Chapter 3207

That's what Kitano Eji thought about Chief Matsuhara Nori.

Be silly. In this case, it will be easier for him to reap after Matsuhara Nori grows up.

Otherwise, if Matsubara Nori is also a scheming person, it would be impossible for him to harvest.

There is even the possibility of being harvested.

"In this case, Kitano-kun, we can only continue to wait!"

Colonel Matsubara understood this, and his complexion was very ugly, but he had no other choice.

"Well, that's the only way to go!"

Commander Kitano Jiangji nodded and continued: "Just wait and see, I don't believe they will keep us waiting, besides, this time we have lost so much, we must report to the theater command, wait a minute You are telling them, just ask them, how should we report our losses to the theater command this time, and what should we do if the theater command is held accountable?"

This is the thought and plan of Colonel Kitano Eji at this time.

Push the difficulty of the matter to the other party and let the other party solve it.

However, if the other party can't solve it, then it's not their problem and reason.

"Okay, Kitano-kun, just do what you say."

Colonel Matsuhara Nori thought for a moment, and it was true.

Now, they have lost so much that they can't hide it from the theater command, so they must report it.

And if the other party wants to use them to do things, they must first solve this matter, otherwise, after the accountability is settled, they will have a hard time, and the other party will not get any benefits from them. They believe that this is absolutely impossible. It's not what the other party wants.

If you want to use them, you have to deal with the things they are facing first, otherwise, if you want to cooperate, hehe, it is impossible.

Thinking of this, Colonel Matsubara's heart immediately felt refreshed, and the anger and depression also dissipated a lot.

He believes that those guys from the Heavy Artillery Brigade will definitely be in a lot of trouble when faced with this situation.

Not easy to solve.

This matter is difficult for both him and Colonel Kitano Jiangji.

He wanted to see how the Heavy Artillery Brigade would solve this matter.

"Drip drip drip!"

"Drip drip!"


In this way, Colonel Matsubara sent this matter to Feng Changxin in the form of a telegram.

"Wait and see how they respond. I hope they can arrange something for us, so that we can also make a counterattack plan based on this."

Chief Kitano Jiangji nodded with a smile.

Afterwards, Colonel Matsubara Nori and Colonel Kitano Eji smoked in the confidential room and began to wait.


Hidden forest, temporary headquarters.

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the telegram in his hand, Feng Changxin shook his head disdainfully.

He had expected this.

But, Yang Fei told him, so don't pay attention.

Therefore, Feng Changxin directly asked the soldiers around him to call back.

Ignore it, don't report it, and this matter cannot be spread.

The telegram was quickly replied.





Senior Commander Kitano Eji and Senior Commander Matsuhara Nori in the confidential room immediately shouted and cursed angrily after seeing the telegram in their hands.

They thought that the other party would come up with some ideas, at least to help them deal with this matter.

Who knew that there were only these few words in the telegram, so they obviously wouldn't care about it right away.

How does this make the two of them accept it.

As for the matter not being reported, the matter will not get out, this point is not guaranteed by Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori.

They didn't know how the people in the heavy artillery brigade could be so sure that this matter would not spread.

This is so special.

Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori looked at each other, and the anger in their hearts could be imagined.

But, they just have fire and have no place to vent it now.

If you get angry at someone, you can't get angry at their own people.

Of course, they also want to see if this matter will be discovered by the theater command if it is not reported.

If they are not discovered and the theater command does not send them missions, then everyone will be truly happy.


time flies.

Under Yang Fei's arrangement, the deployment step by step, the plans one by one, etc., were all completed in secret.

The final structure connected by these small plans is for the big plan.

After such a long time, Yang Fei's plan can finally be finished.

During this period of time, Feng Changxin taught the two officers, Kitano Eji and Matsuhara Nori, to be submissive.

Although Kitano Jiangji has always had his own schemes, Feng Changxin saw them all and broke them at will.

Under such circumstances, Kitano Jiangji was desperate.

He didn't even have any calculations, and he just obeyed his orders, and didn't dare to violate them in the slightest.

Under such circumstances, Yang Fei's big plan can finally start.

time flies.

Yang Fei's telegram arrived at Feng Changxin.

After Feng Changxin saw it, he sent it directly to Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori.

Soon, the two officers in the Liuze area, Kitano Eji and Matsuhara Nori, received this telegram.

Looking at the appearances of Kitano Eji and Matsuhara Nori Dazuo at this time, they no longer have the same style as before, and some have decadence in their eyes.

They were not without resistance.

However, the resistance failed.

Therefore, at this time, Chief Kitano Eji and Chief Matsubara Nori completely accepted the arrangement of fate.

I dare not resist anymore.

"Kitano-kun, Feng has sent the latest instructions."

Colonel Matsuhara Nori said to Colonel Kitano Eji: "We have to hurry up and make arrangements."

"What is the specific task?"

Chief Kitano Eji looked at Matsubara Nori and asked.

"The day after tomorrow, we will bring people back to the Jinchuan area, enter the headquarters, and make a surprise attack to take down the theater headquarters."

Colonel Matsubara Nori said directly: "The specific arrangement is as follows. The 73rd Division has been wiped out by us, and this time when we return to the theater headquarters, we will bring prisoners of war, the commander of the 73rd Division, etc., to give to Commander Major General Ishigi Taro See you, taking advantage of this opportunity, after we go to the theater command, launch a surprise attack, and strive to take down the theater command in the shortest possible time!"

When saying these words, Colonel Matsubara was very calm.

If he had done this before, he would have been extremely angry in his heart, furious on the spot.

But now, after experiencing Feng Changxin's severe beating of him, Colonel Matsubara Nori, who was in despair, had recognized this clearly and dared not do anything more.

He had to accept his fate, otherwise he would have to die, and he didn't want to die.

Under such circumstances, he was even more so, resolutely obeying orders.

As the saying goes, it is numb.

The same is true of Kitano Jiangji, who is on the side.

Now he was completely demoralized by the blow, and he didn't even dare to fight back.


He now deeply understands that his so-called calculation is a complete joke in front of Feng Changxin and others.

Colonel Kitano Eji now fully accepts this.

There is nothing to say, in order to survive, everything is resigned to fate.

Resistance is impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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