Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3189 Harvest in the conversation

Chapter 3189 Harvest in the conversation
Never mind what is the gain?
Money, or military exploits, these things, only if they really fall into their pockets, are they truly their own.

Otherwise, it is a castle in the air, the kind that disappears at any time.

"I know, Kitano-kun, don't worry, this time our plan will definitely be successful, I am still clear about this truth!"

Colonel Matsuhara Nori also had a smile on his face at this time.

The conversation between the two ended soon, and they both went to busy with their own affairs.

Similarly, the time and news of this transaction were also sent to Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang by Colonel Matsubara Nori as quickly as possible.

Second Lieutenant Xiaoqiang, who translated the telegram, immediately found Feng Changxin who was in the hidden headquarters.

"Chief of Staff, the devil is calling!"

Xiaoqiang handed the electronic translation paper in his hand to Feng Changxin.

After coming here for so long, Xiaoqiang has really fallen in love with it.

He was very comfortable, not as depressed as he was in the devil's headquarters.

At the same time, after getting acquainted with Feng Changxin and others, he realized even more that the devils were wrong, and he also thought that these people were devils and beasts.

Similarly, for the future life, Xiaoqiang at this time is very longing and looking forward to it.

He felt that if he continued like this, he would be able to live until the end of the war and return to his homeland.

This, even on the devil's side, can't compare to it.


After Feng Changxin finally translated the electronic paper, he looked at the content above.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the above content, Feng Changxin immediately laughed.

"Xiaoqiang, what do you think Song Yuanyeli means? Did he have any discussions or plans with Jiu Beiyejiang?"

Looking at Xiaoqiang in front of him, Feng Changxin directly asked these questions.

For Xiaoqiang, Feng Changxin felt sorry for him. He felt that Xiaoqiang, although he was a devil, was also a pitiful person.

Everything was forced. Now that they are willing to turn back, they will give him this chance, which is normal.

Hearing Feng Changxin's question, Xiaoqiang pondered for a while, and said, "Chief of Staff, according to the way the two of them usually do things, there may be something tricky in it, especially when it comes to prisoners of war. As far as I know, during this period of time, there was no prisoner of war on their side at all, and under such circumstances, they proposed the condition of sending prisoners of war for free, which must have been premeditated. As for their plans, I have no idea. I really can't see through it!"

Xiaoqiang will directly analyze and say it directly.

It has to be said that this Xiaoqiang still has a little understanding of Matsuhara Nori and Kitano Eji, otherwise, at this time, he would not be able to analyze the result.

"Haha not bad."

When Feng Changxin heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Xiaoqiang, you are very good. You are here to help us do things properly. When the time comes, what you want will definitely come true."

Regarding what Xiaoqiang wanted, Feng Changxin was actually very clear in his heart.

That being the case, if you can make this kind of person do things for you, just give him what he wants. Anyway, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. It is okay to make a promise now.

Besides, people die in war, and he, Feng Changxin, doesn't know when he will die on the battlefield, so all of this is nothing.

"Don't worry Chief of Staff, I will never let you down!"

Hearing Feng Changxin's words, Xiaoqiang became even more excited.

This is what he wants.

Now, it's so easy to get it, it's great, it's great.

"Let me tell you, this time they must have premeditated."

Feng Changxin lit a cigarette, smoked, and began to analyze: "First of all, prisoners of war, you are right. Before that, they had no prisoners of war at all. They didn't know that we knew this."

"Also, the transaction has already started. Although the transaction will not last for a long time, what we have shown in front of them is the establishment of a heavy artillery brigade. Think about it, in the transaction to them What are they going to do after they don’t bring the greatest benefit, the lasting benefit?”

After speaking, Feng Changxin looked at Xiaoqiang.

He wanted to see if this guy Xiaoqiang could grasp the key points and analyze them.

"What you said is, military exploits!"

Xiaoqiang said the result directly with a surprised face.

Even Xiaoqiang was surprised in his heart now.

