Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2788 What Happened

Chapter 2788 What Happened

In the end what happened?
"You are……"

Maeda Hiroo looked at him.

"I'm Kuro Toi!"

As soon as these words came out, Hiroo Maeda hesitated, "Master Toi Ku!"

"Bagayalu, which part are you from?"

"I am... Inagaki Yasuo..."

"Bagaya Road, where is your little Masao Masao?" Higashii Ku asked.


Maeda Hiroo said,

At this time, Xiaoban Zhengxiong, who had already learned that his own people beat his own people, was also aggressive, "Bagayalu, Dong Jingku, that bastard, is like this! Couldn't he see our strength? Couldn't he be out of tune? We are the imperial army?"

When he said this, in fact, Toi Ku also wanted to ask him the same!
When the two majors met, they were very angry, "Masao Xiaoban, you really have the guts!"

"Hey, Higashii Ku is easy to do, and you are not bad either!"

There was fire in the eyes of the two people, as if they wanted to tear each other apart!
"After fighting for so long, didn't you see that you beat us?" Dong Jingku asked.

"Who knows, who knows that I'm facing you. If I knew, I would never waste nearly three hours playing Sihuai Township. In half an hour, I will definitely win!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong squinted his eyes and looked at other side!

"Bagaya Road!"

Dongjing cursed angrily!
"Master Higashii Ku, today, what I didn't expect was that you were able to hold my attack at a low level for so long, which really impressed me!" This was the sneer of Xiaoban Masao, which made him a little angry!
No, very angry!

"What do you mean?"

"Okay!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong looked at him, "You still have to think about how to face Commander Jiang Ying. Now that we are both hurt, what should we do next! You can't just do this, can you?"

"Hehe, I think it's you who should ask your Colonel Koshiro Yamabe for an explanation to our Colonel Xiao Juguang. Only in this way can we sue Commander Jiang Ying!" Higashii Kuro said.

"Being taken down by me, do you still have the face to tell? To tell you the truth, as far as your command level is concerned, one person can tell how many times your level is. If you say it again, I am afraid that everyone Even the imperial army ridiculed it, why don't you imagine a way!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said this, he knew in his heart that if Jiang Ying found out, they would have nothing to eat!

"Then tell me, what should I do?" Toi Ku asked.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what Masao Xiaoban said is not wrong. If Jiang Ying knows his status, their Dongjing family will be ashamed.

"If you want me to tell you, let's rest here quickly! Tomorrow, we will do whatever we want. You can tell your commander that you were attacked by the Eighth Route Army and killed many people in the Eighth Route Army. You also caused immeasurable losses! I will also say the same to our Colonel, and then we will do our own thing! What do you think?" Xiaoban Masao said.

Dong Jingku nodded. In fact, there is nothing wrong with doing this, and he has nothing to do. He will lose face if he is punished, or beaten and scolded. It is better to lie about the military situation!
"Okay, then let's make a deal like this, no one should talk nonsense about this matter!" Dong Jingku said.

"Don't worry, I trust my subordinates!" Xiaoban Masao said.

"it is good!"

After the two discussions were over, after Dong Jingku knew that he had killed more than 200 people and injured more than 300 people, he really wanted to crush Masao Masao to death. Such a rest would take a long time!
As for Xiaoban Zhengxiong, after learning that more than 170 people died and more than 300 people were injured here, his heart sank!
However, fortunately, he can still accept such a loss. Although Xin is bleeding, he can only accept this fact now!
On the second day, in order to take down Surabaya Town as soon as possible, Masao Ban immediately mobilized all the people he could mobilize, especially the motorcycle team, blitzkrieg, and beheading operations, it was necessary to take down Surabaya Town, Surabaya Town It is on the only way they must pass to attack Nanxiang.

Xiaoban Zhengxiong found Dong Jingkuo and asked him to take charge of his wounded soldiers.

Dong Jingku also agreed in this way.

There was nothing he could do about it, except for the casualties, he only had more than 100 people left. Such a result was really miserable!
However, Sihuai Township is still in his hands!
"I don't know where Masao Masao is going?" Toi Ku asked.

