Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3187 The new plan of the two devils

Chapter 3187 The new plan of the two devils

After winning the Jinchuan theater, Yang Fei will be able to point his sword at other theaters, cooperate with other anti-Japanese armed forces, slowly nibble away the little devils in other major theaters, and take down these major theaters as well.

This is Yang Fei's big plan.

Of course, it is also a preliminary plan, and it has not been perfected yet.

Now Yang Fei let Feng Changxin and Chu Zhongyu take charge of the overall situation, just to save time and let him have time to complete the plan by himself.

It's that simple.

Others, I have no plans.

Besides, he didn't have time to plan anything else right now.

time flies.

Day by day passed like this.

The new base has been completely completed under the concerted efforts of the soldiers.

The soldiers also started new training.

Everything is on the right track.


The new base is in the Pingdong area, it can be said that it is right under the eyes of the little devils.

However, these little devils didn't notice it.

They didn't even know that under their noses, there was actually a regiment of troops growing and gaining momentum.

In this situation, if the two masters Matsubara Noda and Kitano Eji knew about this situation, they would be scared to death.

The strength of a regiment is in their hearts, like sharp knives. If they counterattack, they can directly penetrate into their hearts and completely annihilate them.

It is a pity that in Yang Fei's plan, it is impossible for Matsuhara Nori and Kitano Eji to know about this matter.

Yang Fei has done so much before, all to conceal this matter, and completely hide the new base in this Pingdong mountain forest.

Otherwise, why is he wasting so much effort?

Liuze area.

Devil Command.


At this moment, Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori were in the office, chatting with each other in a comfortable manner.

"Kitano-kun, we succeeded this time, haha!"

Thinking of this, Chief Kitano Eji's heart was filled with excitement and joy.

After planning for such a long time, he never expected that this opportunity would be offered to him by Colonel Matsuhara Nori.

Although, his original intention of coming here was to help Colonel Matsuhara Nori.

But, who would have thought that while helping Colonel Matsubara Nori, he would get such a big benefit, such a big opportunity.

In the past, no matter how to make him think about it, he couldn't think of it.

Not only was it unexpected, but he dared to even think about such a result.

The span is really too big.

So, at this time, he was extremely grateful to Colonel Matsubara Nori.

"Haha, Kitano-kun, I didn't expect this result at first. If I put it in the past, I wouldn't have dared to think about it, but it really succeeded!"

Matsubara also couldn't believe it, but now this is the truth.

They succeeded.

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank Matsubara-kun. If I hadn't come to you, I wouldn't have had this opportunity."

Senior Commander Kitano Eji thanked Senior Commander Matsuhara Nori: "Now, I came to you and got this opportunity directly. Now both you and I have been promoted to Commander-in-Chief, and the brigade under him has even been promoted to the formation of the regiment. We have planned for so long, waited for so long, and finally succeeded!"

At this time, Chief Kitano Jiangji was also very emotional about this point.

"All of this is thanks to Liu Yuan-kun. If it weren't for Liu Yuan-kun, we wouldn't be able to do it. Of course, the person we should thank the most is Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang. It was he who brought Liu Yuan-kun here. With this result now, let us seize this opportunity!"

As he was talking, Colonel Matsuhara Nori thought of Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang.

In fact, if Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang hadn't brought Liuyuan-kun here, he really wouldn't have been able to seize this opportunity.

"Xiao Qiang-jun?"

Hearing this, Colonel Kitano Jiangji was still a little puzzled.

After all, Xiaoqiang is only a second lieutenant officer, but he is an officer of the chief officer, the gap between them is really too big.

He is a major officer, and he would never come into contact with a second lieutenant officer at all.

Those responsible for him are all captains and majors.

Now, it is at the rank of lieutenant assistant.

He was promoted to the rank of major officer, and the minor officers who followed him are now promoted to the rank of lieutenant officer.

So, under such circumstances, he will not understand this second lieutenant Xiaoqiang even more.

Before that, he only listened to Colonel Matsuhara, and he mentioned it a little bit, but he didn't care at all.

Hearing this matter again from Chief Matsubara Nori, his heart also became active, wondering if this Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang has any skills.

Otherwise, how did he meet Liu Yuan-kun?

"Mr. Songyuan, how did this Xiaoqiang meet Mr. Liuyuan? Do you know the details?"

At this moment, the curiosity of Colonel Kitano Eji was brought up in an instant.

No way.

Now, as long as it is related to Liu Yuanjun, he is interested, and he wants to know, to see if there is a chance to get involved with Yang Fei's disguised Liu Yuanjun again, and make a deal to get more benefits again. .

In fact, this point is not only thinking of Colonel Kitano Eji.

Even Colonel Matsubara Nori actually thought so in his heart.

Under such circumstances, as long as you are an ambitious person, you will not let go of such news, and you will definitely not let it go.

"I know this!"

Chief Matsubara nodded, and said: "The situation is actually very simple, not complicated at all, that is, when Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang was wandering around in Pingdong County, he met Liu Yuan-kun. The two had a good conversation at that time. When leaving, Second Lieutenant Xiao Qiang left Liu Yuan-kun behind, saying that he wanted to see me, and you will know what happened next."

In his view, all this is normal.


Chief Kitano Jiangji also nodded: "It seems that Liu Yuan-kun really passed by us. I don't know if there will be a chance to do things with Liu Yuan-kun together in the future."

Chief Kitano Eji is really willing to work with someone like Liu Yuan-kun.

Comfortable and happy.

Get what you want directly without so many calculations.

He likes it that way.

Unfortunately, such opportunities are rare.

"However, what we have gained now is big enough. If you want to be promoted to the major general of the empire, you need too much military exploits. I think now that we may not even have such an opportunity. ,too difficult!"

