Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2862 Breaking into the internal plan

Chapter 2862 Breaking into the internal plan

Taking the initiative to become the Imperial Association Army, similar to the undercover type, Yang Fei is [-]% sure that he can fool the little devil.

Besides, Yang Fei is very clear about the virtues of these little devils.

As long as they hold their stinky feet and become the Imperial Association Army, there is absolutely no problem.

As for how to become the so-called commander of the Imperial Association Army in the Pingnan area, it would take a lot of effort.

After all, the commander of the Imperial Association Army in the Pingnan area, the person who can make it this far is definitely not that simple.

A simple-minded guy would not be able to take this step, nor would he be able to sit in this position.

As for what to do, Yang Fei still had to plan well.

The first step is to find out who is the biggest leader of the Imperial Association Army in the Pingnan area, that is, the commander of the Imperial Association Army.

The second step is to establish a relationship with the commander of the Imperial Association Army, or directly capture him, threaten him, and help himself become the leader of the Imperial Association Army. Not the commander, but someone under the commander.

The third step is to establish a good relationship with the devils and convince the devils that he will help the devils to train the imperial association army, and find an opportunity to get out the young and middle-aged people who were imprisoned, and let them all join the imperial association army and start training.

The fourth step is still training, but at the same time of training, you must showdown with those young and middle-aged men, so that you don't have any resistance, so that when you have the opportunity, you can kill these little devils and replace them.

The fifth step is to really start to act and kill these little devils.

The sixth step is actually the most important.

That is, after killing all these little devils, the news will definitely leak out.

At that time, Yang Fei will make arrangements to let these fake imperial association troops make arrangements to defend against the large army of devils coming to destroy them.

Of course, as long as his plan is successful, then everything will be fine.

They don't have to worry about the large army of devils coming to encircle and suppress them. After they have enough troops, they will be able to protect the people and resist the devils who come to attack.

At that time, Yang Fei's plan will be successful.

As long as this plan is successful, they will have a residence that belongs to them.

At that time, with the resident, then everything will not be a problem.

There are garrisons, soldiers, and the support of the people. With these conditions, at that moment, it is these little devils who start to suffer.

Yang Fei walked around the lake, and the plan in his mind was constantly being improved.

This plan, speaking of it, is simple and simple, and there is nothing difficult about it.

As long as you can find out the situation, and find out the family situation of the senior members of the Royal Association Army, then everything will not be a problem.

Perhaps, for the ordinary traitor Huangxie army, they are full of food for one person, and the whole family is not hungry.

However, the high-level members of the Imperial Association Army all have family members. They are in the Imperial Association Army for their own sake, and for their families.

So, as long as you grasp this point of these high-level Imperial Association Army, then everything will not be a problem.

Don't blame Yang Fei for using this method, it is to beat devils, not to mention, he will attack the Imperial Association Army, so he has no scruples.

Another point is that he will not kill these people who are related to the Imperial Association Army.

Just bring it to this camp and take care of it.

Anyway, I won't do anything to them, they have food, drink, and everything.

So, after all, this is not against morality.

After walking around the lake, Yang Fei completely perfected the plan.

Back at the training place, Yang Fei shouted to Zhou Fei: "Old Zhou, come here!"

Hearing Yang Fei's shout, Zhou Hu walked over directly.

"Company Commander, the soldiers selected last night set off this morning. It seems that they still like the task of investigating the situation of the devils."

Zhou Hu said with a smile as he walked.

"Haha, that is necessary. After all, I have never doubted the determination of these recruits to kill devils."

Yang Fei also smiled.

Indeed, Yang Fei had no doubts about the recruits in front of him and their determination to kill devils.

"By the way, company commander, why are you looking for me this time?"

Zhou Hu asked.

"It's like this. I thought of a plan, in which I need to know the situation of the high-level officials of the Imperial Association Army. Do you know anything about these high-level officials of the Imperial Association Army?"

Yang Fei didn't say the plan, but asked directly.

"For other people, I may not know, but I do know about the traitorous leader of the Imperial Association Army."

Hearing Yang Fei's question, Zhou Hu's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"This big traitor is Zhao Yixuan, he deserves to be damned. In the Pingnan area, there was no power to resist the little devils before, but they were all betrayed by Zhao Yixuan and let the devils brutally kill him. This beast collects resources for the devils. Collecting everything has killed many, many people.

The second boss, the deputy commander, is Yang Dong, this guy is not a good guy, although he is not as bad as Zhao Yixuan, but he works for Zhao Yixuan, Zhao Yixuan gives orders, Yang Dong will carry out the orders.

The two of them are the biggest traitors in the Pingnan area, and all the traitors belong to the two of them.

In addition, these two guys, before, their families were big landlords, so they are not good things, damn it.

By the way, company commander, what are you asking about these two beasts?Are we going to take action against these two beasts? If that's the case, then let me lead the team. I will definitely make these two beasts unable to survive or die. "

Judging by Zhou Hu's appearance, he really hated these two guys to the bone.

I hate them more than I hate devils.

After all, no matter what, these little devils are foreigners and invaders.

As for these imperial association troops, they are their own people, with the same blood, and they are all Chinese.

However, they waved their butcher knives and aimed at their own people.

Damn it!
Totally be damned!

Sin is unforgivable, the kind that is too numerous to write down!

"I have a plan, but I don't act now, I have to wait until the time is right!"

Yang Fei said: "I made a good plan. Our current development is too slow, and we can't kill many little devils. Even, it will attract revenge from devils and implicate the common people. So, I thought of a perfect plan. , Now let me tell you, what do you think?"

Yang Fei said to Zhou Hu.

"Okay, company commander, tell me, let me listen."

Hearing what Yang Fei said, Zhou Hu became interested instantly.

"In order to develop faster, we need to break into the inside of the devils, and to break into the inside of the devils, we need to join the Imperial Association Army and become the top ranks of the Imperial Association Army!"

(End of this chapter)

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