"This is a secret, I hope Ku Shaozuo Toi will forgive me for not being able to tell you!" Masao Koban said.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. I know that this matter is a bit difficult for you, but I won't inquire about it anymore. I just need to guard Sihuai Township and wait for your arrival at any time!"

Dong Jingku said this, which made Masao Xiaoban very unhappy, waiting for him to come?What's the matter?Did you not want him to win or what?
However, Xiaoban Masao didn't say much, talking to Dongjing Ku really lowered his level!
Saying goodbye to Masao Ban, who stopped vomiting, he immediately let the motorcycle team be the forward, and he was in charge of the rear.

According to normal logic, before noon, Sishui Town was in his hands, and he didn't panic or be afraid!
At this time, Surabaya Town, under the leadership of Shouhou, had already completed fortifications. After these days, he was impatient to wait. For him, fighting is just a snack. I haven't even seen him, how can he be in a good mood?

However, he soon got the news.

"Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander!" A soldier ran over and asked.

"Huh? What's the matter? Don't tell me anything except that the devil is coming!" said the thin monkey.

"Battalion Commander, the devils are here. The devils are only ten miles away from us. The forward force is a motorcycle team. It seems that they really want to take our Surabaya town in a short time, but they are obviously going to lose!"

"Hahahaha!" The thin monkey laughed loudly, "I'm a bitch, I waited and waited, and finally came late, but the finale is the best, I firmly believe in this, let everyone prepare for me Well, double-check the ditches on that trail, and let them fall as soon as they make it through, hehe!"


The thin monkey's battalion quickly made adjustments, and soon, they were ready in the trench, waiting for the arrival of the devils!

This time, Thin Monkey called everyone out, including the cooking class!

Unfortunately, Xiaohu was also transferred out. He never thought that he could go to the battlefield to kill devils. At first, he was very happy, and he also took the initiative to find his old subordinates, and wanted to fight devils with them !

Of course, when Xiaohu's former subordinates saw Xiaohu coming, they were naturally very happy.

"Brother, why is your cooking class here now?" a younger brother asked.

"Hey, you don't know that, right? Our cooking team is also an army. We use big spoons in normal times and rifles in wartime. No matter what time it is, we are the same as you, understand?" Of course, these words are naturally not his It can be said that this is what the monitor of the cooking class said.

The younger brother nodded, "I didn't expect to be able to fight side by side with the big brother!" The younger brother said with a smile.

"Hey, wait a while and watch it, I can kill one with one shot!" Xiaohu said disdainfully.

At this time, Xiaohu suddenly saw a soldier walking towards the thin monkey, and he muttered, "When will this damn devil come? I've been waiting for this for a long time!"

The devils are here, and the thin monkey has clearly got the news. Not only that, the devil's vanguard is the motorcycle team. It can be seen that the devils want to take down their Surabaya town in the shortest possible time!
"battalion commander!"

At this time, another soldier ran over!
"Well, say!" the thin monkey asked.

"Battalion Commander, Ming Zi has sent someone over!" the soldier said.

"Oh? Where is it?" asked the thin monkey.

"It's over there!"

"Then what are you talking about? Hurry up and ask someone to come over and see what they want to tell me!" Said the thin monkey.

Not long after, someone sent by Mingzi arrived.

Seeing Shouhou, the man hurriedly said, "Battlemaster Shouhou, we are twenty riders!"

"I know, let's get to the point!" The thin monkey asked anxiously.

"It's like this..." The man briefly told the thin monkey about the situation of the enemy who came, and then nodded, "Well, I understand, is there anything else?"

"There is nothing else, but we can harass the enemy with twenty riders on the periphery!"

"Okay!" Shouhou said, "Go back and tell Mingzi that Lao Tzu is here, and I'm not afraid of devils coming to attack them. If they want to go there, they have to ask my soldiers if they agree! If they don't agree, then step on them They won't go over the dead body!" The thin monkey said domineeringly.

"Thank you, Slender Monkey Battalion Commander!" After finishing speaking, the man left.

