Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2850 Teaching

Chapter 2850 Teaching
Under normal circumstances, no matter when or where, as long as there is a village, even if it falls into the silent night, the village will not be silent at all and fall into dead silence.

In front of me, several villages passing by, in this dark night, are like dead giant beasts, lying there motionless, falling into dead silence.

In other villages, anyway, in the middle of the night, there are chickens and dogs barking, especially after there is movement.

There is the sound of chickens crowing and dogs barking, which is the movement that a normal village should have.

As for these dead and silent villages, there is only one reason why they are like this at this time.

That is, there is no living creature in this village.

No matter whether it is human beings or chickens and dogs, they are all gone.

Otherwise, it would not have fallen into dead silence.

Yang Fei also discovered this situation.

However, he didn't think too much about it, because, in this era, little devils invaded, and this situation was too much and too normal.

Hate, definitely hate.

Sad, definitely sad.

However, these emotions are useless, just keep them in mind.

As for Zhou Hu, his reaction was not very big, but his eyes were full of hatred, extremely strong hatred, and killing intent.

The recruits, too.

After all, they have lived here since they were young, and they also know the people in these villages.

In such a short period of time, yin and yang were separated, and they were brutally killed by devils. How could they not hate it in their hearts.

Unlike Yang Fei, they have experienced a lot and can hide their emotions.

As for them, they burst out immediately, swearing in their hearts that they would kill all the devils in the gun towers and strongholds later.

In addition, it will be the same in the future, as long as you see devils and traitors, you will definitely not show any mercy.

Regarding the reactions of Zhou Hu and the recruits, Yang Fei was completely in the eye.

Performance is normal, but it takes practice.

It is useless to show hatred and killing intent, sometimes it needs to be hidden.

At the same time, converting killing intent and hatred into strength is the most important thing.

Under such circumstances, Yang Fei also understood that there was no rush for such a thing, and he had to take his time.

Soon, two 10 minutes, the past.

": Company Commander, it's not far away. About 300 meters ahead, after the bend, is the devil's first gun tower."

Zhou Hu came to Yang Fei's side and said: "Where is the crossroads, where the little devils built a gun tower, just to block and check, because of these beasts, innocent people will die tragically every day In the hands of these beasts."

When Zhou Hu said this, he clenched his fists again and again.

From this point, one can know how strong the killing intent and resentment in his heart are.

"Well, judging by the terrain, it is indeed a good place to build a gun tower."

Yang Fei nodded and continued: "The distance of 300 meters is very close, so be careful, let's go, I hope your next performance will not disappoint me!"

"Don't worry, Captain!"




After the recruits heard it, they responded again.

Of course, the most important thing is the killing intent in their hearts and eyes.

"Old Zhou, wait for the operation to start, be smart, and help immediately if something happens. After all, these little guys don't have a lot of experience!"

Yang Fei instructed: "Although we have a large number of people, the training time is still too short, do you understand?"

"I see, Captain!"

Hearing Yang Fei's instructions, Zhou Hu responded again.

At the same time, it also warms my heart.

After all, Yang Fei is still worried about them.


Yang Fei nodded, said no more, and directly led Zhou Hu and the recruits towards the devil's gun tower 300 meters away.

The distance of 300 meters is fleeting in the blink of an eye.

After passing the bend, a three-story gun tower appeared in front of him.

Below the turret, there is a lamp.

At the top, there is also a lamp, which illuminates the side of the blockhouse very clearly.

If there are vigilant devils, it is safe.

It's a pity that Yang Fei and others didn't see any devils or the Imperial Association Army.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Fei laughed instantly: "Sure enough, it's not what I expected, these beasts, at this time, they don't have vigilance at all, good, good!"

Zhou Hu understood what Yang Fei meant.

As for the recruits, they were somewhat puzzled.

After all, they have just become recruits, so it is normal to not know the reason for this.

As for Zhou Hu, because he is an old hunter, he knows the way.

"As you can see, there are no little devils and the Imperial Association Army outside, which is very abnormal."

Yang Fei would not let go of the opportunity to teach, and said directly: "Of course, what I said is not normal, it is in all places where fighting is common, these little devils, there will also be devils and the Imperial Association Army at night. Cooperate with the guards to stand guard, now the blockhouse in front of us, without these things, it shows a problem, tell me, what is the problem?"

Yang Fei looked at the recruits, he wanted to see if these recruits could figure out what the reason was.

As for Zhou Hu, he had already thought about it, but after seeing Yang Fei's eyes, he didn't say anything.

He knew Yang Fei's intention in an instant.


"These bastards are all sleepy, why don't you go back and sleep lazily?"

"I don't think so. It should be that we don't fight here. They don't need to be vigilant at all!"

"That's right, they have guns in their hands. We didn't dare to come here to seek revenge from them before. This should be the reason!"

"Well, I feel the same way, it makes sense!"

"Grandma, these bastards are so fucking arrogant!"

"Seeing this, I feel that we were too soft-hearted before, so let's give them a surprise attack, and we can kill the little devil!"

"Oh, why didn't I think of it before?"


These recruits, not very stupid, quickly thought of the reason.

What's more, when they thought of this, they regretted why they didn't think of it before, so they didn't dare to come and kill these beasts.

If they had thought of it before, they would definitely dare to come and kill these beasts to avenge the tragic deaths of the people and their relatives.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei smiled and said directly: "You guys are thinking too simply. Indeed, they are not vigilant. But once they wake up, you will be the ones who will die at that time. Even if you are lucky After killing a few devils, the last ones will be yours, don't doubt the fighting power of these beasts, little ones!"

(End of this chapter)

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