sister!"

The rifle immediately turned in one direction in his hand, and the muzzle was aimed at the devil!
Ma Xiaokun did the same here, while the devil was not paying attention to himself, he immediately raised the muzzle of the gun with his hand!
The devil fired a shot in horror, and with the sound of the gun, he fired a shot at the sky.

Ma Xiaokun kicked the devil in the chest, "Dare to play this trick with me!"

Taking the gun back, Ma Xiaokun hit the devil on the head with the butt of the gun.

Ma Xiaokun said to the soldiers behind him, "Go, tell Combatant Yang and Commander Lin that we have taken down the checkpoint and wiped out the devil's security team. There are still dozens of devils that have not been wiped out. Ask now what should we do!"

"it is good!"

Chen Heng looked at Ma Xiaokun, "Do you still need to ask? Of course it is to attack Tuanxi Village and wipe out the devils!"

"Those dozens of devils, if we want to take them down, it probably won't be so easy, deputy head, what can you do?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"What else can we do? We must take down Tuanxi Village. This is a death order!" Chen Heng said, "I'm afraid that when we enter Tuanxi Village at this time, the devils have already ambushed. us!"

"I'm also afraid of this, what should I do?" Ma Xiaokun also fell into a state of tension.

"Then wait for the leader's letter and see what's going on with them!" Chen Heng said.

After more than ten minutes, suddenly, I saw Yang Fei coming too.

He got a general idea of ​​the situation.

"Come on, follow me into Tuanxi Village!" Yang Fei said, slipped a rifle and walked to the village!

"Captain, you...are dangerous. The devil is in the village now, so he must have already defended it. Go now, I'm afraid we will suffer!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"I know, why don't you wait here, I'll go in and deal with those devils, okay?" Yang Fei looked back at them.

"Mr. Yang Du, it's dangerous! It's dangerous if we go together. You are alone, isn't it..." Ma Xiaokun didn't say the word "death", and Yang Fei also understood!

"Mr. Yang, I will go with you!" Chen Heng said, holding the gun in his hand.

"I'll go too!" Ma Xiaokun also said.

Yang Fei smiled, "Okay, the three of us will go, and let the soldiers wait here."

"Three people?" Ma Xiaokun swallowed. "Mr. Yang, the three of us deal with dozens of devils?"

"What? You don't believe me?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's unbelievable! Are you sure the three of us can deal with those dozens of devils?" Ma Xiaokun asked again tremblingly.

"To be precise, it's not us, it's me! I can do it alone!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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