Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 272 The executors of the Wolf Slaughter Plan

Chapter 272 The executors of the Wolf Slaughter Plan
"The Sick Man of East Asia!"

Hearing these four words, Lei Zhan directly pulled out the [-]-style bayonet from his waist, and walked towards the little devil Liu San with a cruel smile on his face.

The rest of the soldiers who were ready to act stopped when they saw Lei Zhan with their bayonets drawn out, and waited in place.

They knew that Lei Zhan had much more means than them, and Lei Zhan was the best at dealing with little devils.


Liu San, the little devil and cripple, yelled and cursed again when he saw Lei Zhan coming.

His face was livid, and he stared at Lei Zhan viciously, like a vicious dog preparing to rebel against his master.


Lei Zhan snorted coldly with a sneer on his face, came to the lame Liu San, and slowly squatted down.

At the same time, Lei Zhan took the [-]-style bayonet in his hand and twirled it in his hand.


Liu San, the little devil and cripple, also had fear in his heart at this time, but he was very helpless and helpless, because he couldn't even move at all.

Lei Zhan didn't say a word, looking at the little devil in front of him with eyes like a vicious dog, the bayonet in Lei Zhan's hand aimed at the top of the little devil Liu San's calf, and stabbed it fiercely.


Pierce it, pull it out, and the bright red blood splashed out immediately.


Immediately, the lame Liu San, the little devil spy, started screaming.

Lei Zhan's knife was very delicate, it was directly attached to Liu San's calf bone, and even cut off the hamstring inside.

Therefore, this kind of severe pain is not something ordinary people can bear.


The lame Liu San, facing the sky, howled and cursed while gnashing his teeth.

But now, he only has helpless despair in his heart.



At the same time, the dozen or so little devils next to him had already been beaten up by the hooligans.

Except for a few screaming, the rest have no human appearance at all.

All the flesh and blood were smashed by the big stone, the head was cracked, and red and white brains were splashed everywhere.

At this time, the few remaining little devils who were still howling miserably were being beaten by a few local hooligans with blue and black thorns on the bloody body of the little devils.

What's more, they used thorn sticks to pass through the bloody wounds of the little devils, and pulled the thorn sticks back and forth with both hands.


Accompanied by their tugging, the little devil howled in pain, it was so heart-piercing.

However, the sound of this little devil howling miserably, in the hearts of the soldiers, was like the sound of heaven, so beautiful.

In this case, it is not because our soldiers are bloodthirsty, but because it was sent by the little devil.

What are little devils? They are not human beings, but beasts, a group of beasts with no conscience and no conscience.

Even, they are not as good as beasts.

Thinking of the Nanjing Massacre and all the evil results of the little devils, the soldiers felt nothing but pain in their hearts.

The beggars who were watching by the side had all widened their eyes at this time, and some even started to vomit directly on the ground.

After all, the scene in front of them was too bloody, and they couldn't accept it in their hearts.

Of course, some of the executors, the hooligans, also vomited aside. After all, this was their first encounter with such a scene.

Fortunately, they are still somewhat bloody men, most of them have seen blood, they are still good, but their faces are a little abnormal.

Thinking about it, as long as they go to the battlefield, they will definitely adapt faster than the beggars.

After all, on the real battlefield, the scene is much more tragic than it is now.

Under the bombardment of aircraft and cannons, human lives are like ants, corpses are everywhere, and the head that has lost its body is on the battlefield, looking desperately at the sky.

This is, war!


At this time, the little devil in front of Lei Zhan, the crippled Liu San, had lost his voice.


After the sound of puffing, it was splashed with bright red blood.

Lei Zhan was like this, stabbing down, pulling out, stabbing down, pulling out.

The bright red blood has already splashed all over this piece of land.

Including Lei Zhan's body, which was originally a brand-new Eighth Route Army uniform, was about to be splattered with blood at this time.

The bayonet hole, under Lei Zhan's control, slowly extended towards the top of the little devil Liu San's head.

Belly, chest, heart, neck, all the way to the head.


Slowly, the lame Liu San lost his breath of life after a final struggle.


Accompanied by the bright red blood, Lei Zhan drew the last knife, ending the filthy life of the lame Liu San, this little devil.

"Sick man of East Asia? I will let you Japanese devils and bastards know what a strong Chinese soldier is!

I will let you short-legged, short-legged beasts understand what is truly devastating on the battlefield! "

Lei Zhan's tone was extremely cold, and his blood-stained face set off Lei Zhan even more, like a god of killing who had returned from hell.

After finishing speaking, Lei Zhan wiped the bloody bayonet on the little devil Liu San, stood up, and looked at the more than 2000 people behind him.

"it is good!"

Seeing Lei Zhan's incomparably majestic and god-killing appearance, the soldiers started applauding one after another.

Lei Zhan had a great time killing the devils, and they watched it even more happily.

"Starting from today, you officially start training, and when the training is over, then, you are real soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, come on!"

Looking at the more than 2000 people in front of him, Lei Zhan let out a loud roar.

More than 2000 people, the staff of an integrated battle group, if used well, can play a big role in the anti-Japanese battlefield.


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the more than 2000 recruits immediately roared in unison.

Completely broke the previous decadence.

Seeing the aura of these people, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction, and then, in the following time, Lei Zhan and the soldiers gave the training time and training plan orders.

After that, Lei Zhan walked towards the county seat.


Straw Hat Mountain.

This mountain is in Lingchuan, a short and bald hill.

However, in the center of this mountain, there is a flat land.

But at this time, the flat ground was full of people, hundreds of people.

Looking at the appearance and attire of these people, they are all the kind of rich people who don't worry about food, drink and clothes.

These people are the residents of the pseudo empire developed by the little devil.

They are a group of out-and-out traitors, seeking glory, working for little devils, dog legs, traitors!
At this time, they are here, representing the landlords and wealthy households in various villages, coming to listen to the teachings of the representatives of the imperial army.

Ready to implement in the near future, Wolf Slaughter Plan!
 Anti-Japanese Violent Legion, group number: 456972858, all book friends are welcome to join, come in to chat and spank, and you can also put forward your valuable opinions in the group, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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