Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2677 Exercise

Chapter 2677 Exercise
In the next few days, the construction of the Red House Village also confirmed the accuracy of the information. It was indeed a factory building. As for what to build, he didn't understand and didn't know.

We can only wait for the salesman to come again.

However, no matter what the construction is, Yang Fei always feels uncomfortable.

On the second day, Xi Xiang rushed over and said that the copper mine had started to be mined, and the simple smelter was also started.

Yang Fei nodded, and specially mobilized the Shouhou Battalion to be responsible for the safety of the smelter.

When the peddler came for the second time, the peddler still gave him a note. This time, he specially used a newspaper to wrap white sugar for Yang Fei.

Yang Fei looked at the newspaper, there was news about Shen Cheng.

He went to the kitchen himself, poured the sugar into a jar, and carefully read the newspaper.

Looking at the newspaper, Yang Fei was a little surprised, because the newspaper said that the devils had already occupied more than half of Beihai, and almost all of Beihai had fallen.

Yang Fei had mixed feelings in his heart, the devils came fiercely, and their speed was really fast, but Yang Fei understood that they were fighting for speed, but there must be some emptiness in the rear.

At this time, if they can give them a quick attack from the devil's rear, so that their offensive state is not so fast, maybe they can still let Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai be there.

Thinking of this, Yang Fei had some thoughts in his heart, but after all, he wanted to get information about Li Jiguang and Wang Wei.

Yang Fei didn't want to repeat such a situation. Although it was the same every day, he knew from the bottom of his heart that the short-term peaceful environment they were in now could make people lose their fighting spirit!

How to keep the soldiers fighting spirit against the enemy, Yang Fei has been thinking of a way.

Xi Xiangchong came back not long after he left. He looked at Yang Fei with a sad face, and then asked, "Head, what's the matter with you? Why do you think there's something wrong with you?"

Yang Fei looked at him, and suddenly had an idea, "Xiang Chong, that's it, help me think about how to maintain the fighting spirit of the soldiers. I think this is a good starting point for the soldiers to fight." Maintain a high degree of vigilance and be able to maintain a high combat effectiveness!"

Xi Xiangchong nodded, "Leader, I have watched the drills of other regiments, how about we have a drill too?"

"Oh? Tell me more about it?" Yang Fei asked.

"We can use the battalion as a unit, and then conduct offensive and defensive drills, what do you think?" Xi Xiangchong said.

"We have done this kind of drill before, with the company as the unit, I want to create a new style!" Yang Fei said.

In this way, it is embarrassing for Xi Xiang to rush forward. He has relatively little experience in this area, so he can't give Yang Fei any advice at all. However, he still thought about it, "Head, since It’s been done before, and I want to make a new style, or else, let’s do this!”

With that said, Xi Xiangchong told Yang Fei his opinion.

Yang Fei also felt that it made sense, he nodded, "Okay, let's do it like this for the time being, we can't let the soldiers be idle, and something will happen if they are idle." Yang Fei said.

In fact, what Xi Xiangchong said was to strengthen the training of the troops and hold a competition for the whole army.

It is precisely this kind of competition that makes Yang Fei think it is feasible. On the one hand, it has trained the soldiers of the whole army, and on the other hand, it can clearly see the available talents of the army.

Yang Fei Xi Xiangchong did the specific work of this matter.

However, Yang Fei said a few important points, that is, all fighters must be involved, so that everyone's enthusiasm can be mobilized.

Xi Xiang nodded his head, "Leader, don't worry, personal honor and disgrace are actually linked to our entire regiment, but what I want to ask is, how do we give the final honor to everyone? Is it for money? Or is it for you? What?"

Yang Fei thought about it, and then said, "Money is too vulgar. Besides, we don't have specific standards for how much to give. We can give honorary certificates and give priority to being elected to the party. What do you think?"

Xi Xiangchong felt that Yang Fei's proposal was feasible, "Okay, I know, then I will go to prepare, that's right, in three days, we can realize it!"

"Okay, let's do it!" After saying that, Xi Xiangchong left.

Yang Fei came out of the headquarters and walked around Dongji Village for no other reason, because he was a little confused now, and it could even be said that he was a little bored.

His ideas are always good, but many things don't follow his wishes.

At this moment, Yang Fei suddenly heard the cries of the shopkeeper again.

He heard the sound and saw that the shopkeeper from a few days ago was still walking this way with a pole.

Yang Fei thought about it, and then slowly passed by!

