Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3192 Yang Fei Gets Information

Chapter 3192 Yang Fei Gets Information
In the plan of the two of them, as long as there are no problems and accidents at the beginning, it will be stable.

Thinking of the huge benefits that can be obtained from the completion of the plan this time, the excitement in Colonel Matsuhara Nori's heart could not be suppressed at all, and his face was full of excitement.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the performance of Chief Matsubara Nori, Chief Kitano Eji also laughed and said: "With the preliminary preparations, if this plan can't even get started, it means that the two of us are really useless. Therefore, such a situation is simply impossible.”

Chief Kitano Jiangji thinks very clearly that under such circumstances, the start is smooth, and it will be stable in the future, and there will be no accidents.

Just wait for the fruit that is about to ripen.

It's that simple.

Therefore, Chief Kitano Eji is not worried at all.

"Well, that's the same reason. If all of these fail, then the two of us don't need to prepare anything, just wait for the last time, haha!"

Colonel Matsuhara Nori said with a smile: "Kitano-kun, once we can get the news of the 73rd Division when we take down the Heavy Artillery Brigade, then we must make a quick decision. Otherwise, the 73rd Division will get the Heavy Artillery Brigade and we will kill it." After the news, we will definitely evacuate, escape, and continue to hide as quickly as possible. In this case, our plan will be destroyed. So, I feel that we have to arrange some advances in advance. "

Although Colonel Matsuhara Nori said that when he was thinking about things, he didn't pay attention to details.

However, considering the overall situation, it is actually possible.

Even Chief Kitano Eji didn't think about it.

At this time, Colonel Matsubara Nori had already started planning for this.

Before the first plan is completed, the deployment begins to prevent problems with the second plan, which leads to failure.

It has to be said that Colonel Kitano Eji was also surprised by the thoughts of Chief Matsubara Nori.

He really didn't think of this.

He didn't think about it at all.

What he's thinking now is how to complete this first plan properly without any accidents, and he didn't think so far at all.

Who knew that Song Yuanye had thought so far, and this surprised Chief Kitano Eji.

Even, there is a trace of fear.

However, when Colonel Kitano Eji thought that this Colonel Matsuharano never paid attention to details, he immediately felt relieved and let go of the fear that had just arisen in his heart.

Even if a person has a big picture and doesn't pay attention to the details of the plan, he can't succeed.

If there is someone around you who can help and perfect the details, then you can make up for this shortcoming and achieve success.

Unfortunately, the truth he knew was that there was no one around Matsubara Nori who had such talent.

Therefore, at this moment, the trace of fear in the heart of Chief Kitano Jiangji dissipated.

"Well, Mr. Songyuan, what you said is indeed very important. We need to prepare well in advance, plan, and make a backup plan. In this case, even if there is an accident at that time, then we will Don’t just sit back and watch the opportunity pass by.”

Thinking of this, Colonel Kitano Eji directly agreed with this point of view.

There is nothing to say, it is beneficial to the plan to prepare early now, it is not a waste of time, it is worth doing, and this is enough!

"How about this, Mr. Songyuan, without any other preparations, just arrange a brigade of troops to hide outside the Liuze area, don't leak anything, and just be on standby at any time."

Colonel Kitano Eji said: "At that time, as long as the traces of the 73rd Division are traced, let the troops of this brigade go to bite them first. In this way, we can buy enough time for us."

Master Kitano Eji directly expressed his thoughts.

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing, and it is not his own business, and it is not his own benefit in the end.

"Is the strength of a brigade small?"

Colonel Song Yuanye was a little worried, the strength of this brigade was not enough.

After all, that is also the 73rd Division, the strength of a division.

In his opinion, at least two brigades are needed.

Even if it is not a full brigade, there must be two brigades, not one brigade.

Otherwise, once an accident occurs, he is worried that the mobility of this brigade will not be sufficient, and accidents and mistakes will occur.


Chief Kitano Jiangji smiled and said: "Mr. Songyuan, we are just taking precautions against this. It is impossible to suppress the troops from the beginning. Otherwise, if there is an accident in the plan to encircle and suppress the heavy artillery brigade, what should we do? We can't make mistakes in the last two, and we can't get anything, and the bamboo basket will be empty when the time comes."

