Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 285 Yang Xiaojing is Coming to the County

Chapter 285 Yang Xiaojing is Coming to the County

After Lei Zhan gave the order, within 10 minutes, the entire county was boiling.

All the soldiers started to move around in the county town.

In the eyes of all the people, none of these soldiers disturbed the people. What they searched were only some dilapidated courtyards and houses that were not inhabited.

The search went on until midnight before it came to an end.

This search turned up nothing.

Soon, the time of this night passed like this.

The next day came, and the soldiers continued to train, what to do.

After breakfast, Lei Zhan came to the conference room of the headquarters.

At this time in the conference room, Zhang Jibing was already waiting for Lei Zhan.

Seeing Lei Zhan coming, a smile appeared on Zhang Jibing's face.

"The headquarters has issued a decision."

After watching Lei Zhan sit down, Zhang Jibing said immediately, and at the same time handed Lei Zhan the telegram in his hand.


After receiving the telegram, Lei Zhan looked up.

The telegram was sent from the headquarters, and the content was to order Lei Zhan to make good contact with Miss Karina. At the same time, the headquarters will allocate part of the funds to purchase guns and ammunition.

He also ordered Lei Zhan to safely deliver the guns and ammunition to the designated troops to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army.

In the end, Lei Zhan was greatly praised.

"Well, our Wolf Warriors can't use the funds from the headquarters. We can use the funds to purchase equipment. Let's figure out a way for ourselves."

After reading the telegram, Lei Zhan looked at Zhang Jibing and said with a smile.

"Do it yourself? Go there?"

Hearing what Lei Zhan said, Zhang Jibing immediately asked in doubt.

Now, he is very clear about how much money there is in the Wolf Warriors Group. Anyway, he can't think of going there to get money and buy guns.

However, Zhang Jibing was very happy to hear that Lei Zhanbu used the funds from the headquarters to purchase the equipment of the Wolf Warriors.

After all, the entire Eighth Route Army is very poor now, so it's better to figure out a way by yourself.

"Treasure map, you forgot."

Lei Zhan looked at Zhang Jibing with a smile and said.

"Yes! Look at my brain!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhang Jibing immediately remembered, he patted his head, and a look of sudden realization appeared on his face.

After being reminded by Lei Zhan, he rang the treasure map seized on Heihu Mountain.

"Is the treasure map real?"

Zhang Jibing asked suspiciously. In fact, he had never paid attention to the treasure map.

Who knows if this treasure map is real or fake.

"Really, I have already sent people to investigate, so don't worry, as long as this batch of treasures is unearthed, it will be enough for our Wolf Warriors to develop."

Lei Zhan looked at Zhang Jibing who didn't believe him, and laughed out loud.

Lei Zhan's tone was extremely confident.

"Okay, as long as it's true, I hope this batch of treasures can solve our urgent needs."

Zhang Jibing said with some emotion, in fact, in the bottom of his heart, he still doesn't believe in such invisible and intangible things as treasures.

If he hadn't seen Lei Zhan's confidence, he would not have believed it.


At this moment, a report came from outside the meeting room.

"Come in!"

After Zhang Jibing's voice came out, soldier Xiao Zhang walked in.

"Leader, political commissar, Yangjiaoshan telegram!"

The soldier Xiao Zhang came in front of Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing, and after saluting, he handed the telegram in his hand to Lei Zhan.

After Lei Zhan received the telegram, he looked at it, and immediately, a smile appeared on his face.

The soldier Xiao Zhang, after pouring water for Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing, turned and left.

"What is it, so happy?"

Seeing the smiling Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing asked with a smile, a little curious in his heart.

"It's nothing serious. Xiaojing is coming to the county seat, and she is already on her way. Lei Kangri sent a telegram from a soldier, asking us to pick her up, saying that there are only two soldiers following her, so I'm worried about any accidents."

Lei Zhan said with a smile, and at the same time, the graceful figure of Yang Xiaojing appeared in his mind.

I haven't seen you for so long, I really miss you.

"Haha, okay, I'll let the soldiers drive to meet them, so that you young couple can reunite!"

Zhang Jibing immediately started joking.

"You sit in the command post, I'd better go in person for this kind of thing, it seems sincere, haha!"

Lei Zhan put the telegram on the table, laughed loudly, got up and walked out of the meeting room.

Yang Xiaojing is his fiancée, so he needs to take care of his fiancée's affairs.

"You, haha!"

Seeing Lei Zhanhou's anxious look, Zhang Jibing burst out laughing.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan took two soldiers, drove a large military truck, and roared out of the county.

The faces of the soldiers were full of smiles, because they knew that they were going to meet the sister-in-law!

The wolf slaughter plan was about to start, and the three of Zhao Shaojun, who had arranged everything, felt extremely bored.

Therefore, Zhao Shaojun and Qian Xuguang went to the landlord's wife early in the morning to catch up on the past again.

Liu Xiaolei was left alone in the room.

He didn't like the feeling of many people, so he didn't go with Zhao Shaojun, he stayed.

However, he, who was particularly bored in the room, found the landlord and explained his purpose.

Because Liu Xiaolei was the imperial army's envoy, the landlord did not object, and generously gave Liu Xiaolei more than a dozen servants,
Afterwards, Liu Xiaolei was full of joy and excitement, and ran out of Jiangwangzhuang with the servants of the landlord's family.

Anyway, Jiangwangzhuang is close to the mountains and forests, and he plans to take the landlords and servants into the mountains and forests to hunt.

Liu Xiaolei, with a high-spirited look, entered the mountain forest with a dozen fully armed servants with guns and bullets on their backs.

The gun is a brand new [-] cover, and the ammo is also a brand new sweet potato grenade.

Liu Xiaolei decided today that he must get some big prey back in the mountains and forests. Only in this way can Zhao Shaojun and Qian Xuguang be restrained.

In this way, he, Liu Xiaolei, will have face.


And Yang Xiaojing, who left Yangjiao Mountain, was leading two soldiers, talking all the way, walking on the main road, walking towards the direction of the county.

"Sister Xiaojing, there are cars in the mountains, why don't we go to the county town by car."

Warrior Xiao Song looked at Yang Xiaojing and said in a dissatisfied tone.

He really couldn't figure out why he had to walk on two legs instead of sitting in a car.

"Xiao Song, since you are a recruit, I won't criticize you. What do you know? Xiao Jing is trying to save oil resources for the soldiers, do you understand?"

When the veteran heard what the recruit Xiao Song said, he immediately criticized him.

 Please recommend, collect, reward, support, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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