Chapter 3201

The purpose of these little devils was very simple from the very beginning.

It was for the purpose of a surprise attack to do this.

When the sky just dawned, he directly chose shelling.

It is also an old routine in their battles.

After shelling first, suppressing the shelling, and destroying the battlefield, charge again and rush into the opponent's position to win.

This is the usual fighting method of these little devils.

Moreover, this fighting method is the best fighting method that these little devils have summed up in battles on the Chinese battlefield.

Artillery bombed, infantry rushed.

The artillery bombarded the infantry and rushed.

The infantry rushed past the artillery bombardment.

This time in the Zhonglishan raid and annihilation battle, the two officers, Matsuhara Nori and Kitano Eji, chose this fighting method.

There are no bells and whistles, just move forward as simple as that.

In the thoughts of Chief Kitano Eji and Matsubara Nori, other things are not so important at all, what matters is the result.




After the shelling was over, under the orders of the little devil's team leader and the squadron leaders, the soldiers of the little devil's brigades who had been prepared for a long time went directly to the central valley of Zhongli Mountain at the fastest speed, screaming, In the heavy artillery brigade's garrison, they rushed over.

It has to be said that after suppressing for half a month, these little devil soldiers also suppressed their fighting spirit to the peak.

From the charging speed of these little devils at this time, it can be seen completely.

The speed is really fast, like a mad dog that is hungry and crazy.

It's like a vicious dog out of the cage.

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"


The slogan was shouted so loudly and deafeningly that it could scare the deaf to death.


The top of a high mountain three miles away.

Feng Changxin watched the battle through a telescope.

When he saw that a large number of little devil soldiers rushed into the valley after the shelling of the devils, he laughed excitedly: "Haha, beasts, you came here by yourself. You are looking for death, haha!"

After laughing loudly, Feng Changxin directly gave the bombardment order: "Start the bombardment, and the rest of the team will surround and kill all the devils on the periphery, and complete the encirclement of these little devils at the fastest speed. After the encirclement, annihilate them as soon as possible. Not one left!"

According to the previous plan, it would be useful if some devils could be kept.

However, the plan was abandoned after three.

After all, these little devils are beasts, and they are not so rebellious. If something unexpected happens, it will affect the whole plan.

So, in the end, the idea was scrapped.

If there is a risk that it will affect this big plan, then it cannot be used.

The final plan is to kill all these little devils directly, and weaken the Matsubara United Team of Matsubara Nori and the Kitano United Team of Kitano Jiangji as much as possible.

In this way, the Dazuo officers who can better control the two devils, Kitano Jiangji and Songyuan Nori.

Yes, this is Yang Fei's plan.

Since you don't want to cooperate now, you don't want to trade.

Then, there is no need to exist, just kill it directly, weaken the troops hard, and finally control it.

This is Yang Fei's purpose.

Let me ask, what is the easiest and most trouble-free way to take down the Jinchuan Theater and kill the Jinchuan Theater Command of the devils.

That's devils beating devils, this is the fastest and least suspicious way.

This point is completely impossible with the help of the lieutenant officer who broke into the devil's theater headquarters before.

So, at this time, Yang Fei made second-hand preparations.

And the candidates for the second-hand preparation are the Colonel Matsuhara Nori and the Colonel Kitano Eji.

These two guys are the easiest to control because of their selfishness.

Yang Fei had already thought of this when he first came into contact with these two guys.

I didn't expect these two guys to be able to bear it so soon, and they were about to get into the hunting trap he had set up.

As the saying goes, the evils committed by heaven are still forgiven, but the evils committed by humans cannot be lived.

He was talking about the Colonel Kitano Eji and the Colonel Matsuhara Nori at this time.

At the moment when Feng Changxin issued the order, the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time immediately took action.

With the fastest speed, they rushed towards the intended target.

Of course, the artillery positions that had been hidden long ago also started shelling at this moment.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


The sound of shelling was so abrupt at this moment.

Completely broke the devil's beautiful plan.


The charging little devils rushed directly into the center of Zhongli Mountain Valley at the fastest speed.

At this time, these little devil soldiers were excited.

After all, the fact that they charge successfully means that they have succeeded.

The heavy artillery brigade was taken down, and this credit was taken down.

However, when they really rushed into the position and into the tent, they immediately felt that something was wrong.

What about people?

Not normal!

Looking at the things that were blown up by the shelling next to them, they are not human.


"Those who were destroyed by the blast were not human beings, nor were they heavy artillery!"

"Baga, what's going on here?"

"Scatter immediately, investigate!"

"Quick, quick!"


At this moment, these little devils really found out that something was wrong, and immediately issued an order to start the search.

And, report this situation as quickly as possible.

Not right.

It's so wrong.

On the periphery, the captain of the devil group and other officers who were about to enter here were also stunned when they saw the situation.

They have a lot of experience, and they found out at a glance that they were deceived.

This simply does not know where the Heavy Artillery Brigade is stationed.

These are fake.

In an instant, a bad premonition completely enveloped their hearts.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


But at this moment, there were bursts of shelling all around.

Cannonballs roared one after another.


"Get down!"

"We've been beaten!"




At this moment, these little devils, whether they were officers or soldiers, all became chaotic.

Facing the current situation, regardless of whether they are elite or not, they will be in chaos.

Don't forget, the situation they are in now is being shelled.


This thing is not a joke, even if it is the shelling of the mortar, or even the shelling of the grenade, this thing is not fun.

Fuck it!

So, these little devils, at this moment, are in chaos in an instant.

And at this moment of chaos, shells roared and fell.






Just like that, the little devils who rushed into the valley of Zhongli Mountain all fell on their backs and screamed again and again.

Even, some of their bodies were ruthlessly torn apart by shells.

Despair completely enveloped these little devils.


