Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2651 The Whereabouts of Liao City's Wealth

Chapter 2651 The Whereabouts of Liao City's Wealth

All schemes, all strategies seem to be unfolded in one person's will.

When Yang Fei felt confident that this was feasible, Han Qing made a major discovery!

The problem of running water made Han Qing feel strange all the time. Later, he finally understood, as for why the ice and snow had melted, it was because the bottom was empty!
Knowing this, Han Qing immediately realized everything happily. If the bottom is empty, it means that this is a big sewer. It is so secret, which means that the devils definitely attach great importance to him!

Thinking of this, Han Qing immediately asked Skinny Monkey to bring people over. Since there is a sewer, there must be an entrance!
Sure enough, the effortless Han Qing actually discovered the great news!I found the entrance, and when I first entered, it was very warm inside!

A gust of hot air is coming!

The thin monkey felt uneasy, "Han Qing, don't go in alone, I will let ten soldiers accompany you down!"

"No, I'll be fine!" Han Qing said.

Entering the sewer, it was indeed the sewer, and the disgusting smell of feces wafted over, Han Qing hurriedly covered his nose and mouth.

Light the torch, walk along both sides, follow the previous whereabouts and clues, then the fortune should be here again!
There is only one sewer here, which means it is easy to find. He walks very carefully, and is also afraid that there will be accidents here!
Suddenly, Han Qing heard voices in his ears, his steps were fast, and a sound of "嗤嗤嗤" came out from his mouth. Suddenly, Han Qing's ears trembled, his body suddenly turned, he lifted his foot, kicked out, and he kicked a person out How many meters away!
He quickened his pace and ran over, waving his fists and was about to smash it down!
However, he stopped all of a sudden. He could tell that the person in front of him was just an ordinary person, without any trace of martial arts training. He was even on the verge of dying.

At this time, the footsteps became more frequent. He had just stood up when he saw a lot of people crowded in front of him. When those people saw Han Qing standing up with a torch, they instinctively backed away in fear!

"Who are you?" Han Qing roared.

Those people were so lifeless that they couldn't even utter a single sentence.

When Han Qing took a step forward, those people took a step back.

Han Qing shook his head, not knowing what happened here.

The snow melted and ticked down from above, and the sound of "tick tick" filled my ears.

"Speak!" Han Qing said in a low voice, but very forcefully.

"It's human!"

"It's human! We are saved!" those people said with a smile.

They took a small step forward in fear, and the Chinese they spoke, wasn't it their own?

"It's a human!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of crying.

It wasn't until later that Han Qing saw the bodies floating on the dirty water and the dead bodies lying everywhere, that he realized that these people were probably the people of Gwangju.

"Are you from the county?" They didn't answer, so Han Qing asked.


At this time, someone said something slowly.

"You are all here, let me tell you why there is no one in Guangzhou!" Han Qing said.

When Han Qing sent them up safely, until the moment they saw the light, they suddenly woke up, they were still alive!

It's just that the surprise was much less.

Thin Monkey found Han Qing in surprise, "Why are these people down there?"

Han Qing couldn't tell either.

Slowly, those people ate and drank hot water, and then slowly shed tears. These tears came too slowly.

"thank you all!"

One person knelt down to Han Qing and the others, and many people got up and knelt down to the door.

It turned out that they were all from here. When the devils retreated, they were forcibly gathered together and let them go to the sewer. Their meaning was simple and clear, that is, the wealth in Gwangju should not be known, let alone Let other forces know that the wealth here will not be restarted until they return here.

Therefore, the devils had to make such a trick to rush them to the sewer, just to let them fend for themselves and kill the news of wealth here.

Later, Han Qing found those gold and silver items, not many, but not too small. It seems that those things have been stored here for a long time, and if they are loaded by truck, they can hold at least three cars!
It is these wealth that made countless people venture here to find out, and the one who got them in the end is the owner here!

Han Qing immediately told Yang Fei the news, and then Shouhou personally led a team to guard the entrance.As for how they deal with it, it depends on the orders of the brigade commander.

There were more than 2000 people who went in, but Han Qing found out, and only more than 600 people came out, and the rest died of hunger and fear.

They returned to their respective homes, wanting to start a new life. The home they haven't seen for a long time is strange and familiar.

Life always has to start over again, without experiencing such an accident, no one knows why they are so busy?what is lifeIt is to cherish every day of the moment and know how to be grateful for every day.

Yang Fei immediately sent a telegram, saying that they should keep watch and he would contact Li Jiguang as soon as possible.

Soon, Li Jiguang also called back and asked the gate to be guarded. Li Jiguang decided to send a truck to transfer the wealth in Gwangju. As for where it will be transferred, no one knows.

There is no doubt that these wealth will eventually return to the people.

"The devil worked so hard to build a sewer, but I didn't expect it to hide these wealth!" said the thin monkey.

"The wealth belongs to the Chinese people, and it will eventually return to the sky!" Han Qing said deeply.

"Yeah, finally returning to the Chinese people, Han Qing, are you excited?" asked the thin monkey.

Han Qing shook his head, "Why, in my opinion, these things are children's toys, some kind of symbols imposed by well-intentioned people, gold and silver, are they worth a lot of money?"

Shouhou was deeply convinced by Han Qing's words, "You're right, I didn't expect you to think so!"

"However, things are rare and expensive. Although they are symbols, they also have corresponding values. Perhaps, in the near future, these things will become a basis for competition between countries. Therefore, these things, No matter where it is in China, as long as it is in China, it will be fine! It must not be circulated to foreign countries!" Han Qing said.

"I really didn't expect that you can think like this, I admire you!" said the thin monkey.

Not to mention him, I'm afraid no one thought that these little devils at this time actually hid money here, so these little devils are really cunning.

The cunning rabbit's three caves, beasts, it's not easy!
(End of this chapter)

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