The peddler came over, "Master Jun, do you want to buy some more sugar?"

"Is there?" Yang Fei asked directly.

"Yes!" said the salesman, and put down the pole.

"Then three catties!" Yang Fei said.

"That's not it!" The salesman said, and went to fight the shoulder pole again.

Yang Fei asked, "How much is that?"

"Two catties and seven taels!" The salesman looked at Yang Fei.

"Why are you here again?" Yang Fei asked.

"There's new information, and this matter is more urgent, so I'll make another trip!" As he spoke, the salesman took out two catties of sugar from his shoulder pole.Yang Fei gave him the money, and the peddler watched over him, then took out the change, "This is for you!"

The shopkeeper picked up the shoulder pole and left directly.

Yang Fei looked at his back, "What information can make him come again?"

He thought, then found a note from the change, and put it in his pocket, when he got to the headquarters, and took out the note, it said, "Red House Village is building a tank factory. Huai Township Devils developed A security regiment. Three days later, they will try to attack Beiji Village!"

This continuous news made Yang Fei feel that many things had suddenly become clear.

Let's put aside the fact that the tank factory is being built in Red House Village. Let's just talk about Huaixiang Town. This is a town north of their Nanxiang. A security team was appointed, so it can be seen that the devil also paid a price!

In this way, their safety in the north has become the biggest hidden danger.

Yang Fei thought about it, and then suddenly had an idea.

Since the devils want the security team to test the waters, let them come, fight for them, and eat them in one go, so that they can show how powerful their Eighth Route Army is!
With such an idea, Yang Fei nodded, then walked to the map, and began to grope, wanting to eat the devils and a security team in one go, Yang Fei has ambitions, but this still requires Yang Fei's command ability .

Although Yang Fei has done this kind of thing before, and even killed a security group of devils with the strength of a battalion, the situation at that time was actually better than now. What Yang Fei said was that there was a regiment of troops, But he knew, how could there be a regiment of these hundreds of people?
However, since he wanted to eat them completely, Yang Fei had to do a lot of preparatory work.

However, this actually requires a thorough new movement of the devils before they can make specific defensive measures!

However, Yang Fei already had a plan in mind, so it depends on whether the devil dares to come!
Beihai is such a strange place. There are plains, mountains, valleys, and big rivers. You can see all kinds of terrain here.

On the second day, Xi Xiangchong found Yang Fei in a hurry, and said, "Head, I have listed the specific competition items, you have a look at them, and then, you are looking to see if we still have any Anything else to add?"

Yang Fei looked at the items listed on the table, "There are weight-bearing robes, fortification duels, bayonet fighting, reloading speed, etc. These are also things that soldiers of the Eighth Route Army must do.

As far as Yang Fei can tell, Xi Xiangchong should have altered these items many times, and then visited many fighters to get these items. Yang Fei can see his intentions!
Yang Fei nodded, and then said, "Xiang Chong, you did a good job, but you have to add one more thing at the end!"

"Add one more item?" After speaking, Xi Xiangchong hurriedly took out a pen and paper to plan and record.

Yang Fei waved his hand, "You don't need to write with a pen, just memorize it." Yang Fei stood up, "It's best, you can add another actual combat drill!"

"Actual combat?" Hearing these two words, Xi Xiangchong was a little nervous. In this live ammunition drill, the bullets are ruthless, and they don't have any extra bullets!Besides, live ammunition drills have no protective measures at all!
"Yes, it's actual combat!" Yang Fei said, "As a qualified Eighth Route Army soldier, strong individual ability does not mean that others are strong. The most important thing is to obey orders and command! However, in the last item, you can, The main thing is to add a few commanders and fighters, and let them work together to use the people in their hands."

"Head, I understand!" Xi Xiang nodded his head, "Then I'll go back and change it!"

"No need to change it, just send it to the soldiers and let the whole army participate. Remember, regarding the ranking, I want to be in the top ten for each item, and finally, give me a comprehensive ranking." Yang Fei said.

"Okay Captain, I understand!"

After Xi Xiang rushed away, Yang Fei called the three battalion commanders over.

After they arrived, Yang Fei said straight to the point, "Do you know why I called you here?"

"Head, the temporary political commissar has paid a visit to every one of us, is it for tomorrow's military competition?" asked the thin monkey.

"Yes, commander, this kind of competition is very good, it can quickly improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers!" Liu Ji also said.

"Head, if there is a competition between our battalion commanders, I think it would be great!" Zhao Qifa said with a smile.