Thinking of the General's promotion to the rank of Major General of the Empire, the General Matsuhara felt a burst of despair in his heart.

There is no chance, it is too difficult to achieve this last step and be promoted to the rank of major general of the empire.

"Yeah, it's too difficult. At least now, we have no chance. We need too much military exploits, too much. We don't have a solid background in the army general headquarters. If we want to do this, we will have to work even harder." Difficult!"

At this time, Chief Kitano Eji was also worried.

Also hopeless.

To be promoted to the rank of major general of the empire is not only about military merit.

There is no great credit, it depends on whether you are in the general headquarters of the army.

If there is a relationship, there is a chance for promotion.

It's okay, it's just too difficult.

This is also the reason why Kitano Eji and Matsubara Nori felt a little desperate at this time.

If there is no accident, they will stop at the Dazuo officer in this life.

Although they have already stepped into the upper echelon of the empire, but for the two of them, who is not ambitious yet.

What they want is more.

Even, after reaching the goal of the current commander, what they want is to use the commander as a basis to move towards the major general of the empire.

It's a pity that Kitano Eji and Matsubara Notanaka both know that this matter is not so easy at all.

The two of them always thought that unless Liu Yuan-kun was here to help them all the time, maybe they would have a chance.

"Let's take one step at a time, Matsubara-kun!"

Chief Kitano Jiangji said: "The current situation is pretty good. At least we have secretly reached a cooperative relationship with the opponent. It is okay to let the opponent cooperate with us. The loss is not big, and we can also gain some credit."

Having said this, Kitano Jiangji immediately laughed.

Indeed, their current situation is still good.

Zhongzuo Matsuhara also laughed, nodded and said: "That's true, now we have this opportunity, but we must seize this, and even, can we count the other party once?"


Hearing this, Kitano Jiang's eyes narrowed instantly.

He felt that this guy in Song Yuanye, after experiencing this incident and this setback, his brain became much better and his courage became much stronger. He didn't even think about this incident.

As for Matsuhara, at this moment, he thought of this.

not simple.

It's not easy for this guy.

However, in Kitano Jiang's mind, he began to analyze to see if this matter could be done and how much benefit it could bring.

Profit is the most important thing.

If the payoff is huge, it's perfectly fine to take the risk.

After all, the two of them, have been taking risks not.

This time, the adventure succeeded.

The harvest is huge.

So, see if you can blog again!
"Songyuan-kun, if we really do this, the first thing we need to do is, will this matter destroy Liuyuan-kun's plan? This is the most critical point to implement the idea you said!"

Kitano Jiang Zhongzuo got to the point and asked with a serious face.

Only when this point is ruled out can we start this idea and plan according to this idea.

Otherwise, it will be abolished.

"According to what Liu Yuan-kun said at the time, it is impossible for him to come back, and the line on the opposite side of our current cooperation can basically be said to be abolished at this time. Liu Yuan-kun has also said this, and he has led the line for us. Afterwards, he will cut off the line over there, so I feel that our plan will definitely have no effect on Liu Yuan-kun!"

Lieutenant Assistant Matsuhara Nori expressed his own analysis.

When he said that, it was actually true.

At that time, Yang Fei told them clearly.

"Well, that's true!"

When Colonel Kitano Jiangji heard this, it was indeed the case: "In this case, then we can plan this plan according to what you said, don't forget, the opposite is the heavy artillery brigade, if it is eaten by us , this credit is great."

"Hey, I thought so too!"

Colonel Matsuhara Nori smiled and said: "If we want to get such a credit, it will be very difficult if we don't have this opportunity, but now, as long as we make a good plan, I think the chance of success will be very high Of course, we are not in a hurry, we must have a perfect protection before we can act."

A heavy artillery brigade is not small, it can be said to be very large.

This is not an ordinary brigade, but a heavy artillery brigade.

"How about this, let's deal with the other party first, and find out the details of the other party while trading."

Colonel Kitano Jiangji said: "Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang is on the opposite side, isn't he with them? Under such circumstances, let him find out everything about the other party and pass the information back."

Just do what you say, Kitano Jiangji has already started deployment and planning.

"Last time, according to the news from Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang, he was not with the heavy artillery brigade, but was separated. It seems that the other party is also guarding against us!"

Colonel Matsuhara shook his head and told the situation.

He had already asked before, that's it, Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang was not with the main force, so he couldn't locate it.

Otherwise, direct positioning is much easier.

It can be deployed slowly and eat up this heavy artillery brigade.

So, it would be the best if he had this initiative.

Unfortunately, no.

"It's okay, as long as Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang is on their side, then we have a chance!"

Colonel Kitano Jiangji analyzed: "If we can't arrange people to go, it means that we have very few opportunities, but as long as our people are there, there will be opportunities sooner or later, and the other party will relax their vigilance sooner or later. After all, they have to fight with us." Let's cooperate, and cooperation is not as simple as talking about it, what do you think, Matsubara-kun?"


Lieutenant Sato Matsuhara nodded: "Yes, if we are not in a hurry, the chance is still great. As long as the other party relaxes their vigilance, that is our chance. Maybe we can make a good deal with them during this period of time, okay? Cooperation can also allow Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang to really penetrate into them. In this case, let's not worry, deploy slowly, and then we will be able to eat this piece of fat in our mouths properly, good, good, good a ha ha ha!"

Speaking of this, Lieutenant Assistant Matsuhara Nori burst out laughing.

Because, once they succeed in this plan, the benefits will be too great.

This benefit is not as simple as talking about it.

But the real big benefit.

Worth a try.

It's worth planning for.

Worth the layout!

"That's it. During this transaction, I will arrange someone to contact Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang, and then tell him our thoughts. I believe that Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang will be able to complete this task!"

At this moment, the light of ambition burst out again in Matsuhara Nori's eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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