Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 305 Don't Live, Kill All

Chapter 305 Don't Live, Kill All
The little devils who heard the gunshots stopped, just breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, but they didn't expect that just after the shooting in front stopped, a group of killing gods appeared behind them again.

Especially when they saw the eight-way China fighters in the dark behind them, the hearts of these little devils were instantly shrouded in fear.




Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing took the lead in front, holding high their swords.

Their voices were mixed with a strong fighting spirit, soaring to the sky.

"Imperial warriors, we are invincible, stand up and kill, the spirit of Bushido is invincible!"

"Fortune lasts forever!"

"Bagaya Road!"


At this time, one of the little devils, a captain officer, was horrified when he saw this scene. He knew that if he didn't fight back, he would really die here.

Although not resisting is also death, but for the sake of His Majesty the Emperor and the spirit of Bushido, they would rather die in battle than kneel down and be hacked to death.

They want to resist!
"Kill the chicken!"



Hearing the captain's encouragement, the twenty or so little devils on the ground slowly stood up on the ground. They picked up the [-] cap and knocked the bullets out of it.

And started shouting, heading towards Lei Zhan and the others.

"Ha ha!"


Seeing the little devils who dared to resist, Lei Zhan and the soldiers laughed heartily again.

It's good to dare to resist, and it's fun to kill like this. If you don't dare to resist, then it's meaningless to kill the little devil.


Lei Zhan led more than a dozen soldiers, all of whom had a murderous look, and came into contact with more than 20 little devils.



Immediately, blood spattered, heads flew up, and a column of blood shot out!
"Ha ha!"

Lei Zhan and the soldiers laughed and waved the machete in their hands.

Little devils, in the hands of brave fighters, there is no single enemy at all.



Lei Zhan cut the little devil and beast who was screaming in front of him obliquely in half.

"Bagaya Road!"

Seeing the instant death of the imperial warrior, Captain Guizi became furious. He shouted angrily, and rushed towards Lei Zhan.

He thought in his heart, no matter what, he must kill the Chinese man in front of him, otherwise, he would be sorry to the emperor and Mr. Takamori Takamori!

This little devil captain, barking like a wild dog, came into contact with Lei Zhan, and slashed down fiercely at Lei Zhan with the command knife in his hand.


At this time, all the recruits who were watching the battle at the back felt their blood boiling. They wished they could pick up their swords and go to the battlefield right now to fight the little devil.

They looked at Lei Zhan and the bloody soldiers in their eyes, full of admiration.

The strong, they worship the strong, and they hope to become the strong.


At this time, Keiko Fangshima was already kneeling on the ground, and she was sobbing.

Especially when she saw the imperial warriors in front of her being slaughtered so one-sidedly, her heart ached and she felt powerless.

Keiko Yoshishima, who lived under the protection of her father since she was a child, felt powerless for the first time.

She hated, hated all the Chinese people in front of her and around her.

She wished to kill all the Chinese people, but now she has no chance.

At the same time, Keiko Fangshima thought of her father who was a general of the empire.

She was ashamed of her father!

Now she really feels that the wolf slaughter plan she made is so ridiculous, and it is so vulnerable in front of the Chinese.

She regrets, regrets coming to Lingchuan!


Facing the knife slashed fiercely by the captain of the little devil, Lei Zhan showed disdain on his face, and with a light slash, he pushed away the command knife that the little devil had slashed.

"Tap Tap!"

Under the tremendous force of Lei Zhan, the little devil who was thrown away by the command knife suddenly lost his footing, and with a look of surprise on his face, he backed away.

However, at the same time as he was retreating, his face full of astonishment was instantly filled with horror.

His eyes were full of fear as if he had fallen into an endless abyss of despair!


After removing Captain Little Devil's command knife, Lei Zhan took two steps forward and came directly to Captain Little Devil who was backing away.

Lei Zhan put all his strength into his feet, let out a loud roar, and jumped up. With a murderous look on his face, he grabbed the machete with both hands, and directly ruthlessly slashed down on the little devil below.




At this moment, the sound of the knife slashing could not be expressed in words at all.

Lei Zhan's knife directly started on the little devil's chest, and instantly cut downwards.

The head was complete, the neck was complete, and the shoulders were complete, but from the chest down, this little devil's body was completely split in two.


The scene was bloody, but the soldiers were all excited after seeing it.

Because, the guy in front of him is not a human, but a beast.

It's a beast with no conscience, no conscience, little devil, beast!

"it is good!"

"it is good!"


The recruits who saw this scene shouted hello, their hearts were filled with excitement.


Seeing this bloody scene, Yang Xiaojing had a calm expression on her pretty face.

Now, she has completely disregarded it, because she no longer regards the little devil as an adult.

So, she is not afraid.


However, Keiko Fangshima, who saw this scene, had a look of horror on her face.

At the same time, she began to vomit on the ground, which was very painful.

She, who has always been favored by the general, has never seen such a scene before.

She can't accept it.


Seeing the pain of the little devil in front of them, the recruits and soldiers looked at her with a cold snort.



The warriors with knives behind Lei Zhan also ended the battle in their hands at this time, beheading all the little devils to the ground.

Their bodies were covered with the enemy's blood, feeling the hot blood, their hearts, fighting spirit, and fighting blood were all burning.




At this time, the little devil who had been split in half by Lei Zhan was still alive. He looked at his two halves, the internal organs and flesh in horror, and howled miserably.


Lei Zhan looked at each other coldly, jumped up again, swung the big knife in his hand, and with a puff, a column of blood shot out, and the screaming of this little devil stopped abruptly.

A bloody head flew into the distance.

"Those who commit crimes against China will be punished even if they are far away!"

Lei Zhan looked up to the sky and screamed, holding high the bloody sword, like a god of war, and his sonorous sound rolled into the sky!

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(End of this chapter)

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