"It seems that Lao Zhao really wants to beat us!" Shouhou said with a smile.

Yang Fei nodded, "Battalion Commander Zhao's suggestion is good!"

Upon hearing this, the three battalion commanders stared at him with wide eyes, "Regimental commander? Really?"

"Really!" Yang Fei said.

Then, Yang Fei said in detail, "The whole army competition mainly assesses soldiers and trains outstanding soldiers to become main grassroots cadres. This is also what our Eighth Route Army should do. Only someone who succeeds will drive the devils out of our Huaxia! This matter, you guys A few battalion commanders need to worry about it! However, the competition is a competition, if you have actual combat experience, that would be great!"

As he said, Yang Fei took the map, "The actual game should be longer, I decide on my own, but I can't wait to tell you now!"

"Head, you are giving us the back door!" Liu Ji said with a smile.

"Let me tell you in advance, this is not a leak, the main thing is how you do it yourself." Yang Fei pointed to the map, "After the individual competition is over tomorrow, the few of you will take the soldiers of the whole army to your main camp. battlefield!"

"Liu Ji, you take your people to Ping Village, dig the fortifications, and prepare to meet the incoming enemies! Shouhou, you take your people to look at the terrain in the Lancang Ping area, and then do a good job of the fortifications. Zhao Qiqi , the most important thing is here with you!" As he spoke, Yang Fei pointed to a point on the map, "This is a point to close your pockets, and it's up to you whether you can wipe out the invading enemy!"

Zhao Qifa looked at the circle marked on the map, which said "Xikouhe".

Liu Ji and Shouhou were a little surprised. Listening to what Yang Fei said, it was true that they had to do it with real knives and guns. However, the entire regiment was used to defend and wipe out the enemy. Who is this enemy?
Liu Ji then asked, "Commander, we wiped out the enemy...but this enemy..."

"Remember what I said, as long as the clothes are different from ours, they are the enemy, as long as they dare to come, then we have to fight!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, the three battalion commanders suddenly came to their senses. This was not an actual combat drill, but a real fight against devils!

Although everyone understands, Yang Fei still said, "So this time I just arranged your deployment, how to cooperate with the specific time, and where the enemy reaches before you fight, this is your own business! However, I only need to One result, that is to completely annihilate the invading enemy, and let no one live!" Yang Fei put the pen on the table, and there was a "click", and then the three battalion commanders issued a military order!
"Regimental Commander, please rest assured, under my nose, no enemy can walk past!"

"Yes, Commander, don't worry, if you don't completely wipe out the enemy, I, Skinny Monkey, will come to see you!"

"Head, don't worry!" Zhao Qifa said.

"The most important thing is that this time, in addition to assessing your three battalion commanders, the number of soldiers killed will become your final scoring result. However, as long as a soldier is injured, it will be subtracted from the number of killed enemies." One point, as long as there are soldiers sacrificed, five points will be deducted!" Yang Fei smiled, "So, this task is a bit big!"

"Captain... this..."

Liu Ji was in a bit of a dilemma. How could there be no casualties in this battle, so many points were deducted all at once, and if they wanted to win the final victory, this obviously required them to be fully prepared!

But, they finally said, "We'll get it done!"

That night.

The moon came out, and the moonlight was like water, shining on the quiet village. The soldiers on duty at the entrance of the village looked around vigilantly, and there was nothing unusual.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in the village, he tiptoed through the houses, and finally stopped at the door of Yang Fei!

Hearing the knock on the door, Yang Fei went over and opened the door. The black shadow rushed in and closed the door immediately!

Yang Fei wasn't surprised at all, because he thought, Han Qing should be here in the next few days!
Sure enough, when Hei Ying took off the black cloth covering his face, Han Qing's face appeared.

Yang Fei poured him a cup of tea, "There are soldiers outside, so you came in like this?"

"Sir, don't worry, I didn't hurt them!" After Han Qing finished speaking, he picked up the tea bowl and drank the water in a few sips.

"Is Wang Zhifei outside?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, but he's not as capable as I am!" Han Qing smiled.

"Sit down quickly and tell me about the situation outside!" Yang Fei asked.

"Sir, Haigang has no plans to escort the brigade commander and political commissar to Shencheng, but I dare not be idle for a moment in Haigang!" Han Qing said.

"You can put aside the matter there first, isn't there a president of your branch?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, but... Didn't you say... If you can't pick up the brigade commander, you won't let me come?" Han Qing rubbed his head, then smiled awkwardly.