"Okay, haha!"

And Feng Changxin, who was on the top of the mountain three miles away, laughed heartily.


These little devils have been bombarded for a while. If they want to evacuate to maintain their combat effectiveness and organize their resistance, it will be impossible. It will be very difficult!
In a word, in Feng Changxin's perception, these little devils are doomed at this time, and there is no possibility of even fighting back.


And while the little devils were being shelled.

These little devils on the periphery also became chaotic.

But, under such circumstances, they are also numb.

As for the leading officer, he immediately issued an order: "Hurry up and kill the enemy's artillery positions according to the place where the artillery sound came from!"

It has to be said that these little devil officers have good fighting qualities, and they directly stated the key points and issued the most suitable orders.

Artillery positions, this is the most important.

"Bombardment, bombardment!"

"According to the place where the sound of the cannon came from, shell it!"


Of course, the devil's artillery position is also going to counterattack at this moment, directly attacking the artillery position.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"



However, it is a pity that at this time, a large number of Eighth Route Army soldiers suddenly ran out of all the places where there were little devils.

The soldiers pointed their guns at these screaming little devils, just shooting.




As for these little devils, under such circumstances, they were extremely flustered, and after receiving such a sudden blow, they didn't even have the ability to resist, so they were wiped out on the spot.

The soldiers who had completed the combat mission turned towards the valley and began to surround it.

Similarly, at the moment when the anti-encirclement and suppression battle started, groups of soldiers came directly to the place where the heavy machine guns were buried earlier, pulled out the heavy machine guns, and quickly built a heavy machine gun position. The mouth is aimed at the central valley of Zhongli Mountain, which is still under shelling.

These were arranged by Feng Changxin long ago.

After all, heavy machine guns are not easy to carry. Such a heavy iron bump can only be buried here in advance.

Take it out and use it directly at this time, which saves a lot of time.


"Bang bang bang!"


The shelling continued.

There are also quite a few little devils rushing out of the valley.

"Thumbs up!"

"Da da da!"


However, what greeted them was either heavy machine guns or light machine guns.

The soldiers were extremely excited, annihilating all these little devils who were hitting their guns.


With the last explosion, the shelling officially ended.

The battlefield in the valley became quiet in an instant.




And the screams of the little devils came instantly.




Of course, there are still many, many surviving little devils who immediately started to retreat at this moment.

Wounded soldiers, they have no time to treat them.

Escaping now is the most correct choice. If you choose to rescue the wounded at this time, then everyone will die together.

Regarding this point, these little devils still know how to choose.

Therefore, the little devils at this moment, like crazy, began to flee outside the valley.

Even if there was an ambush outside the valley, they couldn't care less. In the valley, only one died.

Escape, maybe you can still live.

If you hide here and don't go to break through, once the opposite side surrounds you, it is doomed to be a dead end.

Whether it is life or death, the little devils at this time are still very good at making choices.

A large number of little devils directly started to break out of the valley.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Da da da!"


However, it is a pity that it is impossible for these little devils to break through when the soldiers have already completed the encirclement and have set up heavy machine gun positions and light machine gun positions. .

The plan of Yang Fei and Feng Changxin directly killed their hope.

I have already expected how these little devils will do it, and have made all plans and preparations.

It's that perfect.

The little devil is doomed.

The battlefield is violent and deafening.


At this time, Colonel Matsuhara Nori and Colonel Kitano Eji in the office of the Ruze Regional Headquarters were waiting for the good news with smiles on their faces.

After all, the plan for the raid and annihilation battle this time was formulated by the two of them, and it was perfect enough.

Under such circumstances, victory is destined to belong to them.

So, they just wait for the good news in the headquarters office.

"Haha, Kitano-kun, I can't restrain the excitement in my heart at this time."

Colonel Song Yuanye said excitedly: "This is a heavy artillery brigade, which far exceeds the establishment of the two of us. This is a great contribution, haha."

I have to say, it is true.

With the establishment of two wings, it is a real big gain to be able to kill a heavy artillery brigade at this time.

At this time, it wasn't the time when the battle had just started. At that time, a few imperial soldiers could chase a battalion or even a regiment of Huaxia.

It is different now, the Huaxia army has started to counterattack, and its combat effectiveness has also increased very, very powerfully.

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for the general wing to kill troops with the formation of the Heavy Artillery Brigade.

And today, they are about to achieve this step, and they will take this huge credit into their hands.

"Hehe, Matsubara-kun, it's normal to be excited. I'm also very excited now. After all, from the beginning to now, although there have been many battles, there are no battles, gains, etc. that can be compared with this time. , so it is normal to be excited, and I am also very excited in my heart."

The same is true for Chief Kitano Jiangji, he just didn't show such excitement.

He was also extremely excited.

"Also, I feel that this victory is just the beginning. As long as we repay this credit, we don't want other rewards. We need troops, we need equipment supplements, etc., to strengthen ourselves, and the rest of the rewards are It's secondary."

At this time, Chief Kitano Jiangji had planned even this point.

I have to say, he really knows how to calculate.

Otherwise, I would not have thought of this step.

"Well, I also firmly believe that, Kitano-kun, the future is up to you, and I will cooperate with you if you have any plans."

Colonel Matsubara also immediately promised at this time.

He had only one idea at this time, and it was right to follow Colonel Kitano Jiangji.

The great military exploits that are about to be reaped are the best example.

"Listen, Kitano-kun, the sounds of battle, gunshots, and cannons are so wonderful at this moment!"

Listening to the sound of guns and guns, Colonel Matsubara Nori was immersed in it.

"Ha ha!"

Chief Kitano Jiangji also laughed out loud.

He thought, based on the time, the battle would be over soon.

Victory and military exploits belong to them!

(End of this chapter)

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