Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 282 The Party Begins

Chapter 282 The Party Begins

Su Yunuan thought viciously in her heart, after all, they had lost too much in the Lingchuan area.

It would be okay if it was on the frontal battlefield, but this Lingchuan is just a small county.

It is a shame for the big RB empire to lose so many imperial warriors in a single county.

This shame must be washed away, so Su Yunuan wants to suggest to Colonel Takamori.

On the day when the Wolf Slaughter Plan started, Grand Master Takamori Takamori was asked to send troops to Lingchuan to wipe out all the Chinese who were close to the Eighth Route Army and the remaining Eighth Route Army in Lingchuan.

Only with blood can the shame of their empire be washed away.

"Hi Yi, this is necessary, Miss Keiko."

Hearing what Su Yunuan said, Mr. Wu already fully understood in his heart, so he will truthfully report this matter to Colonel Takamori, and ask him to send troops to come.

"Well, please Mr. Wu, by the way, where are the three Zhao Sang?"

At this moment, Su Yunuan thought of the three of Zhao Shaojun and asked.

"Miss Huizi, don't worry, the three of them are heading out of the county to supervise the wolf slaughter plan."

Mr. Wu replied that he was very satisfied with his three Chinese dogs. Without the three of Zhao Shaojun, it would be impossible for him to be so relaxed now.

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Su Yunuan bid farewell to Mr. Wu and left here.

After all, her current identity is an Eighth Route Army soldier, she cannot disappear for such a long time, otherwise, Lei Zhan and others will definitely suspect her.


Forest training ground.




At this time, the more than 2000 recruits in the mountain forest training ground have received orders from above. They will participate in the welcome party tonight to welcome them and officially become recruits of the Eighth Route Army.

At this moment, all the recruits who heard the news immediately became excited, and even the training became more vigorous.

They thanked Lei Zhan and the Eighth Route Army. They did not expect that after becoming recruits of the Eighth Route Army, they would be treated so well.

At the same time, they became more determined in their hearts, and they will definitely train well in the future, perform well, and strive to go to the battlefield to kill devils as soon as possible.

Not only the recruits in the forest training ground, but also the soldiers in the county town have already started preparations.

The location of the welcome party is just outside the county seat. After all, there are more than 2000 recruits and soldiers in the county town. There is not such a large free space in the county town.

Therefore, political commissar Zhang Jibing chose the location outside the county seat.

Of course, this also has an advantage, that is, Su Yunuan can safely send someone to rescue Xiaojing Cangkong.

As long as Su Yunuan can successfully rescue Xiaojing Cangkong tonight, their goal will be achieved.


Lei Zhan, in the office at this time, was deep in thought.

What he held in his hand was the treasure map.

Lei Zhan has decided to dig out the treasure in the near future and use it as military expenses.

Moreover, the news that he asked the soldiers to investigate before has been sent to him today.

After many investigations and inquiries by the soldiers, the true identity of the ancestor of the landlord of the Yang family has been determined.

He is indeed a high-ranking official, and in the Yangjiao Mountain, it is the fiefdom of the ancestors of the Yang family.

However, later on, the ancestors of the Yang family colluded with Japanese pirates, so, after that, something happened that I don't know what happened, and then it quickly declined.

However, the ancestors of the Yang family colluded with Japanese pirates and buried a batch of treasures in Yangjiao Mountain.

Moreover, this batch of treasures should be ready to be delivered to the Japanese pirates, but later, it was delayed for some reason.

Therefore, this batch of treasures was left behind.

It just so happened that after being dug out, it was used as military expenses to support the great cause of the Anti-Japanese War.

Now, the location of the treasure has been completely determined. Lei Kangri led the soldiers to guard it there to avoid any mistakes.

Similarly, today, Lei Zhan also received reports of stationing companies in various villages.

They reported that the landlords and wealthy households were a little too enthusiastic about them.

Almost every day I go to the military camp to send food, drink, and food.

So, they escalate, ask for directions.

Seeing this telegram, a smile appeared on Lei Zhan's face.

Lei Zhan knew that Su Yunuan had already made a move, so she couldn't help it.

Similarly, Lei Zhan's heart was full of murderous intentions. Landlords and wealthy households seemed to be quite a few of them.

Lei Zhan decided that after solving the little devil spy matter, he would conduct a thorough cleansing of the Lingchuan area.

He wants to return the people in the Lingchuan area, a bright sky, so that they can truly live a peaceful and peaceful life.


Time passed quickly, and when Zhang Jibing came to the headquarters and reported to Lei Zhan, it was already dark.

After a busy day, they finally made arrangements for the party.

Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing didn't stay in the headquarters for long, and they walked out of the county together.

At the same time, there are also soldiers on duty in the headquarters.

Therefore, in today's headquarters, there are only a few soldiers on duty, and these few soldiers on duty are just outside the courtyard where Sora Koi is.

Moreover, Xiaojing Cangkong at this time has been imprisoned in the cell again, and he has returned to his extremely distressed appearance.

Regarding the arrangement of these soldiers on duty, Lei Zhan knew in his heart the danger of these soldiers on duty.

However, Lei Zhan had to do this. If Lei Zhan no longer arranged a soldier outside the cell, then Su Yunuan would definitely be suspicious.

However, with the death warriors and Lei Zhan going outside Lingchuan to cleanse the little devils, Su Yunuan must not have done too much tonight.

Therefore, the safety and danger of soldiers are between five and five.

When we arrived at the party, there were already crowds of people around the venue.

Those who came to participate tonight were not only the soldiers, but also the people in the county.

They heard about today's party, so they all took the initiative to attend.

Moreover, he also reported a lot of programs arranged by himself.

Lei Zhan followed Zhang Jibing to the party scene, and was immediately invited to the stage that had been tied up on the venue by Lu Yifan who had already prepared.

They need Lei Zhan speeches to encourage soldiers and people.


Similarly, seeing Lei Zhan's arrival, the people at the scene, more than a dozen of them, quietly left the scene and walked towards the county town.

Judging by their appearance, they are not ordinary people.

At the same time, at the edge of the scene, Su Yunuan, who was among the soldiers, talked to the soldiers around him, then turned and walked towards the county town.

However, Su Yunuan did not notice that a soldier beside the ring had been quietly watching him.

(End of this chapter)

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