Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3185 1 Everything is developing according to plan

Chapter 3185 Everything is developing according to plan

In fact, the development of the matter was very smooth, similar to their expectations, or even better.

Unexpectedly, it's just that the efficiency is too high.

too fast.

What Kitano Jiang Jizuo and Matsubara No Tanaka didn't expect was that the news would be sent back so soon.

Now that what they want has become a reality, the two of them have no room for hesitation.

In the following time, Kitano Jiang gathered Zuo and Matsubara No Tanaka, and directly formed a team, led the people, and rushed towards the Liuze area at the fastest speed.

In the hearts of the two of them, they were extremely excited at this moment.

It can be said that the plan of the two of them is very simple.

It is nothing more than to directly control the chaotic situation after arriving.

Anyway, the three captains, as well as the squadron leaders below, are almost dead.

Under such circumstances, if the two of them are in control of the situation and gather their forces, those soldiers will not have any objections.

So, this is also the thoughts and plans of Kitano Jiang Zhongzuo and Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo all along.




Two hours later, Bei Ye Jiang Ji Zuo and Matsubara No Tanaka Sa came to Liudong Road and Dongliu Road respectively.

As for the strength of a brigade on the other small road, it is impossible for the two of them to go separately at this time.

This was the plan of the two of them at the beginning, each of them gathered a large group of troops first.

The remaining brigade was divided into half, one person and half.

Each person gets a brigade and a half of troops.

Evenly distributed, reasonable and fair.

In this way, as long as it is successful, the soldiers under their command are enough.

Although Lieutenant Commander Matsuhara Nori had lost three squadrons before, if he supplemented the strength of this brigade, his strength would be almost equivalent to two ordinary brigades.

The integration of two ordinary teams can be regarded as the worst alliance.

At the very least, it is enough for the brigade to be promoted to the rank of the wing.

Under such circumstances, Matsuhara Nori's brigade is enough, and Kitano Jiang's team is even more sufficient.

He originally had a brigade without loss, and with the gain this time, it would be two and a half brigades.

Not the weak one, but the strong one.

So, under such circumstances, Kitano Jiang Zhongzuo and Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo are the ones who have gained the most.

Review the scene.

After Matsuhara Nori came to Liudong Road, he saw the imperial soldiers who had already prepared fortifications.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Nakazuo immediately laughed.

He is satisfied.

Because, the imperial soldiers who have already built fortifications in front of them will be his soldiers in the next time.

It can be supplemented into his brigade.



The truck roared and came directly outside the fortifications.

"Open the door!"

A ghost captain officer, on the side of the defensive position, saw this and immediately gave an order loudly.

The order was issued, and two large trucks were used to block the gate, which was opened directly.


Seeing that the gate was opened, Lieutenant Zuo Matsuhara's convoy directly entered the fortification.


Soon, Lieutenant Matsuhara Nori got off the truck.

And these little devil lieutenant officers in the fortifications arrived at the fastest speed.

"Your Excellency Captain!"

"Your Excellency Captain!"


These little devils lieutenant officers all bowed their heads with grief and anger on their faces.

"What happened? What happened?"

Seeing this scene, Lieutenant Assistant Matsuhara Nori also pretended to be extremely angry and furious at this time, and roared angrily at the little devils and lieutenant officers who paused in front of them.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency Captain!"

The ghost captain officer who took the lead said tremblingly: "We don't know what happened? At that time, our captain, Your Excellency, stopped everyone from advancing, and sent a small team to investigate ahead, and our captain As for your Excellency the captain, he went to the high ground next to him to observe the situation with a telescope, but at this moment the gunshots rang out, and our captain, and the rest of the squadron leaders, were shot through the head and neck. Died on the spot."

"Yes. That's how it was!"

"We also sent people to pursue it, but unfortunately, there was no sign of a single person at all!"

"The sound of this gunshot, until now, is like a ghost!"


At this moment, these ghost lieutenant-level officers were terrified in their hearts, and described the situation at that time.


As for Lieutenant Commander Matsuhara Nori, who heard this, the more he heard it, the more angry he became, and he immediately started to slap his hands, knocking all these little devils to the ground.