Soon, the thin monkey heard the sound of the motorcycle, coming from a distance, and there was a burst of dust. From the dust, there should be a lot of devils, at least more than 100 vehicles. If so, the number of devils It should be around two hundred!

This number is more clear!

Xiaoban Zhengxiong wants to quickly take down Surabaya Town, and sending more than 200 people is supposed to attach great importance to Surabaya Town, but the troops guarding here are even more numerous. It is simply as difficult as going to heaven. !
I saw the devils slowly entering the encirclement, and the thin monkey was not in a hurry to fight. They set up an ambush in this place. No matter who comes in, they will die. Give them ten seconds to live!


After the devil had completely entered, the thin monkey shouted out immediately.

"Hit, hit me hard!"

"Da da da!"




The sound of various guns and shells completely fell on the motorcycle team of those devils, and in an instant, those devils fled in all directions.

"Hahaha!" Seeing the devils in such a mess, the thin monkey was in a good mood. In this way, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to wipe out these little devils smoothly?

The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army were very excited to fight. When Zang Ba saw that the devil was about to flee, he immediately ordered his company to chase after the devil!

"Damn it, is it so obvious that you want to take credit?" Shouhou scolded.

I saw Zang Ba rushing down from the hillside with his people, those devils immediately found the cover, and then began to report the situation to the reinforcements behind!
This is a big deal!

"Kill! Kill!"

Zang Ba is like a mountain tiger, wherever he goes, there is the rhythm of howling devils everywhere, this is too easy!

The little devil started to launch a counterattack. No matter when it arrived, unless the strength of the enemy and the enemy were too great, otherwise, the little devil would not surrender easily.


The devils of the mobile unit quickly blocked the attack, but it was as if they had no power to recover. No matter how they fought, the Eighth Route Army would charge over.

"Little devil, try your grandfather's sword skills!" Zang Ba shouted loudly.

"Listen to my order, a small team quickly blocked the invading enemy, and the rest quickly broke out! We fell into the trap.

After shouting, the devil immediately took action!
The deployment of several machine guns caused great casualties to Zang Ba's company. However, this did not trouble Zang Ba. He had seen a lot, so he just charged!

Soon, the devil's defense line collapsed, and those devils who broke through escaped smoothly, and hurried towards the road behind them!
Waiting until Zang Ba has dealt with the rest of the devils, I can't stop thinking about it! "This little devil is really hateful! It's really disappointing to be defeated after coming here for a while!"

After finishing speaking, he asked people to start cleaning the battlefield!
In this battle, Thin Monkey and his battalion wiped out more than 130 devils, and more than 70 escaped!After all, this can be regarded as a big victory.

The devil, who thought he had escaped from the sky, ran for five miles out of breath, but when he saw that there was no one chasing after him, he began to relax!
"The Eighth Route Army set up an ambush. I thought they would not dare, but they did it anyway. I didn't expect that there are so many people from the Eighth Route Army guarding Sishui Town!"

It was Hiroo Maeda who came to increase the staff. When he saw that there were more than 200 people who went out, only 80 to [-] people came back, he was also shocked.

What makes him feel painful is that such a disaster is just the beginning!
Because Mingzi rushed over with twenty riders!
The sound of horseshoes was heard from a distance, the sound of horseshoes was like a death bell, making the devil feel like falling into an ice cave,

Maeda Hiroo immediately asked people to find a bunker, but the surrounding area was empty. Where else could there be so many people?

Aside from being nervous, Mingzi's twenty rides have just arrived!

A sound of "Boom!" was heard from a distance, and it was precisely Ming Zi who shot and shot.




Maeda Hiroo immediately ordered people to fight back, but who would have such thoughts?

The prestige of the twenty cavalry is still there, and the devils can't stand such a gallop. To deal with cavalry, cavalry must be used, otherwise, infantry will suffer too easily.

There is no way, Hiroo Maeda wants to fight with the twenty cavalry, the bullets fired seem to be immune to all the members of the twenty cavalry, they are very skillful immediately, no matter what kind of action they are, they will cause the devils to be underestimated lethality.

That's how it should be treated.

have nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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