Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2860 Investigation

Chapter 2860 Investigation
Untrained recruits, without combat effectiveness, went to the battlefield and met devils, it was definitely not enough to cause trouble.

At that time, in order to take care of these recruits, the death rate of veterans will continue to increase.

This is not what Yang Fei wants to see.

So, for this situation, Yang Fei must have a surefire solution.

At the very least, during the period when he was training recruits, he couldn't let the devils come to find him, and he couldn't let these devils take revenge on the common people.

The premise of everything is that it must be carried out under the safety of the people.

As time passed, it gradually became darker.

The recruits who were training by the lake came back with a trot.

"It smells so good, haha!"

"Yeah, I can smell this fragrance from a long distance."

"I'm going to eat a lot tonight, eat enough, and I will have the strength to train tomorrow, haha!"

"Me too!"


As soon as they entered the camp, these recruits laughed and chatted.

Although the training was very tiring, and this afternoon, I threw stones all afternoon, and my arms were sore and sore, but they felt that it was all worth it.

It's much better than before them, hiding from devils and living in a daze.

In training, they are not afraid of suffering, tiredness, or death.

It is to become stronger, and only after becoming stronger can we kill devils and take revenge.

"They're all back!"

Yang Fei stood up with a smile, looked at the recruits in front of him, and said loudly, "How about I teach you how to sing a song?"

A song before a meal is also a good way to relieve fatigue.

"Okay, company commander, what song!"

"Hey, company commander, you can sing!"

"Come on, company commander, let's try and see if we can sing!"

"Yeah, let's start!"


When the recruits heard Yang Fei's words, they all laughed and finished the assembly again. They all said to Yang Fei with full of anticipation.

For this, the recruits are still looking forward to it.

Daily training, if nothing else, is also very boring.

Being able to sing a song now is also very good, very good.

"it is good!"

Yang Fei nodded and said with a smile: "This song is called the song of the guerrillas, which is very suitable for our current situation. I will sing it for you first, so that you are familiar with it first, and then I will sing it with you, okay? ?”

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Hurry up, company commander, we can't wait, hehe!"


The recruits and soldiers, laughing, urged again.

As for Zhou Hu, he also set up the firewood and the pot at this time, and walked over with a smile.

He also didn't expect that Yang Fei could sing.

Hey, think about it, it's not bad.

The recruits were looking forward to it. Yang Fei didn't hesitate. After clearing his throat, he immediately began to sing:
"We're all sharpshooters,

Each bullet kills an enemy,
We are all airmen,
Even if the mountain is high and the water is deep,
in the dense woods,
Comrade camps are arranged everywhere,

on a high hill,
We have countless good brothers,
No food or clothing,

Since the enemy came forward,
No guns no cannons,

The enemy made us
we grew up here,
Every inch of land is our own,

No matter who wants to take it,
We'll fight him to the end,



The sharpshooter qualification is exactly the same for Yang Fei and the recruits who are in the wrong place at this time.

Now they have nothing, and they have to be robbed by the devils.

Only in this way can we grow ourselves.

Otherwise, there is no other way.

"We are all sharpshooters!"

"Each bullet kills one enemy!"

"Our land!"

"Get out!"


As for the recruits and soldiers, they were slowly infected when they heard the song sung by Yang Fei.

Some recruits shed tears directly.

Yes, the land of China is our place, where our ancestors lived for generations.

What about these little devils, they are bloody invaders, a bunch of bloody bandits.

Came to the land of China, burned, killed, looted, and did all kinds of bad things.

What can they do.

Unarmed and ready to be killed.


This is absolutely impossible.

The more at this time, the more they will resist.

Even with swords and spears, they have to resist.

Even if you die at the hands of a little devil, you still have to resist.

Kill devils, kill devils!

A song, at this time, directly inspired the morale of the recruits.

Morale soared.

I believe that it won't take long for them to turn this morale into combat power and use it to kill devils.

This scene was within Yang Fei's expectation.

He trained a different batch of recruits.

So, he knows when and what to do.

"Okay, I'm done singing, and I'll take you to sing for the rest of the time, okay?"

Yang Fei's morale was also soaring, and he roared.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"


The roar of the recruits resounded through the forest.

"Come on, we are all sharpshooters!"

"We are all sharpshooters!"

"Each bullet kills one enemy!"


Just like that, under the leadership of Yang Fei, all the recruits started singing.

I was excited, my morale was soaring, and I was full of fighting spirit.

This is the Huaxia man.

They are full of enthusiasm, what they lack is the opportunity to kill devils.

And now Yang Fei gave them this opportunity.


The singing time lasted for an hour.

The recruits and soldiers have fully mastered this song during this hour.

After singing, they felt comfortable and their fatigue disappeared.

"Okay, let's come here today and eat!"

Following Yang Fei's order, Zhou Hu immediately got busy, took the recruits, and started eating.


What Yang Fei didn't know was that the devils from the three strongholds had disappeared, which confused the devils headquarters in the Pingnan area.

When they received the news, they sent people to investigate.

However, the results are at a loss.

The devils and the Imperial Association Army in the three strongholds all disappeared.

The most important thing is that there are no clues or traces at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

At this moment, even the devil major officer in the headquarters didn't know what to do.

The key is that there are no clues, and it is easy to handle if there are clues.

Dead or alive?

The major officer of the headquarters can't judge at all, at this time.

However, the Shaozuo officer did not believe that in the Pingnan area, they were so strictly blocked and suppressed, there are still people who would dare to kill them as soldiers of the imperial army.

Therefore, the Shao Zuo officer suppressed the news, but asked the Imperial Association Army to investigate slowly, go to various villages to inquire about the situation, and see if there is any other news.

Perhaps, there will be unexpected gains, maybe.

(End of this chapter)

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