This action made these lieutenant officers tremble all over, as if they were shivering.

I didn't dare to say a word.

Anyway, their captain and squadron leader, Yu Sui, don't care if they are responsible or not. Now that they are dead, they are responsible, because they didn't protect their squad leader and squadron leader well.

It's that simple.

That's the logic.

Of course, at this time, Lieutenant Assistant Matsubara Nori was also making excuses.

"A bunch of bastards, a bunch of useless things!"

"What time is it now? It's the time of the war. It's the time when we're going to take the Liuze area. What should we do if this happens? How can we take the Liuze area? Tell me, you bastards!"

"The troops stop advancing, can the supreme commander go to the high ground? Ah. Can you go to the high ground?"

"A bunch of bastards!"

"Damn things!"



At this time, Lieutenant Assistant Matsuhara Nori was like a lunatic, roaring and venting loudly in the fortification.

At this time, no one dared to stop him, could stop him.

After all, he is the only lieutenant officer here, and he is also the captain who holds the real military power.

Who dares to mess with him.

"Immediately report to the theater command and report the situation here in detail. I will immediately serve as the captain of the Fujii brigade. The supply squadron and guard squadron of my brigade will all be merged into the Fujii brigade. I want to avenge Fujii-kun. Go down to the Liuze area, take down the Liuze area!"

Matsuhara Nori Nakazuo growled and expressed his thoughts.

In fact, according to the normal situation, this is the case.

He will serve as the captain and continue to lead the team to attack the Liuze area.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency Captain, I will immediately report to the theater command!"

A major officer who followed turned around and left.

"Okay, let's get out of here, everyone gets their positions. In addition, you, the captain, will be directly promoted to be a major officer and lead a squadron. The rest of the squadron leaders will be served by the people I brought. Hurry down and make arrangements!"

Lieutenant Assistant Matsuhara Nori laughed in his heart, but arranged with his face still sad and angry.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency Captain!"

This time, the ghost captain instantly became excited.

He thought that if such a big thing happened this time, if he was held accountable, his responsibility would not have to go away.

Even if it is not dead, it will be downgraded by itself.

But, who knew that at this time, a surprise would come.

Captain Songyuan didn't let him take the responsibility, but directly promoted him to the first level, becoming the squadron leader and major officer.

This is pie in the sky.

According to the previous, if this hadn't happened, it would take a long time for him to be promoted to the squadron leader and major officer.

Even, there has been no chance.

Now, the opportunity came in an instant, and he was excited.

This time, the grief of the captain and others was completely diluted.

None of this matters.

Most importantly, he was promoted to major officer.

The rest of the lieutenant officers looked at the lead captain with envy.

They all thought in their hearts, this guy is out of luck.

How could they not have such good luck.

However, they just thought about it this way, and they didn't dare to think about anything else.


Because, although there are other captains who stay, it is a pity that these captains are not as old as the captain who was promoted.

Otherwise, before, this promoted lieutenant officer could not have become the leader of these lieutenant officers.

Thinking of this, these little devil lieutenant officers felt much better again.

time flies.

In the next arrangement, the people brought by Lieutenant Matsubara Nori successfully completed the transition, took power directly, and became the squadron leader.

These newly promoted major officers and squadron leaders are extremely excited.

When they were in the past, they knew that their team leader had schemes, but they didn't expect it to be so big.

How long did it take before they fully recovered.

Excited, excited!

It's almost the same as the captain officer before, and he became a squadron leader major officer after a night's sleep.

Can you not be excited?

At the same time, Beiyejiang Zhongzuo on Dongliu Road was also calm, completed control and transition, and reported the matter.

Moreover, like Lieutenant Commander Matsuhara Nori, he dispatched his major officers to the small road, dispersed the troops of this brigade on the small road, divided them into two parts, and incorporated them into one of their brigade forces. middle.

At this moment, the strength of Zhongzuo's battalion in Matsuhara Nori and Kitanoe Chuzuo's brigade soared.

