Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2829 Pingnan Zhouhu

Chapter 2829 Pingnan Zhouhu
Although he is just a hunter, he grew up in the mountains and has always lived in the mountains.

However, the people outside the mountain are all his relatives, and these relatives were all killed because of the arrival of the little devils. There is not one out of ten people in a village.

He was spared because he lived in the mountains.

Witnessing the tragic scene in the village, his heart was bleeding.

He also wanted revenge, but unfortunately, he only had hunting knives and bows and arrows in his hands. Relying on these things to kill devils for revenge would be just a joke and would not work at all.

The devil's ferocity and powerful fighting power are very clear in his heart.

So, the seeds of revenge have been pressing in his heart.

Day and night, he would dream of this scene in his dreams.

Unfortunately, there is only powerlessness.

How can you fight devils without a gun in your hand.


Even if he was lucky enough to kill a few devils, his end would be death.

However, how useful is it to kill only a few little devils?How can he avenge the people of the whole village?

What he wants is to kill many little devils and avenge the poor people.

At the very least, a commoner would have to sacrifice the lives of ten little devils.

There was no chance, no hope, no access before.

It's different now, he saved the person in front of him, the Eighth Route Army, and he was able to bring him to join the Eighth Route Army. This is a good thing, and it made him extremely excited.

The opportunity finally came.

"What's your brother's name?"

Looking at the excited

A big bearded man, Yang Fei asked with a smile on his face.

As for the reason for the bearded man's excitement, Yang Fei is very clear. This mentality and mood are completely understandable.

After all, many, many soldiers who followed them to fight devils joined the Eighth Route Army because of this situation.

He wanted to seek revenge from the little devils, but he didn't have the means of revenge in his hands.

So, once they see hope, that's how they behave now.


Hearing Yang Fei's question, the bearded man woke up in excitement, touched his head, and said, "My name is Zhou Hu, and I am a hunter in this forest!"

"My name is Yang Fei, the captain of the Eighth Route Army squad."

Hearing Zhou Hu's answer, Yang Fei also said his name.

After all, he will be his own person in the future. If there is no name, it will be inconvenient to communicate.

Now this brief introduction is necessary.

"Ah, you're still a captain!"

Hearing that Yang Fei was still the captain, Zhou Hu was even more surprised.

After all, he couldn't even find a single Eighth Route Army soldier.

Right now, he actually rescued a captain of the Eighth Route Army. His luck is really great.

In the past, he really had no way to go to heaven and no way to go down to earth.

Now, I feel that there is no hope. Who knows that fate has brought him a new village, which makes him so excited.

Not to mention, Yang Fei, who was rescued by him in front of him, was still a captain.

In this case, it would be much easier for him to seek revenge from the little devil.

"Yes, I am the captain of a small team, a team leader who specializes in long-distance missions."

Yang Fei nodded, and said in a heavy tone: "However, this time we did wet our shoes by the river, and we were tricked by a lot of little devils. Even my team members were all sacrificed. If it weren't for you, I would Maybe he died at the hands of the little devil now."

As the saying goes, if you drink and peck, you will be determined by God, and Yang Fei still agrees with this sentence.

Just like Zhou Hu in front of him saved him.


Hearing Yang Fei's words, Zhou Hu's expression was gloomy, and he sighed with hatred, and then he gritted his teeth, and roared with hatred on his face: "It's all the damn little devil's fault, these beasts, if not As far as these beasts are concerned, the people in my Zhou village are still living well.

Now, it is because of these little devils, these beasts, this group of devoid of conscience, that the village of Zhou has disappeared, and all the villagers have been brutally slaughtered by them.

Even if a few people survived, they all died because of their injuries. All of this is due to these damn beasts!

Hearing what you said, all these little devils deserve to die, all of them deserve to be killed, and we have to keep none of them, you fucking bastard! "

At this time, Zhou Hu was very emotional, growling with hatred all over his face.

The grievance and killing intent in his heart were also released at this moment.

Yang Fei's feelings are very clear, and Zhou Hu's mentality and mood at this time are also very clear in his heart.

"Don't talk about these things, just keep them in your heart and turn them into strength. Later, you can use this strength to kill devils."

Yang Fei quickly regained his composure, smiled and said to Zhou Hu: "I'm used to sacrifice. From the very beginning, I fought with little devils. Fighting and fighting, my comrades around me sacrificed a lot, and they all died tragically at the hands of little devils." However, we have turned our grief into strength and used it to kill devils, so you don't have to be so sad now, keep it in your heart, turn it into strength, and kill devils in the future!"

Yang Fei really saw a lot of sacrifices.

A qualified fighter does not believe in tears.

Both of them can turn grief into strength.

Otherwise, every time there is a battle, there will be soldiers sacrificed. If this is the case with extreme grief every moment, then the soldier's body will collapse, and how will he kill devils after he collapses.

Therefore, the best way is to turn grief into strength.

Use all your strength to kill devils on the battlefield until you die!
"Well, I see, Yang Fei!"

Hearing Yang Fei's words, Zhou Hu nodded.

After all, he is a hunter who grew up in the mountains and is also used to blood.

Although not human blood.

However, xinxing can also be tempered.

Otherwise, ordinary people really can't become hunters, and they really can't survive in the mountains and forests.

So, this is why Yang Fei is optimistic about these young hunters.

Although he is older than him, he is also the best fighter if he trains well.

"Brother Zhou, I know that you want to join the Eighth Route Army and kill devils. I will definitely let you succeed."

After Yang Fei promised, he asked: "Now tell me, what is this place, and how many devils are around. Only when I know these can I contact our troops!"

"oh, I see!"

Zhou Hu didn't hesitate, and replied directly: "This is Pingnan County. The mountain forest we are in is the Pingnan Mountain Forest. It is quite large, and there are many, even many, many devils outside. They are everywhere. The strongholds and gun towers are blocked every day, and the traitors and puppet troops are inspecting with dog days, etc., and people die tragically every day!"

(End of this chapter)

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