In fact, this was what Kitano Jiangji was most worried about.

In any case, he would not do such a thing as fetching water from a bamboo basket in vain.

What he has to do is to grasp the present at this moment, this is the most important thing.

Regardless of whether the 73rd Division can be won or not, the plan to win the Heavy Artillery Brigade cannot have any accidents.

Otherwise, all the preparatory work they did in the early stage would be wasted.

As for the loss, it seems that there is not much, but the real loss is still very large.

If the cooked duck flies away, it is the biggest loss.


Hearing General Kitano Eji say this, Zhongzuo Matsuhara Nori finally nodded, agreeing to this point.

He knew that what he thought just now was too far away.

Has broken away from their current plan.

This point can be defended in advance, but it is absolutely impossible to spend too much troops because of this.

Otherwise, there may be an accident in the end.

"Just do as Kitano-kun tells you."

Colonel Matsuhara Nori smiled and said, "It's because I took it for granted. I thought too far. I wanted to fly before the foundation was laid. This was my mistake!"

When it comes to admitting mistakes, Colonel Matsuhara Nori is not ambiguous.

This is what he learned from Liu Yuan Hejia.

In any case, wrong is wrong.

Since you are wrong, you must face it bravely.

Only then will progress be made.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to make progress.

At least, according to his previous practice and thinking, it is too difficult to make progress.

"Haha, Mr. Matsubara, what you said is not unreasonable, but you still have to focus on the present. You can plan and take precautions in the future, but you can't put all your energy into it. Otherwise, if you don't have the power to defend against these things in your hands, once you If there is an accident, the result is that the whole game will be lost, understand?"

Now that Chief Matsubara admitted his mistake, Chief Kitano Eji did not hesitate to point it out.

This is what he would like to do the most.

After all, it would make him even more capable.

Face problem.

"Yes, I see, Kitano-kun."

Colonel Matsuhara Nori is very educated.

"Let's do it according to the previous plan. Except for the precaution in advance, the strength of a brigade is completely enough. As for the others, it's hard to say now. Let's take one step at a time. Anyway, we must not have any accidents with the Heavy Artillery Brigade. Yes, Matsubara-kun, I still say the same thing, only the credit you get is the real credit, otherwise, it’s all castles in the air, all illusory!"

When Colonel Kitano Eji said this, his face became serious instantly.


The conversation between the two of them didn't last long, and then they each went to work on their own affairs.

After all, there are a lot of daily chores in the two alliances.


Donglin area.

new base.

Feng Changxin's guards, with the fastest speed, finally arrived at the new base before dawn.

He kept picking small paths along the way, taking advantage of the night, so no accidents happened.

Otherwise, if he went forward in such a fast way in broad daylight, he would probably be discovered by the little devil and cause trouble.

Fortunately, there were no surprises.

When the guards came to the new base, the first thing they saw was Chu Zhongyu.

"Deputy Head!"

Seeing Chu Zhongyu, the guards and soldiers expressed their intentions in the future.


As for Chu Zhongyu, when he heard these things, he was actually very surprised.

He didn't expect that after trading for such a short period of time, these little devils couldn't help it and wanted to plot against them.

These bastards are really dishonest.

You should kill, you shouldn't let one go.

"Okay, just give me the information, and I'll send it to the head."

Chu Zhongyu said directly: "Take a good rest and go back at night."

"Yes, deputy head!"

Hearing Chu Zhongyu's words, the guard soldier immediately took orders and walked outside the headquarters specially.

Rest, he really needs to rest now.

A night of marching is frightening, exhausting and exhausting.

"Little beasts, since you want to play, then play a big one, haha!"

As for Chu Zhongyu, looking at the information in his hands, he laughed and strode towards the place where Yang Fei lived.

He believed that Yang Fei would also be very happy after seeing the news.

After all, these little devils are really fucking crazy for doing this.

not authentic.

However, for these little devils to do so, there is no harm to them, and it is even beneficial.

They have already won the early development time.

These little devils also traded a lot of weapons, equipment and ammunition.

So, they now have the ability to turn the tables.