In order to make a statement, Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo and Kitano Jiangji swore directly that they would lead these little devils into the Liuze area in the next time, take down the Liuze area, and avenge the three captains of Yu Sui.

For a moment, the little devil soldiers were fighting like mad dogs.


at the same time.

The commander of the war zone also received the telegrams from Lieutenant Commander Matsuhara Nori and Central Commander Kitano Jiang.


The theater commander, Major General Ishigi Taro, was very angry.

Although the loss was not great, only the three captains and the squadron leader were assassinated, so the loss of troops was not that much.

However, when such a thing happened, it was slapping the face of the imperial army of the Japanese Empire.

Major General Shi Yitaro was very angry, and he directly asked people to call back to Zhongzuo Matsuhara Nori and Kitanoe Zhongzuo.

"The troops are incorporated into your department, and your department must take down the Liuze area in the shortest possible time, and bring the Liuze area under the control of the imperial army again."

The command is simple.

But there are also murderous intentions in it.

Did not say what the punishment was.

However, the hearts of Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo and Kitanoe Zhongzuo are very clear.

After taking the Liuze area, everything will be fine, and they can also be promoted to the rank of chief officer and the formation of the regiment.

And if it fails, there is only one way, and that is to commit seppuku and apologize.

However, at this time, Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo and Kitanoe Zhongzuo were not worried at all after receiving this telegram.

Because, during the transaction, there is no one in the Liuze area.

So, as long as they bring people in, they can immediately control the Liuze area and complete this battle mission.

And the two of them will also become the biggest winners.

time flies.

Two days later, Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo and Kitano Eji, with their respective brigades, swept across the entire Liuze area.

Completely occupy the Liuze area.

For this, Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo and Kitanoe Jizuo were very satisfied, and the people below them were also very satisfied.

However, the imperial soldiers, officers, etc. of the three brigades that they had just recruited were in a daze.

What the hell is going on?

Their captain, the squadron leader, died.

After that, nothing happened, and the Liuze area was taken down without a single shot.

What the hell, is this a dream?
Can't believe it.

But, this is the truth.

No matter how unbelievable these little devils are, no matter how much they think about it, it is useless.

They have taken the Liuze area.

And their previous establishment has been cancelled.

Recovery, Matsubara Brigade, Kitano Brigade.

What can these little devils from the Fujii Brigade, Uda Brigade, and Yamazaki Brigade say?
Up to now, I dare not say anything.

And this news was also reported by Kitano Jiang Zhongzuo and Matsubara Notanaka.

After seeing this information, Major General Shi Yitaro finally smiled.

Moreover, a letter of appointment was issued.

Lieutenant Commander Matsuhara Nori was promoted to Colonel Officer, and his brigade was promoted to the formation of the Wing.

Kitano Jiang concentrated his ranks, was promoted to the chief officer, and his brigade was promoted to the formation of the wing.

Deployment task: guard the Liuze area, Pinghe area, and Pingdong area defense lines, and must keep an eye on the 73rd Division.

This is the latest appointment and order of Major General Shi Yitaro.

Now, Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo and Kitanoe Zhongzuo really got what they wanted and got what they wanted.

"Ha ha!"



Kitano Jiangji and Matsuhara Nori Zhongzuo also laughed out loud, feeling extremely excited.

Colonel, they have become officers of the Colonel.

At this time, they thought of Yang Fei's disguised Liu Yuanjun again.

All of this was brought to them by Mr. Liu Yuan.

They are very grateful.


However, what Matsuharanori Zhongzuo and Kitanoe Jizuo didn't know was that Liuyuan-kun, whom they were extremely grateful for, was in the Pingdong area right in the corner of their eyes, and hadn't left at all.

At this time, Yang Fei has already led the soldiers to build a new base in the Pingdong mountain forest.

The plan, so to speak, was successfully completed.

Although, the empty Liuze area was thrown to the little devils.

However, resources and time have been won.

This is the biggest gain.

It also corresponds to the words of the great man: if the land is lost, all the land will be lost; if the land is lost, all the land will be saved!

(End of this chapter)

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