"At this time and at that time, I never thought that your ability is so strong. In just these few days, you have already established a tranquility society. I never expected such a powerful force!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, don't worry, An Ning will serve you!" Han Qing said, "I don't know if Mr. has received any information during this time?"

"Yes!" Yang Fei said, "However, some information is too slow!"

"I think the same way, because, I think, the less people know the position of the husband, the better. Therefore, only the shopkeeper and Qi Lu know, and the others don't know at all! So, the speed will slow down!" Han Qing said.

"Well, it's not difficult to understand!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he gave Han Qing another bowl of water, "The devil's security team will arrive tomorrow, do you have anything to tell me?"

"I don't know about this!" Han Qing said, "Because I told Qi Lu that the information here can be given to you directly."

"En." Yang Fei nodded.

"Head, I suggest that we set up an intelligence company in our army, and this intelligence company is only responsible for you!" Han Qing said, "In this way, you will collect information faster!"

"There is a reason for this, but, based on our current conditions, if we want to find some fighters who are absolutely loyal to the party, I dare not trust them 100%!" Yang Fei has suffered this loss, and he dare not do it easily Do it, most of their intelligence now comes from the spies sent out by the companies. It is relatively easy to collect these intelligences, and there are many feedbacks.

"Sir, I understand." Han Qing said, "Then An Ning will inquire about Shen Cheng's information for you for the time being!"

"Yes!" Yang Fei said, "Come back, it's enough for someone else to do the information over there. Once there is news about the brigade commander, I believe, you will definitely know!"

"Okay!" Han Qing said.

Wang Zhifei who was outside the door suddenly heard movement in Yang Fei's room, and he rushed over immediately, "Brother!"

"I'm here!" Yang Fei said.

"Is there anyone else in the room?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"I'm fine!" Yang Fei said, "I accidentally hit the quilt just now!"

"Oh!" After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he continued to stand guard!
At [-]:[-] in the morning, the soldiers of each battalion had already woken up.

Because the first weight-bearing long-distance race is about to begin!

For this matter, Yang Fei didn't ask too much, let Xi Xiang Chong do it himself, he will definitely do it well!

For every fighter, long-distance running with heavy loads is familiar, but getting into the top ten is not an easy task.

For those who can be said to be good at long-distance running in the whole regiment, there are row after row of platoon leaders in Liu Ji's battalion.

This guy is said to have followed Liu Ji from the south to the north. During several retreats, this guy always carried more than three guns on his body, and ten grenades were pinned to his waist. Be the first to arrive!

This long-distance running with weights requires the soldiers to tie ten kilograms of sandbags on their legs and run ten kilometers!

For the soldiers, this is nothing at all, just look at the last moment!
At the beginning of [-]:[-], Xi Xiangchong actually inquired about the platoon leader of the battalion and the platoon. This guy is called Feng Chunqiu. It is said that he is the eldest son of the landlord's family.

Xi Xiangchong was also surprised, such a senior platoon leader, how come he is still a platoon leader after so long?

At least he should be a battalion commander!

However, Liu Ji said that this kid is not a high-ranking official. He said that he is willing to lead troops at the grassroots level. Not to mention, this Feng Chunqiu really has a few brushes. Among the soldiers, he is the one who is trusted. Not only did the soldiers train hard at ordinary times, but he also knew everything about life.

It's not that Liu Ji is reluctant to let him play such a role, but he just wants to keep doing it.

There is no way, but Liu Ji has his own way, that is, let Feng Chunqiu go to a different platoon to be the platoon leader every month!
This decision really made Feng Chunqiu a deputy battalion commander in disguise, because every soldier in the whole battalion knew Feng Chunqiu's name.

Moreover, the training quality of soldiers has also improved.

Xi Xiangchong felt a little emotional, if more people like Feng Chunqiu, that would be great!

Looking at the time, 15 minutes have passed!

At this time, Liu Ji came to Xi Xiangchong, "Don't look, the first one to come here is definitely Feng Chunqiu!"

"Liu Battalion Commander, I also believe that your battalion has this precious lump, and you can't make him No. 1!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"That is, I dare not say anything else, but this long-distance running with heavy loads is definitely Feng Chunqiu's forte!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he sat down by himself, and he also checked the time, "At most half an hour, he will Come back!"

"Half an hour?" Even if Xi Xiangchong didn't believe it, for Feng Chunqiu, this was definitely the fastest result!
After a while, I heard the bustle!
(End of this chapter)

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