He originally thought that it was impossible for Matsuhara Nori and Kitano Jiangji to do such a thing in order to trade.

However, it has only been a long time, these two guys have been thinking about such a thing and planning such a deployment.

It was so unbelievable, so surprising to him.

"This is the case!"

Feng Changxin nodded: "People's hearts are not enough, these two guys are not satisfied with what they are now, and they have tasted the benefits of giving them a credit before.

So, under the circumstance of trading equipment and ammunition this time, I want to do something small, and find out our current situation.

As long as they figure out our current situation and where we are, they will definitely annihilate us.

Don't forget, our current so-called establishment is a heavy artillery brigade. Once it is wiped out by them, the military exploits will be huge.

I believe that once they know that they have such an opportunity, they will never let it go, don't you think?cockroach! "

From the very first moment he saw the telegram, Feng Changxin had this awareness in his heart.

Little devils are little devils after all, don't look at this time to compromise, but, in the next time, as long as there is a chance, they will fight back.

These beasts have always been like poisonous snakes, hiding their fangs in secret.

As long as it is the moment you reveal your weakness, what awaits you is death.

It will bite its fangs full of venom into your body and poison you to death.

This is the little devil.

If they don't have this virtue, then something is wrong.


Xiao Qiang nodded heavily, agreeing with this point very much.

After all, he is also a devil, and no one knows these cruel little devils better than him.

That's why he wanted to leave the devil's side.

"Chief of Staff, now that you know that, what are you going to do after that?"

Xiaoqiang asked suspiciously.

If it were him, he would definitely kill these fake prisoners of war after this transaction.

Otherwise, the hidden dangers in the future will be bigger and bigger.

"Ha ha."

Hearing this, Feng Changxin smiled confidently: "Since these two bastards want to play, let's keep playing. I'll do whatever I can. I want to see how far they can play!"

This was Feng Changxin's plan. After all, the task Yang Fei gave him was to procrastinate.

How long can it be delayed?

The longer the fight, the better for them.

For these little devils, the more advantage they have.

Are you acting?

Just keep fooling these little devils, just keep acting.

At the end, let's see who is the biggest winner.

Things are often like this, not only you are calculating others, but others are also calculating you at this time.

Feng Changxin at this time is a good example.

He thought of these things just based on the telegram.

Through this point, the truth can be deduced. I have to say that Feng Changxin is very experienced.

Otherwise, he would not be able to analyze it based on this point.

At this time, Chief Matsubara Nori and Chief Kitano Eji probably would never have imagined that Feng Changxin had thought of their calculations so easily.

If the two of them really knew about this situation, I'm afraid, they would be frightened to death directly, or they would be pissed off.

"Chief of Staff, what are you going to do?"

Xiaoqiang couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked directly.

After all, he is no longer a little devil, but a reformed person, and he also wants to use his knowledge to help Feng Changxin.

So, he asked this point.

"As I said just now, it's just a plan."

Feng Changxin said to himself: "Didn't they want people to inquire about our news? Well, let them inquire about it. Let them inquire about whatever they want to inquire about. When the time comes, they will be completely lost. Falling into our layout, if this continues, the harvest will be the greatest when the net is collected, are you right, Xiaoqiang."

Regarding Xiaoqiang, Feng Changxin did not hide anything.

It's not necessary at all.

The most important thing is that he believes in Yang Fei's eyes, Yang Fei will not misread anyone.

Since he kept Xiaoqiang here, it means that he is sure, otherwise, Yang Fei would not have placed such a hidden danger in his team.

Now that Yang Fei has done this, as long as Xiaoqiang is trustworthy, no matter what the plan is in the next time, it will go smoothly.

After all, Colonel Matsuhara Nori and Chief Kitano Eji didn't know this.

They will tell Xiaoqiang their plans, although not many, not all plans, but well, this is completely enough.

Under such circumstances, Feng Changxin would be able to master more plans, so as to complete all the plans that Yang Fei told him.

The big plan is completed, and the little devils in it will definitely not end well.

"Okay Chief of Staff, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly, and I will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me!"

