Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 274 The Man in Black

Chapter 274 The Man in Black

At this time, Xiaojing Cangkongzuo, who was in the yard, was basking in the sun on the big chair.

And, looking at the book, read it with gusto.

And the book in his hand is called "On Communism".


"Bagaya Road!"

Suddenly, Soo Satoshi Koi, who was watching with relish, screamed again.

This scream had already been imitated by him, and it was wonderful.

"Not bad, Xiaojing, more and more similar."

At this time, the soldier in the next room came out, looked at Xiaojing Cangkong with a smile, and praised him.

After so many days of contact, the soldiers no longer had such resistance to Koi Sora who had already surrendered.

After all, the soldiers also knew in their hearts that as long as Xiaojing Cangkong returned to the little devil, the continuous information would be sent here.

At that time, this small well will be empty, and its effect will be huge.

"Well, thank you for the compliment, I like you more and more, especially after reading this book, I admire your leader even more.

Your leader is a great man, he is the sun that keeps shining, illuminating your China.

And our RB emperor, compared with your great leader, is so insignificant.

It's as big as the difference between the sun and fireflies, RB Mikado, incomparably weak and insignificant.

My previous ignorance and blind worship now seem so ironic. "

Xiaojing Cangkong put down the book in his hand, smiled and said, and while he was talking, there was admiration and admiration on his face and eyes.

"Well, good, Xiaojing!"

When the soldiers heard Xiao Jing's words, they immediately praised him again. They didn't expect that this little devil who had surrendered would be so enlightened now.

However, they like Koi Soku's metaphor and cognition.

The communist leader is like a big sun, and their RB emperor is like a firefly and an ant.

Of course, in the hearts of the soldiers, a nickname was added to Emperor Devil, that is, "Bastard Chief!"


"Bagaya Road!"

Just as he was talking, Xiaojing Cangkong once again screamed and cursed outside the courtyard.

"it is good!"

Seeing such an enlightened Koi Sokong, the soldiers became more and more satisfied.

"Mom, sister, I miss you, don't worry, I will definitely help the Eighth Route Army, help them send intelligence to fight devils, redeem my sins, go back to my hometown, and look for you, mother!"

Xiaojing Cangkong, who had finished screaming, looked into the distance with a look of longing. Now he misses his mother and sisters far away in his hometown, and he wants to go home.

Therefore, he decided in his heart that he must perform well, strive for atonement as soon as possible, and return to his hometown to be a filial piety.


Lei Zhan had already returned to the headquarters at this time, thinking in his heart, Yang Hu and Yang Fei did not know if they had found the bacteria research institute in the Anlong area.

Lei Zhan is waiting. After all, there are still many things in the county. Only after the exact location of the Bacteriology Research Institute is confirmed can Lei Zhan lead the team there.

Back in the office, Lei Zhan began to meditate.

It's not just a problem with the Institute of Bacteria, there's also a problem with the training of the soldiers.

Now he has a regular full regiment and [-] new recruits. In addition to the recruiting company, Lei Zhan believes that as long as this recruitment is completed, the strength of his troops will not be a problem for this regiment. .

Therefore, how to train these recruits into tyrannical fighters still needs some planning.

Lei Zhan thought of the liquid medicine and the tiger blood wolf energy that Mo Xuan had given him.

Lei Zhan decided to vigorously develop the liquid medicine to maximize the efficacy of the liquid medicine, and combined with the strength of the blood wolf of the tyrannical tiger, the physical fitness and close combat ability of the soldiers were raised to the highest level.

After all, only with a strong physique can soldiers fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield.

You must know that in the War of Resistance Against Japan in this era, there were many times when hand-to-hand combat was indispensable.

Therefore, at that time, if the warriors of the Wolf Warrior Group with strong physique and close combat ability fight hand-to-hand with the little devils, it will definitely be devastating to the little devils and beasts.

Thinking of Mo Xuan, Lei Zhan immediately thought of the place where he made his fortune, Yangjiao Mountain.

For Yangjiao Mountain, Lei Zhan had a special feeling in his heart.

Without the strong support of the people of Yangjiao Mountain, his Wolf Warriors would not have developed so fast.

"Xiaojing, are you okay?"

At this moment, a look of longing appeared on Lei Zhan's resolute face.

After coming out of Yangjiao Mountain for so long, Lei Zhan misses his fiancée, Yang Xiaojing.

Lei Zhan decided to take Yang Xiaojing to the county seat after he was busy.


Time passed slowly, the night fell, the sky full of stars rose to the sky, and the bright moonlight sprinkled the earth.

At this time, the soldiers in the headquarters, except for the patrolling ones, have rested.

However, the lights in Lei Zhan's office were still on.


At this moment, more than a dozen figures in black night clothes crossed the courtyard wall and entered the headquarters.

After the dozen or so men in black entered the headquarters, they immediately dispersed and began to look for the target they planned this time.

The skills of these men in black were very good. When they saw the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors on patrol, some of them climbed onto the hanging beams above the corridor.

Also, the figure quickly entered the dark corner next to it.

At such a fast speed, these men in black did not panic, and did not make the slightest movement.

From these situations, it can be seen that these people are really not simple.

What's more, our fighters are also trained and have good skills.

However, they did not find these men in black who had sneaked into the headquarters.

It's not that the hunter is not smart, but the fox is too cunning.

These men in black were wandering quickly in the command post, and they kept checking the rooms one by one.

However, after such a long time, they did not find the target, and anxiety and worry appeared in their eyes.

At this time, these men in black were about to touch Lei Zhan's room and Su Yunuan's room in the distant yard.

Moreover, the political commissar, Zhang Jibing, who had been resting at this time, suddenly opened his eyes on the bed.

He jumped up on the bed in an instant, picked up the gun, and hid behind the bed.

But at this time in the office, Lei Zhan, who was writing plans and materials, stopped writing the pen suddenly. He frowned slightly and his face became serious.

After that, the corners of Lei Zhan's mouth turned up, and a look of disdain appeared on his face.

Lei Zhan did not expect that at this time, there would be Xiaoxiao disciples coming to the headquarters to make trouble.


At this time, the man in black who was outside Lei Zhan's room quickly approached Lei Zhan's room which was lit.

His footsteps were extremely light, and it could be said that they were silent.

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(End of this chapter)

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