Even fighting these little devils now, is sure.

It's nothing more than the strength of the two regiments in the sky.

Soon, Chu Zhongyu came outside Yang Fei's room.

"Old Yang, good news. Good news!"

Before entering Yang Fei's room, Chu Zhongyu laughed and shouted.

Of course, Chu Zhongyu did it on purpose.

That's what he's going to do.

Who told Yang Fei not to let him rest.

"Ha ha!"

As for Yang Fei in the room, when he heard Chu Zhongyu's shout, he laughed and put down the pen and paper in his hand.

He took out a cigarette, lit it and walked outside.

Just in time, Chu Zhongyu walked in.

"What good thing?"

Yang Fei sat at the door, smoking a cigarette, and asked with a smile.

"Look, it's a good thing."

Chu Zhongyu handed the information in his hands to Yang Fei, smoked a cigarette on the table, and then sat opposite Yang Fei.

After Yang Fei received the information, he looked up.

"Ha ha!"

After seeing the content of this information, Yang Fei also laughed.

Although he thought about it before, what kind of tricks would Matsuhara Nori and Beiye Jiangji do.

However, he didn't expect that these two bastards would want to make preparations in such a short period of time.

Want to eat the heavy artillery brigade.

Hehe, the two of them probably still don't know that this so-called heavy artillery brigade is just a cover.

Thinking of this, the smile on Yang Fei's face became even wider.

This is just right, and it saves him the trouble of scheming these little devils. Since these two guys are here now, he will not be polite. Just like Feng Changxin said in the intelligence, just come and play tricks. up.

"Old Chu, this is indeed a good thing, it saves us time!"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Before, I was still thinking that after we finished training, we would need to do some calculations to kill these little devils. Looking at it now, I was completely thinking too much. These little devils There is no need for us to calculate, and now it is delivered directly to your door, this is, haha!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei laughed heartily.

OK, very good.

In this way, in his plan, he can also use the so-called 73 Division to continue to deceive these little devils.


Chu Zhongyu also laughed at this time, obviously, he also thought so in his heart.

"By the way, do you know the whereabouts of Division 73?"

The 73rd division, Yang Fei has always kept it in mind.

Let alone how the combat effectiveness is, there are still many soldiers in the 73rd Division.

If they can get the 73rd Division in their hands, then they will have more power in their hands.

At other times, he will have greater confidence in completely winning the Jinchuan theater.

"Division 73!"

Hearing this, Chu Zhongyu was silent for a while.

After all, Division 73 was his old boss.

However, for the senses of the 73rd Division, Chu Zhongyu was actually not very good.

He had been affiliated with the 73rd Division before.

The 73rd Division also killed many devils.

However, the last battle in the Liuze area became a thorn in Chu Zhongyu's mind.

At the beginning, he didn't think about it that way.

However, during this period of time, he thought about it carefully.

The 73rd Division was not authentic to him.

After he was given the task of attacking the Liuze area, the 73rd Division did not carry out a general offensive to attack the Jinchuan theater as planned.

What made him even more confused was that there had been no news from the 73rd Division for such a long time.

Obviously, at that time, his [-] regiment was regarded as a chess piece for the experiment.

From Chu Zhongyu's point of view, the 73rd division is just not authentic.

So, when Yang Fei asked the 73rd Division, Chu Zhongyu was a little silent.

As for the news and whereabouts of the 73rd Division, he actually didn't know it.

"The 73rd Division, I don't know where they are now. Anyway, since my 73th Regiment was disbanded, there has been no news of the 73rd Division. Even I suspect that the [-]rd Division saw the devils in the Jinchuan theater After the army was strong, they retreated and went to an unknown place."

When he said this, Chu Zhongyu felt a little bitter.

After all, the 73rd Division used to be his home.

As for him, he was like a child abandoned by his family.

Although he doesn't want to believe it.

However, the example of the [-] regiment is here.

Yang Fei also saw this at this time, and said with a smile: "Don't think so much, the people above think a lot, especially the National Army, so think about it!"

Regarding this, Yang Fei could only comfort Chu Zhongyu.

If this happened to him, he would definitely be unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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