Xiaoqiang directly promised.

In his view, this is also an opportunity for him to make meritorious deeds.

Although Feng Changxin trusts himself, he has to show his own value.

Otherwise, if his importance gradually decreases, he won't be able to get what he wants.

After all, when there is an opportunity, for the rest, he can rely on his own ability to fight for it. Where he can go and what he can get, all depend on his own efforts.

This is how the world is.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared and work hard, otherwise, it is impossible to achieve great things.

"Don't worry, Xiaoqiang, I trust you. In the next time, if you need your cooperation, I will tell you about your mission."

Feng Changxin nodded, and continued: "As long as you perform well, I will give you credit, and these credits are your capital in the future, do you know? You must work hard!"

He is optimistic about Xiaoqiang.

Although, Xiaoqiang will not get a high status on their side.

However, it is still possible to have a better life and get the opportunities he wants.

Besides, no one knows what it will be like after the war is over, and Feng Changxin can also paint big cakes.

As for whether it will be realized in the end, this is not his business.

After all, it was Yang Fei who was in charge of Xiaoqiang in the end, not him.

There is also the most important point, that is, people like Xiaoqiang, as long as they are used well, they are very useful.

Not only is it easy to use, but the effect achieved is even more unexpected.

This is also what Feng Changxin values ​​most.

"Yes, Chief of Staff, just rest assured!"

Xiaoqiang was excited, he needed to be recognized, especially by people like Feng Changxin.

Only in this way can he have a chance.

As for Matsuhara Nori, Kitano Eji and the others are a group of executioners.

These brutes are to be damned.

They are destroying the foundations of the Empire.

And he, Xiaoqiang, is determined not to do such a thing.

What he has to do is to save himself and finally reunite with his family.

Returning to the native land is the most important thing.

For this, he can give everything.

"Ok, I know!"

Feng Changxin nodded, and patted Xiaoqiang on the shoulder: "Go do things, doing things well is the foundation!"


After Xiaoqiang saluted Feng Changxin, he turned and left.

At the same time, he also warned himself in his heart that he must do things well, and he must not be sloppy at all.

After Xiaoqiang left, Feng Changxin called his guards directly.

"Record what I said, and then personally send it to the new base in Pingdong Mountain Forest, and hand it over to the head of the regiment, do you understand?"

"Yes, Chief of Staff!"

The guard immediately reassured.


After Feng Changxin nodded, he began to express all his guesses and plans.

As for the guard soldier, he recorded everything.

For the place where they are now, Feng Changxin can't guarantee [-]% safety.

Although, using the radio to send this situation back is the fastest.

But it's not necessarily safe.

He was worried that his words and plans would be stopped by the little devil.

Although the chances of such a thing happening are not very high.

But, it is also possible.

Therefore, he had to guard against this possible accident and directly kill it in the bud.

Otherwise, once an accident happens, it will really be over. At that time, everything that has been arranged now will be in vain. This is not what all of them want.

He, Feng Changxin, cannot be this sinner.

Although, there are risks in sending someone back.

However, this risk is the lowest.

"Okay, I'll read it after you finish writing!"

After Feng Changxin finished speaking, he took a sip of water, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

"Here, Chief of Staff!"

The guard handed the written paper to Feng Changxin.

Feng Changxin took it directly and looked at the above content.

5 minute later.

"That's it, you send it to the leader as quickly as possible."

Feng Changxin instructed: "The matter is of great importance. Once you have an accident and you are caught by a little devil, you know what to do, right?"

"Don't worry, Chief of Staff, I will swear to the death to protect the information."

The guard assured with a serious face.

They have been trained in this area.

So, I understand what to do in such a situation.

"Well, be safe and go!"

Feng Changxin waved his hand.

The fact is that at the beginning of the war, on the battlefield, intelligence is more important than anything else.

including life.

You must know that after a soldier makes a mistake, what he loses is his own life.

As for the intelligence, once there is an accident in the intelligence, what will be lost at that time will be the lives of more soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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